Get Ready for the Next Fascinating Super New Moon Solar Eclipse!
Queen Sereda 👑 here-
Hi how are you? 💌
Lets’s begin!
I’ve been doing all kinds of preparations for this particular new moon. I’ll share my New Moon Clearing ritual Soon you’ll know why I feel optimistic regarding all the changes going on.
You will want to know all the juicy details of this coming eclipse.
Are you ready?
Quite soon, we’ll experience an incredibly rare occurrence of a New Supermoon Solar Eclipse that will switch on the Moon’s North Node in Leo.
The sun loves to be eclipsed. – Marty Rubin
The sun loves to be eclipsed. – Marty Rubin
On August the 11th,
There will be an event in the sky that will send glitter with sparkles all over the place. This glitter is sure to empower, uplift and even motivate you!
Queen Sereda
Where is Our Lady New Moon?
The new moon this month is sitting across from north node in Leo in preparation for the shiny new You to be unearthed!
New moon transits can be very quiet so I didn’t think anything of it…
Then a couple weeks ago this cluster of planets also known as a big fat cosmic dream was getting ready before anyone really knew about the alignment.
Still, I feel as if we could still sense the fueling effect with the last full moon we sat through. A new moon eclipse is often a sensitive time. Judging from the amount of readings and consultations I did at this time as we approached the new moon I noticed a few details about this moon being totally interesting and stunning. We’ll discuss why in a few.
Ever since only a couple weeks back life has been shifting as you know it! You can feel something life changing brewing beneath the surface regardless. With so many planets literally falling back in the sky whoa it’s been a silly 😜 ride lately with 3 eclipses one behind the other!
Comparing what you see during an eclipse to the darkness at night is like comparing an ocean to a teardrop. -Wendy Mass
The Full Moon visited us last month
…then again this month of August it’s been potentially emotionally draining for many people.
You see, our Mother moon 🌙 has been showing us projections of what’s inside our complex minds. Mother moon wants you know if you like what you’ve become or are you up for a full life plus a beauty makeover?
Are you open to this change?
Have you liked the show or are you already tapping the stop ✋ 🛑 button with both hands?
With all those Retrograde planets running backwards- You’ve been able to even tune into the changes from all 6 planets in reverse motion energetically.
Pure magic.
Are you getting this?
The full transformation that’s taking place around and inside of us?
That’s why I wrote you today.
For real, I can sure feel it. Even I have been called to come out of my mermaid cove out here in order to radically embrace change and grow!
As an intuitive psychic reader my clients have all seemed to want to heal from their pasts. What are retrogrades best used for you ask?
God’s blessings go far beyond anything we could ever dream. – Anonymous
God’s blessings go far beyond anything we could ever dream. – Anonymous
What are Retrogrades for?
I’m sure glad you asked. Honey, retrogrades are best suited for going back in review to make something better in you plus in your life.
Be sweet to you, don’t be so rough on you or others at this time. Retrogrades can be a time of boundless lessons to grow from. These retrogrades are also perfectly suited for creative healing for the past, present and future.
Traditionally in astrology,
A multiple retrograde planetary alignment like the one we have taking place in the sky is known to be just the right time frame to…
Reflect on life
- Review your lessons
- Rest and reconsider
- Recenter yourself
- Rediscover your passion
- Reconnect with your life purpose
- Reclaim your focus
- Recharge your inner batteries
- Reactivate your prosperity
- Redesign your life
- Reconnect with your inner child
- Rediscover your dreams
- Recharge your will power
- Regain your courage
An ideal time to heal your inner child from hurts of the past.
Yes, each time there are retrograde transits things can be intense and ultra entertaining too. When I think of the actual affect of retrogrades when they come-
The dang retro time period is longer than it needs to be.
Plus it’s like an unexpected visit from the ghost of Christmas past, present and future that can show up at the most optimal time 🏡 or inconvenient time (quite often it’ll feel like the wrong time) to help us deeply clean house (aka our whole Life) lol.
Psychic intuitive consultations and readings are what I love doing! The readings have been pretty powerful as of lately. It’s such a touchy time. Lots of unfinished business to tend to for each of us. On top of that, things can look a bit chaotic at present for some of us.💝 We must go on.
Once every lunar eclipse, you should be able to see me smile! – Sophie Turner
Once every lunar eclipse, you should be able to see me smile! – Sophie Turner
Find the Magic in all of this
Don’t sweat the foolishness. Find a way to laugh this mess off. It’s heavy. It doesn’t have to be though. Release. That’s my advice with everything going on for some of you.
New moons can also point to you feeling withdrawn a bit, feeling less than confident, limited, depressed.
Because of this new moon and all the planets in retrograde, we can all use some extra sweet reassurance that all is well even though we’ve been through the wire and the dang fire.
Allow me to pass some reassurance to you now.
Even with everything cycling in and out of our lives at present- trust we’ll be alright.
With all the changes that will have to be made in order to step into the next chapter of opportunities and adventure remind yourself that things will smooth out in time. Like Any day now…!
Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason. …And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason, for anything. – Stephanie Meyer
Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason. …And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason, for anything. – Stephanie Meyer
Hang on.
We’ll get through. Stay with me though, as I help you make the most of this sizzling Hot transformational time.
For now I’ll go. Subscribe so you won’t miss any updates.
In the following article tomorrow I’ll have more to share and discuss with you in more details regarding the new moon eclipse and also how to thrive during all the changes.
How are you dealing with this eclipse?
I’ll tell you that I know it can be tense. I’ve had to do a whole lot of breathing. The clearing is a good thing but You may be ready for the Intuitive cosmic clearing to end.
I get it, please understand that there’s no better time for starting over and gaining new success in your life than Saturday which is tomorrow.
This is about when the super new moon and partial solar eclipse in Leo will dance in the sky while sharing all its blessings with us!
Are you over all this eclipse stuff. Tryin to find your focus and flow?
Come Grab your clarity session with me by visiting the link above. Or you can even send a message to me via the contact button above, and also feel free to reach out by voicemail directly through my website homepage or email me at:
Build with us so that we can all learn from each other…
Always I look for your updates and comments on how you’re experiencing the current planetary transits.
I’d appreciate it if you can share a comment below to let us know how you’ve been coping with the back to back eclipse energies currently.
Queen Sereda
Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda