Heyy Now! Here’s an introduction & welcome to a new Psychic Medium online course…Keep reading for more details. Are you ready to experience your entire world in a whole new way?
Allow me to take you through the course step by step. To begin your psychic mediumship studies we’ll start with some Guidelines for Psychic Training.
If you are new to psychic mediumship development then welcome! And if you are far experienced then darling thank you for joining us. We can use your wealth of knowledge and experience.
Thank you both experienced and non experienced. Both of you are appreciated. The spirit guides that are assisting me with this course development are urging me to really assure that you know you’re encouraged to open up, share and be your self.
Still not sure you’re in the right place in this online course? I’ll say it like this…
You are in the right place if you know there’s more to you than the human eyes can see.
Thank you for coming!
Since this course is specifically for beginners. You may want to hear more complex information at times. However I want to make sure the beginners have the proper spiritual psychic mediumship foundation to build upon.
Being a beginner is lovely. It’s practically another blessing! Your possibilities are endless my dear. Truly. This is really going to be fun because we can talk about some of the wonderful things that you can perhaps expect for yourself during and after the course, if you desire it?! You’re in a powerful place to be!
How about this? How many times did you know you were right about something that either came to you in a dream, then you rejoiced about it later?
Have you been dead on lots of times about things that were about to happen or that did happen in your life, in peoples lives around you or in life in general on a worldwide scale?
If yes, then I’m sure you were happy and relieved when you were able to save time, expand your confidence, and shine bright while being right! Weren’t you glad you were on and right?
Yes you were and that’s beautiful. It would be even nicer to have this take place quicker, more often too.
OK, let me ask you a question: What would you give to have these ‘on’ or ‘right’ or ‘tuned in’ kind of situations happen way more frequently to you? If you’re looking to have this psychic awareness happen for you more often with greater accuracy?If yes, I must say that so far so good. And yes also means you’re in the right place.
Then how many times did you get a sense that you should do something in life? Or to take a certain action? Sometimes you win these guesses and hunches and at times you lose too.
It’s been a fun little game to play up to now. Only you’re probably all signed up for this course because you are ready to take your intuitions and psychic mediumship aspirations to a new level of overstanding.
No more just guessing. You are ready to do something constructive with your psychic power. And you should. As it;s completely yours. Uniquely yours. No one can change that or take that away.
I’m sure you have expectations for what this course can bring you in your life right now. Spirit and I aim to please. Please bare with me as I am still learning my way through this process and thank you for leaving your personal feedback as necessary so that we can make this online course better and more helpful over time.
This online course: Psychic Mediumship Power Awakening is right on time. Also, It’s expanding with us. It’s supposed to grow with us. So I’m sharing everything I have with you on Psychic Mediumship Development in this course.
As you get started, It’s possible to feel overwhelmed during the course. Due to the massive amount of information given in here. Plus much of the information in the course is channeled with spirit too. You will need to connect with the course in your own way.
With your intentions. You indeed will. We are here to help usher you home to your Self. That’s what this course is. So, If you are ready to unlock your psychic power destiny. Say Yes! Just say yes. Yes, say yes. That’s that. We got you!
What I want for you to experience is actual alchemy. Where you transform from one form or element to another. Where you learn how to be more of you. More whole. As you change to incorporate more pieces of you into who you are… Your gifts will soar.
Others will bare witness to your improvements in personality, mindset and noticeable change in your balance in your own living.
People will want to talk about what you’re doing all day. But don’t mention it. In fact its best to not say even a word about it.
For this course will be that much more useful to you when you keep your psychic growth and development quiet for now. If you feel you have a better way. Please share it. Let’s go on. Deeper…
Giving the silent treatment to others a little during the course will only help you further. Just think about how fragile an egg is or a seedling.
In the beginning of your psychic journey is the time to support yourself more. You want to Protect your eggs and seeds. You intentions are fertile and They are so important.
For this reason, Allow yourself to grow without the influence of others. Give the silent treatment. Use this time to be quiet, explore your lessons, to expand your mind.
Also, use this quiet time For you to gain huge confidence in your gifts. By allowing your confidence to grow without others judgments, you speed up your learning speed, I feel.
And also, when you watch for evidence of your hunches, intuitive messages, as well as insights you become your own best teacher.
Even when all signs say you’re not on! I want you to know. To be in tune with your delicate intuition.
Even when people say you’re not right. You know. Your trust. You meet your spirit guides and angels who can help you.
You learn about How to work with source, your spirit guides, angels, higher self, ascended masters, deities and ancestors to bring about massive transformation in one’s life!
This will help you to have your clients to aim high. While you lead them to their goals and opportunities.
At the same time, You will gain the love of your own during the course. You shall gain the wealth of your own acceptance and support.
You hold onto your truth! You realize your inner knowing that is always complete. You embrace your abilities further. Your likelihood, vision of life and intuitive powers increases at will finally.
Then in some time you awaken to the truth of your psychic powers. Once this takes place. You will surely begin to trust your own knowing more than ever. Which will surely fulfill your desires in life. That you will learn how to use your gifts with trust.
