Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Wednesday November 19, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Wednesday November 19, 2014. The #0 NEW BEGINNINGS cards came up. By: Sereda. It is good to feel lost… because it proves you have a navigational sense of where “Home” is. You know that a place that feels like being found exists. And maybe your current location isn’t that place but, Hallelujah, that…
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Tuesday November 18, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Tuesday November 18, 2014. Archangel Gabriel BALANCE & Archangel Metatron MERCY cards came up. By: Sereda. If you don’t get lost, there’s a chance you may never be found. ~Author Unknown Today’s inspirational reading speaks of the fact that you are in the middle of the month of November. It’s almost the first of…
Exciting November New Updates
Hi there, I hope you’ve had a great weekend. In case you missed it here are the links to this weekends reading below. This is a Daily Inspirational reading you don’t want to miss! Finally, last month I had an epiphany that some of you may prefer to listen to your daily readings instead of reading them sometimes. On top of…
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Monday November 17, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Monday November 17, 2014. The 4 of Swords, The Hermit, 7 of Wands, 4 of Wands cards came up. By: Sereda. An angel can illuminate the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision. ~St Thomas Aquinas Today’s inspirational reading reveals that some of you are looking forward to taking another break. Your weekend…
Weekend Channeled Inspirational Reading for Fri, Sat, Sun November 14, 15, 16, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Weekend Channeled Inspirational Reading for Fri, Sat, Sun November 14, 15, 16, 2014. The #1 New Vitality, #7 Crown Chakra, #8 Dedicated Effort cards came up. By: Sereda. Turn your wounds into wisdom. ~Oprah Winfrey Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler…
Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Thursday November 13, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Thursday November 13, 2014. The #8 Control, #20 Blossom, #6 Believe & Succeed cards came up. By: Sereda. Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. ~Author Unknown If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.…
Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Wednesday November 12, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Wednesday November 12, 2014. The #7 Seek The Truth, #9 Rest & Reconsider, #4 Heart chakra cards came up. By: Sereda. Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain. ~Author…
Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Tuesday November 11, 2014
Greetings dear ones, here’s your Daily Channeled Inspirational Reading for Tuesday November 11, 2014. The #17 HEAL, #18 CONFRONT, #4 Heart chakra & # 6 Third eye chakra cards came up. By: Sereda. Some things can only be understood when you’re in a tree house. With a pile of warm chocolate chip cookies. And a book. ~Dr. SunWolf Today’s guidance for this…
Exciting November New Updates
Hi there, I hope you’ve had a great weekend. In case you missed it here are the links to this weekends reading below. This is a Daily Inspirational reading you don’t want to miss! Finally, last month I had an epiphany that some of you may prefer to listen to your daily readings instead of reading them sometimes. On top of…