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The Power of Using Clearing Affirmations for Your Success 11:11

An anonymous yogi who was full of love once said that all the faces of the world are your face. That life is a continuation of ourselves in an endless cycle of ever becoming. This resonated with me to explore these words more through considering the power of thought, suggestion and deed.

It’s amazing to have the power to use the tools of this planet as we can at any time. this is a great blessing we have access to. This is in addition to the other blessings we have access to as well. The number of blessings is far and long so I’ll share a piece in this blog. Come let us explore the power of working with affirmations.

Do you know about the omnipotent power that is always backing affirmations?

This power is the energy in all things and people here…

This power is the signature of all that is.

This power can aid us in doubling down on just what will work for us to get us the success we personally want.

This power can help us figure out what our divine life purpose is.

This power can help us to see if our vision is one that has a positive or negative flavor.

This power can aid us in grasping our gifts, talents, and abilities.

This power is always behind us.

This power has provided us constant unwavering access to our naturally given right to choose.

This power can reveal to us how to envision our goals and focus with lots of self-love.

This power reminds me of my essence- My truth.

This power is about self-realization and expanding my consciousness, learning to enjoy life in order to be a positive force in some way in our world. I’m just like you. I do want to see the world as always beautiful. I do desire to help the world bring about it’s best experiences yet!

This writing is about that too. It’s about the basics of being on a spiritual journey. It’s been said by wise teachers that you must share the insights, lessons, messages, words of wisdom, and any vital gems that can assist someone else on their lifepath-while they are living too. This is exactly why I have this blog plus its the very reason for this updated blog post for you today.

This is a blogpost to encourage us to unite in the name of divine love.

Yes, It’s time for people to unite. It’s about time that we live completely in our truth. It’s time we love nature for all that it is. It’s about time because It’s a tough time for many people in the world! From all the study and research I’ve seen from these amazingly great visionaries of our world…they all are saying all the time that no matter what- It’s going to be ok.

Also, these visionaries often speak about the importance of mindfulness. The vitalness of being intentional about what you do, think also what you want. When you are being deliberate about what you want then you can witness the positive transformations taking place in you and all around you as a direct effect of your focus, awareness also attention to details. It’s a wonderful universe especially when we work in tandem with the unchanging, ever-moving flow of life to open to what’s wanted but to clear the rest.

This is the reason I am writing to you again with an updated blog post from a while back. This blog post was first written on Published Jun 18, 2012, @ 19:47 then I updated the blog post several times before November 8, 2014, at 10:46 am. Today I’m republishing this blog with more updates,

Due to the interesting times, we are in now I’m bringing you an update on this practice of utilizing affirmations for yourself to improve your mind power which will shift everything for you.

But why? It’s been said that according to the universal laws of the universe that what you hold in your mind shall show up in your life. It’s said that as Scientists, Biologists and other researchers have looked into what it really means to live a beautiful life…they have said that each person has a chance at living their ideal life if they only knew how to use the power of their own mind. After many years of seeing affirmations be used, incorporated, and repeated by myself along with so many others… I have to say that intentionally cultivating a healthy, balanced, positive mindset can change one’s life.

Now, ask yourself these questions.

Have you had a chance to use affirmations during your day?

Have you taken time out yet to look at words plus sentences that can enhance your life?

Have you been searching for some way to get affirmations to work for you?

Have you seen affirmations work?

Have you been hoping that using affirmations regularly can help change your mindset then your life just by you using them?

Today we’ll dive right into an older blog post from when I was trying my hand at using affirmations. The thing I noticed when using affirmations on the regular was that…

In time, with consistency, I saw improvements. It’s neat how working on the belief system can have such a profound effect positively on a person. Once I believed more in my healthy routines, I began to actually consciously feel as if I was making a difference by using affirmations. Using affirmations regularly is a simple way to replace self-limiting belief patters. If you’re not sure you have self-limiting beliefs in the way then look at the life areas you struggle with…

What are your lessons? One thing I found out is that Life has a way of teaching us all unique lessons in mysterious ways.

Some lessons we learn overtime while others take a few times to get right. Even people who say they have learned their lessons in life are prone to repeating their mistakes many times. This can lead to a build-up of resentment and maybe even bitterness too…

If you’re ready to explore with me…

then It’s a good time to clear away the blocks. You may feel free to use these affirmations to release, move rise up and move away all that isn’t needed any longer my special ones~ here are those affirmations:

1. I let go of all that I don’t need anymore right here and now embrace my best.

2. It’s okay to walk in peace, to breathe and release the old way of life I was so accustomed to

3. My life is a book full of lessons, but I can read new chapters and write new ones that directly benefit me now too.

4. I owe it to myself to let go now.

5. I deserve a wonderful life, I give myself permission to wash away my past with my tears today- I know My future is wonderful.

6. Yes, I’ve made mistakes and I’ve done the same foolish things over and I let the past go and I move into a positive radiant new beginning now.

7. I am ready for love, I release all that I don’t use anymore to make way for love flowing more right now.

8. They hurt me and now I will let go of all feelings and thoughts of regret now.. I am healing and so is the person who attempted to hurt me.

9. I am bigger than all my experiences, larger than all that has tried to break me, I let go of old visions of failure in my subconscious mind and I make way for the abundance that I am due.

10. With this bath I give in to passionate fruit, sweet bubble baths, plus some hot dates if I’m single I deserve to have a great time with my friends, family, and those who appreciate me and all my special divine gifts.

11. I clear all the holds that people have on me right now..unless it is my children + some family…I owe no one nothing… I let go of feeling that I owe anyone anything… I owe it to myself to enjoy my life and get some balance in it.

12. I let go of caring about what others think about me NOW I walk into the light to shine in the best way that I know-how. My shining uplifts my brothers and sisters all over the world. We deserve to live out loud and to be serenely at peace in joy right now.

13. I am thankful for the ability to rise and shine like a phoenix coming from the ashes in full metamorphosis mode I know I am the ish, and I am ready to live my truth. Thank you!

Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment below. Please do share any affirmations on letting go that have been helpful to you.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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