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Documenting My Life Journey: Episode- Shine Bright Like A Diamond

It’S the energy of 9/9/2019 today!

This is a Swift Energy Clearing time.

This portal is open for us to manifest.

9 days after today there will be a new shift

which we haven’t seen before like this!

On this day 9 days from now

..basically Until the date of 9/18/2019 we have to write what we want to replace the old patterns and memories. The past 9 months are getting cleared away with this 10-day cycle and I am excited. 9:9:19 is POrtal number 9:9:9.

Let’s talk about this vibration honey…now.

HI, thanks for coming,

Welcome back and welcome!


To a time of discovery, self-actualization, and Opportunity.

Glad you found my blog, my home online too!

Anyway, how are all of you?

Let me know below in the comments.

and let’s begin.

What I have for you today is two audio messages on the same day. In honor of this 9:9:9 time we’re in now.

Listen to the first podcast message Which is: Documenting My Life Journey- Shine Bright Like A Diamond. The entire reason for me typing this particular blog is because of the messages from this morning. Which then urged me on to leave all these clues, messages with insight for myself.

Listen to the second podcast message Which is: Documenting My Life Journey- 14:14 God IS REAL. Look at You! Which is Also for you to listen to.

Spirit really nudged me to share

this message of how to SHINE BRiGHT LIKE A Diamond. Then the other Cosmic Ascension Transmission came through just as I was waiting for my Quiche to cool off in the kitchen. I have the recipe too. Look for it in my new cookbook ebook coming.

Listen to the audios above to connect with the heartfelt channeled message from spirit. It’s about today. It’s life-changing I feel too.

After you listen,

sit with the messages and let them vibrate within you. It’s an ascension message from SOBA.

This lovely amazing powerful transit is worth me sharing. It’s a nice portal to manifest with. This is why we are going in hardcore over the next few weeks. Subscribe for all the updates.

So, basically this is today’s date: September 9th, 2019. One of the most perfect moments exists now for making your dreams, wishes and desires come true.

If you’re ready. It’s happening today! Also after today for the next 9 days. Oh, there’s something I must share with you. It’s about how a special very potent this very portal is which is Wide open for us. 

Today, well,

It’s pretty significant for those who know the deal with symbolism. This is a direct message from the other side. Spirit Guides speak to us strongly now.

As a medium and psychic myself. This is a vibration I know will breakthrough all bullshit from the past that was constantly seeming to be in the way! What way will you breakthrough into being more of you? Think more abou

If you’ve been feeling like you’re not able to manifest.. You’ll have another chance. Now it’s one of those magical moments.

This is a portal which is opening to guide us back away from the so-called Past immature history of ours. It’s to bring us Out and away from the pasts, we have been programmed with. 

This is a time when

you could just all of a sudden “Get it! Whatever that means for you. There is a big payback nestled in this portal for all of us. If we’re ready, It’s number 9:9:9. It’s here for us to shed the skin we no longer need and thankfully it has the power to make this happen on all kinds of multiple levels.

Not all portals are created equal. That’s ok. That’s why I don’t jump on all the portals when they open. I choose the ones I want to create with and use.

Now how about this Frequency

which is portal 999?

You can use this energy current to ride the wave of Now to manifest your goals, wishes, and desires. To clear past heavy karma and lessons. Do it divine beings.

Finally, many of us are ready for the next step in life. We know and feel so very deserving! This changes everything! Yay!

Also with this vibration if you choose to use it: You will connect with the most resources that you have in a while! Within days of this, you’ll attract a renewed current of blessings.

From all the work you’ve been doing.

Whether or not you have been consistent every day or not. Now is a time when you’ll graduate from where you are to a whole lot more of the space -that you are truly wanting to be in!

Some of you will just begin forming the new connections now with this vibe. Relationships are moving up or out, powerful expressions of you will come to the fore focus before October begins Hunny.

So you don’t want to miss this. Powerful people are sliding into your life that want to grow with you. These people want to see you succeed. You can notice the way things start to improve rapidly from what they were. Watch.

999 awakens the goodness that we have been focused on. It’s profound wishing well energy for sure. Which makes it even faster to manifest currently!

Basically let me say it like this:

Everything that you and I have been doing…affirmations, journaling, being mindful, being intentional, remembering who we are, living our truth, standing up for ourselves,

But that’s not it, also us being open to what the universe is showing us, doing the good work of becoming better, visualizations, meditations, deep breathing, prayers, being positive, regular inner work, self-improvement these things are what are paying off for us! Old Karma is Leaving us. Seriously. Will you be manifesting what you want now? Say yes!

It’s a time to cleanse your energy so that you can uncross yourselves to better receive your greatest life. I’ve got a couple of cleansing prayers that do almost all of the energy cleaning that you may need. This helps, it also makes it super simple too.

If you’re wanting to be liberated

from things like old memories, toxic attachments-mindsets- people, trauma patterns, old situations if you want to reembrace or let go of people from your past,let go of old cycles, old outdated feelings, challenging situations will go, you’ll be rewarded for all you’ve done.

It’s universal law so it’s happening! Also, Intentions no matter what they are will be rewarded swiftly. Open your hands if you’re ready to receive.

Say thanks portal 999. I am open, ready, deserving and expecting of the best feel-good life possible. Bless you, God and thanks-all the way around. Leave your comments on what you’ve been doing lately. Let us know what’s working or not for you at this time.

Talk to you soon.

Queen Sereda.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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