The planets and astrology transits

Mercury Retrograde Is Perfectly Placed & So Are You


Hi, It’s me.

I go by the name of Queen Sereda nowadays. The article you’re about to read was first written when my writing was different.

The writing is still readable lol. So let’s go get into it! Before Mercury starts moving direct again and I miss another chance to get this out.

I’m coming at you with an article that I wrote years ago. I had every intention to get this blog article published back when I channeled and wrote the information and ideas here.

Why didn’t I get the thing out then? I ended up having some spiritual lessons that showed me that I needed to begin to look at certain happenings in my life differently.

One of those experiences and events happens to be Mercury retrograde. When you read this you’re going to see this article has some older days in it for examples. But pay no attention to that. Because a Mercury Retrograde is going to play out how it does.

If you don’t know the cheat codes to protect you from its adverse influences. I’ll share what I’ve learned through working with my psychic powers and my spirit guides. There may be some typos in this article.

It’s going to get fixed. Enjoy the article for now. Because the show must go on. Look at how far we are already into the new year!


People like to say that Mercury Retrograde is about: Delays, delays, going backward and still further backward…

Whenever you feel like you’re against the wall then add a story about Mercury to the list of characters. This can begin to sound like the Mercury retrograde that so many of us have come to know about.

For the past few years, the comedic planet has gotten my feathers all tangled more than just once.

As I sink into my chair thinking about the way I literally moved with the winds during this Mercury retrograde in March 2013 when I first got the strongest nudge to channel this article…

I’m pinching my arm to see if I even know just how I whizzed by one city to another within a small frame of time without so much as a reading or anything to check the scene prior to my wild adventure that took place just about a month ago now.

I am glad I did it, I went in through the storm. There was a huge payment delay at that time but I did plenty of inner work to stay calm as much as possible. Let me share some of the Mercury retrograde details with you.

Quote by Steven Forrest: “Mercury retrograde isn’t bad; it just takes some planning to cooperate with the energies. It’s meant to be spent assimilating experiences, reviewing the past, and redoing, in general. As a matter of fact, if you really want to get the most out of Mercury retrograde, confine your activities as much as possible to those that have “re” attached to the beginning of the word. Reschedule appointments, repair vehicles, return to the past, rewrite documents and agreements, and so forth.”


What is a Mercury retrograde?

Generally Mercury Retrograde is a three-week time frame where the infamous planet Mercury slides into a backward motion. The planets backstepping motion causes a change or two to go down around the world. Mercury Retrograde is a time to go back to finish previous tasks, projects, and ideas that we once started.

The planet Mercury is said to carry the vibration of a trickster especially in communication matters and is often blamed for setbacks, late flights, disappearing stuff. Where are my key type of moments? Like for real where are my dang keys?

As a result of a single planet doing its thing regularly, it seems… Mercury Retrograde comes about…

  • 3 times a year

  • For 3 weeks at a time

For example, let’s look at these older retrograde dates:

Mercury Retrograde Dates for 2013

February 23- March 17 <—– Here we are, as I wrote this article.
June 26- July 20
October 21- November 10

Oh, Mercury’s number just so happens to be the number 3, that’s right you guessed it! It is at this time that beings experience many adverse effects, such as:

  1. A tendency to take things the wrong way

  2. Over analyzation of details

  3. Perceiving what’s not even there

  4. Memory loss, loss of time, loss of items

  5. Missed details, a loss of common sense

As for technology many unexpected glitches occur during this time, such as:

  • Software crashes and emails getting lost in transition.

What else can happen dammit?

Well, I’m glad you asked lol. Flat out, it’s not a good time to sign any contracts, start new jobs, new relationships period. You can just be calm about the results that may come. You can also bet that It’s not usually a good time to travel long distances unless you have a very- very- very flexible schedule.

There’s actually more on this list to top it off! I’m just being silly today actually because we are in a Mercury retrograde. It’s a fun one too, oh yess. Now, what else happens?

Messages get misinterpreted. I’m talking like; taken completely out of context. Guess what else? Well, breakups in friendships and relationships; both business partnerships plus passionate relatings take a quick dive out of the blue for little to no reason around this time. And often it happens each and every time during mercury retro only most of the planet didn’t get their copy of the astrological updated memo.

Why the heck do people just end relationships like that? Sometimes it’s time for time to be taken away to replay the past to make a better present. Other times the break up is just temporary so when mercury goes back direct the couple will merge back as a strengthened team. Many astrologers speak on this being due to the communication mishaps.

Here’s a couple of Mercury Retrograde Mantra’s that work like a charm:

Everything is happening in divine real time.

~Sereda Aleta Dailey


I can control how I feel and I choose to feel good and allow life to move all around me in peace.

~Sereda Aleta Dailey


All is well, I choose to reflect and plan on living life in abundance. 

~Sereda Aleta Dailey

How To Cope During Mercury Retrograde Times

The fix for all that happens or doesn’t during Mercury retro is to take life slower, breathe, get your sleep, REFLECT, don’t watch the clock and remember to go back in time to work on past projects that you so desperately want to wrap up however due to the work/ life flow you haven’t completed previous work.


Another simple action to put into action during the Mercury Retrograde season is to remember to Just breathe. Life comes in cycles and a new day shall come. Know that. Smile.

To Sum It All Up

Wait- Do not start new projects! most likely there will be a trail of unwanted mishaps when beginning new ventures then you’ll find yourself going in a never-ending circle playing I have to fix this. Before you know it you wouldn’t have gotten anywhere at all on your quest. So remember Mercury retrograde means – Go back..meditate, listen to music, take time to listen and incorporate less reaction, get some sun, talk about your gains, gratitude then watch all the good seeds that you plant rapidly grow.

There is no one list of Mercury retrograde expectations or items to look for. We each have our own interpretations and experiences, there are general patterns that do surface at different times on every single Mercury Retro cycle, hopefully, mine helps a bit. Always know that By no means should you be fearful at all.

I say that because I wrote another really detailed blog article about Mercury Retrograde here. You may really want to see that one. 

Just remember to take your time. Write yourself a little note that says some Mercury retrograde mantras, quotes, affirmations to stay on point. While you’re at, please share your journeys about the Mercury retrograde cycle at the end of this article. We would love to hear about your insights. 

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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