Three Simple Manifesting Tweaks to Immensely Shift Your Reality Before Next Year!
Listen and Watch the video on Youtube here.
Embrace your magick.
Hey now 🙂
This time there’s a video for you. Thanks for being here. If you want, please Join me Visually, Listen and Watch the video of this blog on Youtube here.
The email title sounds ultra lofty. But it’s true. Stay tuned to see what I’m sharing with you today.
It’s supposed to be Sunday morning. But it’s not anymore. I do hope you’re more than good…today.
Yes, so Peace. Hey, today is the day. It was going to be morning when you got this. However, I took longer to get ready than I had planned in the beginning.
Oh goodness, its the day that I am sharing with you something that can drastically change plus enhance your life. I couldn’t get this out to you quick enough. But I’m still going to keep this particular email short because I know yall busy over there.
And I respect that. Even though I have so much more to share with you on how I and many other folks are learning greatly how to live our best lives; otherwise known as our NaturallyHighLife!
Right now, what I’m about to share with you is tips from manifesting lifehacks that I use myself. I humbly use these practices to basically remove obstructions from my path as I manifest my life and goals.
These particular life hacks happen to be strategies to level up yourself and or your life in some way. I know that’s been a huge topic we’ve been playing with here. If you’ve been trying these level up methods and tips out then you know the deal. When you use these methods you will get results.
Also, remember, I got you. I want to see you get what you want in life. And I know how important it can be for folks like us to have a life vision and purpose for our life. There’s one very vital detail that you must do for the things I discuss with you to work. It’s something you already do in some way.
In order to even notice the results plus the enormous benefits from intentionally leveling up…You have to be paying attention. Notice, witness, make a record of it, remember your awakening. No one can keep a record of this inner growth like you personally can. You know all of the details.
As you probably-already- know. Paying attention to your awakening, leveling up, and partaking in a self-improvement journey truly offers at least two great benefits to you! This is why we’re discussing the topic of journaling, writing, scripting regularly.
This is one way to observe the important details of your awakening. When you find ways to remind yourself of your goals then you doubt yourself less and less. This is how to grow into having more confidence on your path. More confidence leads to more everything.
Paying attention to what’s happening is going to transform you. Now I know some people are completely satisfied with what they have going on inside themselves, in life and also within themselves too. That’s great!
Now, on the other hand. There are these Other folks and there are many other people who simply desire deeply to improve themselves (especially because) they feel an inner call, an unstoppable yearning and desire to do so.
OK, If that’s you who also feels spiritually called to lead a particular life… Then I’m with you on this. This is why I include these regular practices into my day to day. I have chosen to be awake this lifetime. No matter what, that’s what my life is here to support me in doing.
As you develop your rituals and tools to life yourself up from right where you are, please be sure to do this next thing.
Keep in mind, that you have to pay attention to your process and your routines too. Why?
Because the strategies I’ll share in a moment, in this email are sure to give results. Only if you notice what you’re doing. I don’t want you out there wasting time on nonsense if you don’t have to (like I did.)
Plus I bet its true you enjoy getting the most from your day. I do! I enjoy getting the most out of my time too. Wasting time isn’t my thing nor are the people who are reading this letter into such mess like this either, I can imagine you do what you do to gain a benefit-to get what you’re wanting. Or for sheer peace and joy.
Well, I get it. Who wants to take time out of their day persuing things they’ll never have for themselves nor get to enjoy. -Unless you’re fine with simply enjoying the peace and joy alone.
People love this but want to see tangible effects, results, and outcomes. Otherwise, who cares right?
We have these responsibilities with bills to pay. So who out here does not want to get the things they are wanting? No one. Because that wouldn’t make much sense.
Let’s save you precious visionaries some time. Yes, honey: Three Simple Manifesting Tweaks to Immensely Shift Your Reality Before 2020! Use this lifehack to shift your whole freaking life (straight uphill) ALL THE WAY UP!
This level-up hack is about self-improvement or in other words: these are methods to immediately level up your manifesting game.
There are way too many folks who are out here seemingly wasting their time on practices that are not producing the type and quality of abundant positive results (they are wanting).
For example, have you used a journal, written a script, did a magick spell, affirmed and expressed gratitude on something only to watch a manifestation come to you in the opposite way!
Have you ever had that happen? I sure have. These tips assist with this matrix glitch. ‘Cause ain’t nobody got time for that.
Don’t I get it? Yep, it’s because we’ve probably had the same type of lessons. I’ve dealt with challenges attracting the type of reality I’ve wanted. I never wanted a backward manifestation though. Yet I got that anyway. And like you, I didn’t know what to do about ( seemingly ) doing things the wrong way.
After all, if I got the opposite effect as I manifested a goal, I had to be doing something incorrectly.
That’s what I thought. And then, I decided that I know it’s going to take something new to work in the year 2020 for attracting what I want. I decided that I had been practicing for years. Long enough to stop the backward-opposite manifesting for once and for All.
This is all I’ve been up to this year. I was tired, because like you and others. I had seen people getting what they wanted from their desires like only a small percent of the time.
Looking out the window one day, I figured There had to be a fundamental error with opposite manifesting going around like the plague.
Somehow, I was so sure that wasn’t anyone’s goal (manifesting backwards, not at all or in opposite ways. No way. So I came up with a way with the help of my spirit team to unblock things.