Spirit helped me put this online course together for you. Truly, I desire to introduce you to all the various ways which you may be utilizing your own psychic mediumship power.
Sure, I bet that you are probably already having lots of psychic experiences or you want to be. This is not new knowledge to some experienced folks here.
Although, Some of you have been feeling tuned in to spirit for a while. Others of you are just getting started.
Some of you are just looking for acceptance and confirmation that you are intuitive. You are. You want to nourish your intuition. You’re certainly in the right sphere. We’ll do all that we can to assist you for you in awakening to your inner psychic.
Watch and see. In the coming weeks, as you train in this course. There are bound to be some changes about you.
-Your psychic abilities shall strengthen. You are going to feel like you’ve stumbled onto something good.
-You will be getting, receiving, tuning into your intuitive/medium/psychic energy vibrations, messages, energies and also impressions.
-We hope to motivate you to awaken your own natural intuitive abilities.
-Learn to communicate with clients regarding their questions and concerns.
-You will learn about other abilities. Including abilities you may not have been aware of.
-You will be inspired to go for yours, to reach beyond the limitations you once took notice of previously.
-You’ll learn how to better overstand your own spiritual experiences to assist yourself and others if you choose.
-You will awaken more to your psychic gifts which will remove any traces of fear related to your empathic medium intuitive psychic skills.
-Learn to decode intuitive signs, messages, readings and deeper or spiritual insights.
-You will learn how to receive messages via your empathic senses.
Have you been thinking that you can learn to be a psychic medium? Or that you can make a living as a psychic? It’s true, I believe you can and that’s that.
Also! You are right! There is a way to tap all the way into your confidence in an intuitive way. This is perfect for those people are creative or logical to the core. Since we are running our lives via two halves of one brain.
We are able to synthesize and process our psychic intuition in either a logical way or a creative way. As you come to learn this. That’s when you sure will connect to more of that which you seek. You’ll discover all sorts of new interesting ways to receive intuitive psychic medium information.
Psychic power development has been known to give lasting confidence, focus and a steady direction or focus that you may have been on the lookout for.
Resulting in realizing some awesome new, shiny lasting ways to tune into good vibrant health, awareness, your spirituality, finances also your overall productivity.
Ok one last thing before we get into it. I can bet that You’ve been successful in other areas of life. But maybe you need to see if this psychic stuff is real.
Instead what if the next time, you didn’t ignore the instincts and hints you received. Later you realize all the resources that are available to you.
Currently, you may even regret not paying attention to the signs which showed up for you intuitively.
Maybe just maybe this is what you signed up for this course for?
Its never to late to put this dream of being a psychic medium into motion.
-With intuition, there’s an easier way to experience life.
-To finish your work faster.
-To never feel alone again.
-To find your calling in life.
-To reach your passion.
-Ready to Grow?
-You’re sick and tired of not knowing what do.
-Learn to take action when it’s time to.
-Want to short circuit all unintended procrastination?
-To get some assistance with maintaining the connection with your intuition at all times.
-Even during a Mercury Retrograde transit or any other transit.
If you joined this course to really know how to pay your own instincts attention. Great we’re glad to have you!
You can also expect to learn more stuff like:
How not to let your mind talk you out of using your psychic senses. Listen and tune in. Trust that you know just what to do.
Whenever you feel what you feel and when you notice things you will know how to take notice and if you need to take action or just observe.
You could have a yummy sense of being lighter, finding opportunity, getting closer to nature, feelin yourself, feeling greater than your normal self, seeming more positive.
Yes, you could seem as if something has changed in you, that you are really more magical than you thought!
You can take the course then start to feel way more open to opportunity, ready for something new, interested in new topics, new knowledge, new new new, you may have visions, or dreams, renewed love or new love on the horizon, or day dreams, could feel more peaceful, or may have loads of questions, see things, notice stuff or become aware of things you usually aren’t.
During your psychic mediumship training you will deeply have more of a sense of your own weightlessness, divine nature, awareness, energy, intention, energy vibration, seeming challenges, rewards, changes.
Plus you will indeed feel yourself opening like a newly planted seed. Like a lotus flower. A fresh fragile seed that can awaken to its own potential and grow, grow, Go, start to grow.
In order to properly share some examples of how working with your inner psychic medium happens is: I’ll share some stories to open up your understanding.
May the fun begin! With resources, surprises, exercises and stories in the course for you. You’ll know them when you come across them in the course.
These surprises are to get you ready to use your extrasensory perception. Or you can also call it ESP in short terms.
The next vital ingredient to discover about this course is that once you begin your own personal magical journey into discovering more about your abilities plus the psychic experience overall.
That’s when you will see yourself start to morph or transform in a way you have never seen until it happens to you. To unlock your psychic abilities is to shift, find more balance and evolve.
This leads to your awareness growing quickly and over time, also you’ll notice your energy vibration going up. Meaning you’ll vibrate energetically higher.
My spirit guides SOBA have an audio recording that is saved in the online course within the Introduction. This is the very first thing that I’m supposed to share with you.Get full access here.
Hi beautiful!
My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently.
I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast.
I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path.
As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit.
Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life!
In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation.
To your success!
Queen Sereda