Today we’re in the middle of A New Moon in Libra! It’s October 19 2017. This moon comes as we’re almost coasting into the end of the month. As with all new moon’s, you will usually experience a new cycle that will offer a chance to approach things in someway differently in the future. Today’s guidance is to see yourself completely taken care of in every way. See yourself moving up higher, to new heights in a better place than you are in currently.
Relish the sweet solitude of committing to every step of your vision. Cherish fine tuning with carefully prepared meals, intricate patterns, charm bracelets, and wanders in the wild woods.
Since back when,
The Ancient wise ones walked this planet, new moon’s metaphysically have symbolized what is known as the time for new beginnings. The new moon’s radiance encourages you to take the end of the month: October 2017- to fall back, to take several moments to breathe. Take time to deeply reflect on what you want to create for the upcoming, month and upcoming year as we are in the last quarter of the year.
Not long ago, Jupiter recently entered Scorpio this month, it left Libra a few weeks ago where it was for a whole 13 months in Western Astrology! However, I love to say that in Vedic astrology the loving Libra’s have a whole 13 months with Jupiter sitting in its sign. The calculations in western astrology and Vedic are different so the cosmic placements can differ quite a lot. This Jupiter boost of energy should be felt strongly for mostly Libra’s and Scorpios.
Scorpio/ Libra in Jupiter. During this period. Don’t wait.
Libra’s continue to get the lessons so you can graduate. Also, I love me some astrology talk. But to keep things simpler on we’ll discuss astrology from a western astrology point of view primarily. Back in we go…
The Scorpio Jupiter energy helps us all get over fears. With deep- diving transformational Scorpio so close to Libra, this energy has a way of nudging us to explore any unsightly shadowy feelings within our being to master them. Talk to someone you trust, make an effort to get light. Strive to release many heavy thoughts during writing or in other ways.
Many will feel things deeper than ever with this new planetary placement. The meeting between Scorpio and Jupiter started on about the 10th of October. During these 13 months where Jupiter joins with Scorpio, you will learn how to dive deeper into your passions, your life lessons and into what you consider a mystery or not for you. You may look up to find yourself intrigued with knowing something that is not mainstream. With Scorpio on the scene with Jupiter, it’s a period where you can certainly receive a better understanding of the shadow side of things.
This yummy Libra new moon,
Shows up to remind us to check the equilibrium in us on a couple important key areas. These bullet points include things like: beauty, love, femininity, style, the sweetness of life, socializing, charm, relationships, magnetism, balance, partnerships and contracts. It’s another period to meditate but also to get clear about your personal connections and intentions.
The planet Venus is symbolized by the feline.
More reasons to work with this moon…
*To add more spice to your moon manifestations,
*To take a moment to write out your list of what you want to manifest in your life.
*Remember to do this (list writing) without showing that list to the entire world.
*You could even decide to put your new moon to- do list away into a journal for safe keeping until time to take proper action on what’s listed there.
*There’s so much coming through, stay with me…
Het-Heru the Goddess.
With a new moon,
You have all manifestations beginning with an idea, vision, image, dream, desire, wish! The wonderful thing is that you have the room to add more flavor to your magical plans if you should want to at this promising new moon happening on Thursday, yeah.
The Moon is New in Libra again right now: on October 19, 2017, at 3:12 PM EDT. The timing is perfect to still make something significant happen, all you have to do is place the precious time that you have available into putting some pieces to the puzzle of your dreams together by getting clear on what you want.
If you have no idea how the puzzle pieces that make up your dreams looks then you can still make a way where there seems to be no way! If you have no idea what you want to do, then place your energy into bringing together all the gratitude that you have currently. You can write this out as a list if you like, doesn’t matter just as long as you get it out and onto paper, honey! But how do you do this??? Do you need a degree in writing to do this? Heck no you don’t, keep reading for how to use it…
What is a New Moon?
A new moon is the phase of the moon when the moon is in conjunction with the sun and is also invisible or fading from earth’s surface view. This is why the new moon looks small at this time. At a new moon, you can look up for the moon. The moon will appear in the sky as the shape of a slender wedge or crescent. Anytime you see the moon being more on the smaller side, this is the time at the new moon or its a time which is closer a new moon. New moons are just right for starting new routines. New moon’s are where you set your intent on what you desire.
– Queen Sereda
Love is energized!
The New Moon in Libra & how to use it?
*Start with writing your visions, dreams and goals on paper, on the computer or on your phone.
*Write down a list of 1-10, 1-20, 1-100 or whatever works best for you.
*After you do this then invoke your personal spiritual power by feeling expanded energetically all over as you speak the words on your paper to the energy that creates worlds…
*Next use that spark of your energy to ignite your desires on the paper. Really feel yourself feeling relieved about getting what you want.