How can you keep up with all of these details? With All kinds of stuff going on in the skies and here on earth presently. That’s why, I’ve been just holding on to my inner focus as much as doable. To first try out this stuff to see if it works-then share it with you. Get on my weekly newsletter to not miss out.
All around- like many of you, I’ve been seeing life improvements that can shift my whole life around for sure. Since I’ve been meditating on my inner strength plus innate divine power… life’s been clearly expanding in a very useful way.
You know how it is, when manifestations are lining up for you- back to back. When you see the repeated signs and numbers back to back…
Yep, repeating or angel numbers are all over the freakin place…I’m like what-the-what- is- going on Universe? Then I’m like Goodness yes! Yes and yes. Thank you for reminding me to wake up and manifest my life.
How about you? Are you manifesting and attracting what you desire? Or do you feel stuck? And what can you do about it to help your dreams fall into place faster and more deliberately?
If you want to know more about the title of this email, keep reading.
Sure, yes There happens to be three things I have I been doing differently as I do my affirmations to speed up my manifesting results:
I practice ignoring any present reality unless I want more of it.
I make sure to say my affirmations as I FEEL (good).
Ok, for now here’s the last one. I also make sure and also do my best to repeat my affirmations at times when I’m most in a space of nonresistance. That would be first thing in the morning. Then at night just before bed.
Self-reminders: Do what you need to do to remember that you previously made a particular choice in your life. Find ways to remind yourself that- your life- It’s all coming together- and you’re worth the wait.
It’s been intense and exciting at the same time. Using these methods both separately as well as together has kept things fun not boring.
This way, I’m seeing the manifestation of things coming together..almost right before my eyes. Way quicker thankfully.
It’s a wonderful thing. Although, It’s also been scary at times too. Especially when things don’t seem to be adding up to what you previously set out to attract, manifest and ask for.
Using the 3 methods listed. There’s one thing I’ve learned this year. It’s that I have to sometimes ignore my so-called reality (if I don’t like it) because if I focus on what I perceive and that perception happens to be a disempowering way to look at something-
then I only trap myself on a frequency I may not like at all. This attracts more of the unwanted so that’s not the way.
Instead, Keep on pushing forward. Because as you have seen or maybe not yet..You’ll have a chance to see your goals through. The right things and people are continuing to show up as you engage in the proper daily healthy routines, (I tell myself this and now you).
Hang in there. You’ll get there. So, practice not feeling like a victim, practice not feeling alone.
As much as possible, tell yourself that Things have cleared, reset, or are turning upstream and are turning around.
In these writings, we have been discussing our awakening to the fact that we are superheroes in our own right.
Who we truly are and how to live the best life for us is a mystery so much of the time. Not anymore though. I’ll never get tired of building about this subject.
Because without a life purpose and some sort of higher vision- humans are just mindless mannequins getting out of life whatever is given without any personal input.
Thankfully we have the ability to choose our input. If you don’t believe me. Just try it! Choose something in the world you want to see again and again.Â
Then keep choosing it. Watch. Whatever, it is will show. It’ll show up more and more in your orbit. Don’t matter what you focus on, if you give attention to something it keeps coming until you refocus on something else.
It’s a treat to remember being connected to the source of all that is. I’m immensely grateful! We each have access to this all-pervading power too. It’s A field of consciousness.
You may doubt that process of attracting more of the life you want. It happens at times. But you can still manifest anyway.
So, yeah, I figure whatever a person wants its all very doable because of who we all are and because of who I have learned myself to be and are constantly remembering myself to be as well.
And regardless of the dream, it’s doable. I’ve been reading and listening to this expansive information for a minute from Rev. Ike, Michael Beckwith, Earl Nightingale, Dr. Masters, Abraham-Hicks, Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Louise Hay plus many more.
Bless them for all of their wise teachings of experience with stories plus receipts. They helped to pave the way.
After learning about how to manifest my best life on purpose without regrets from these people and so much more.
Soon after, I had to raise the bar for what my standards are for my life purpose to be more.
And now I know too much to settle for less than what I want.
Yes, that’s me and now you may also know too much to stay back in the old positions you’ve been standing in.
We’re here at a perfect time because we are free to be how we like. Information to be better is everywhere. Only nowadays the information is in many different forms.
This was a bit lengthy, but I took a chance. Wrapping this up, what I’m most excited about is that we each have a way to improve. For those of you who have sent an email message back to me sharing your thoughts with me.
Thank you for your reply. I’m so glad to hear you’re getting something from the weekly emails.
Each week, when I share with you. I truly mean every flippin word typed to you. Also, I wish to share so much more each week -as I’ve often said before.
Currently, that’s the plan, to share so much more with you! So stay tuned and please do invite others to sign up for the newsletter updates each week.
Let’s continue to build our skills together. Peace and delight. Be unbothered and filled with peace and joy.
Stay on your dream and reach out to me by signing up below for an opportunity to join my list and get self-help goodies to assist you in becoming a better you.
Sign up, if you can use some clearer direction and focus. Honey hit reply, I’ll send the link to you for tarot readings. Or you can find those tarot reading options and meditations with me right here.
Later friend,
Here’s To a well-lived life,
Until the next one,
I’ll be online somewhere.
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