My insight from spirit today:
Peace, this is a picture from this weekend. Happy Monday to you fellow co-creator , starseed, light and dark worker (everyone doesn’t use the same meanings of some of these words)! I’m rocking some classical music. Having morning of clarity and inspiration. Writing in my journals. As I’m sitting in my bedroom- it’s Monday around noon. I Just munched on…
Documenting My Life 19: Living my Muse. Releasing My Creative Vault further into the World!
⭐️It’s Sunday on the Calendar. All is now! I’m feeling poetic. So I’ll share my thoughts on The word Muse and how I like to play with it🥺. ⭐️Today is officially a Sunday, where I have come into some pretty real connections about my person. ⭐️I woke up wanting to float in my ideas. Instead I went a step further,…
Documenting My Journey- A Day in the Life Of A Starseed- Intro
Documenting My Journey- A Day in the Life Of A Starseed INTRO Click picture to listen to audio ——————>
Dive Deeper Into Your Being, Learn and Live Your Most Beautiful Truth With Numerology
Finding numerology has been truly life-changing! Hi, today It’s Storytime, Let me tell you my story about how and why numerology has had such a profound effect on my life as well as countless others! It was many years ago when I learned of numerology, I still remember when my parents used to drop me off…
The Most Potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is Here asking: How Can You Be More of Who You Really Are?
Hello lovely people, Good day to you and blessings. Here’s your Lunar report for the end of July 2018. I’ve been writing this blog update for you for several days to see what’s really taking place in the energy here. This message is brought to you by the portal number 9 times 3. The date of the eclipse today on…
Spirit guide messages from SOBA: A Full Moon Eclipse New Video is up
Check out the full video: Peace everyone, It’s an important day again. Each day we come forth to remember who we are is an amazing feat! We must hold tight. Remember we have come from the darkness now we’re in the light. Nothing but illusion and fun and fancy are here.. for many others it’s destiny, destruction, lies, deceit and…