*Then send off your vision by mentally holding your image of success and then energizing that vision from feeling the warmth in your belly…This brings faster results.
Aries the Ram is ruled by the planet mars
Mars, the planet of energy and drive and the wounded healer/ warrior Chiron are in opposition within 2.9 degrees.
These two planets are known as Chiron and Mars. They are closely affecting the energy right now. Issues that have been put away for a long time will probably slide out of the closet. The hidden wounds want to be healed from long ago if there are any. The soul wants to release what is old and doesn’t belong for the new you to emerge. Chiron symbolizes the wounded healer plus it also shows up when there’s concealed and even hidden trauma in someone chart. Secrets can come right out, with Mars opposing Chiron. In addition to that, its possible also that actions are taken rather swiftly that have to do with some form of wounding or hurt in one’s life.
The hurt person may want to express themselves at this time in a dynamic way. They may find themselves lashing out at others or themselves. Remember to let that fire out in the safest way. Be mindful the hurt from the past can be triggered by outside factors. Don’t go off on the other person because the situation may not be their fault at all…they may have triggered something in you. It’s important to know, the wounds from the past want to be healed by any means necessary.
When things come up, it can get awkward, so don’t take things so hard! Mars can have folks taking action faster than they think. Also, actions may be taken by some folks based on some issues from their past. If you don’t to regret what you do and could say- Think before you act. Mars is a planet of action so maybe you or someone else may take action to plant new seeds so they can heal themselves of some part of themselves they don’t care for so much.
Aren’t we Lucky! Omg, would you look at this…
Uranus and Libra dance the delicious dance of falling in and out of love… and we’re all invited ooh yeah baby! Ok, we have the planet Venus the ruler of Libra in an unsuspecting place in the sky. This position further emphasizes a rare feeling of a disconnection that rears is big head when all is really calm and clear (for the most part).
In the meanwhile for some other folks, this huge concoction of planets may come up as an emotional disconnection from another person, yourself or a group of people. Take care, practice self-care. If you have a strong Libra position in your chart then you may find yourself feeling disconnected from your purpose and from your creativity for a few days. You could be hearing this mantra behind you as you go through the next few days after the new moon too…
Today’s mantra says: Find balance and break the old cycles without fear!
Karma is something many folks know well,
There are many planes of existence going on at the same time. For some people, the planes of existence they are more familiar with are these tricky little karmic themes that some folks deeply identify with. On the other hand, some folks feel there is no karma. However, if you feel karma exists then you’ll find certain patterns take place to wash you clean. Karma has been known to balance out the energies on the planet by keeping the equilibrium. Karma is said to help grow a person, to assist you in moving forward after you are initiated then you graduate from the karma if you are ready.
Also we have Uranus the planet of shock, surprises opposite to this airy, beautiful, sexy new Moon in Libra. Something out of the blue is bound to happen with our partnerships. It can be something you qualify as good or even bad. Things like, trust, endurance, determination are what must be leaned on at present, be sure to use your available time in the most constructive way to bringing forward several areas of your life or just one. Pace yourself with new love. Release what has stopped serving your highest purpose.
He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.
-George Herbert
Here’s a current astrology chart:
Strive for balance. Respect the truth.
A new moon in Libra highlights your creative side. Your propensity to have a balanced relationship and partnership could be showing up. A desire for better relationships, is symbolized by Libra- this is strongly indicated now. Then we need to work with ourselves and each other to get to know our personal stories to in turn, exorcise any raggedy demons out.
Sure, if you’ve been holding a secret or something private- the truth coming out may not fit into your current reality. Its said that Truth is to be respected regardless though. But so is silence golden. There are times to share then there are times to keep still. At times you have to keep quiet. Being quiet isn’t the same as being deceptive either.
divine mother
It can be an emotional time,
Somewhere out there it’s a sensitive time. I felt it yesterday like wow… The moon…
It’s a juicy sensual new moon, trust that everything will be fine since there’s more for you to strive for! Appreciate this life!
1) Renew, restart, exercise, connect, refresh, do a gentle makeover, recalibrate.
2) It’s also a time to release your intentions into the cosmos by visualizing your prize with an expectation of knowing that everything will workout, that everything will be okay for you.
3) It truly will, no worries.
4) Alright, now Go make a fashion statement with your life, Precious.
How has the new moon been for you so far? Has it been smooth selling? What have you tried to do to solve the issue so far? Drop a comment below for me and let me know what more you would like to see here on I look forward to your comments.
Hi beautiful!
My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently.
I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast.
I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path.
As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit.
Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life!
In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation.
To your success!
Queen Sereda