Angel guidance,  destiny,  life purpose,  spirit guides

Working with Spirit Guides for Beginners

Welcome & Hello there,

Peace, blessings. If you’re a Starseed. Welcome welcome! It’s beautiful to finally publish this blog article about Spirit guides. I have been writing this almost 4,000-word blog article since this date: Oct 13, 2017 @ 22:52. The time is in military time which is like 10 something at night.

I’ve been working with my guides building structures that will stand the test of time. For that, it’s about patience. Oh, the lessons I’ve been receiving about this…lol. Sometimes it’s exciting to learn so much about patience. However, other times I’ve felt so challenged to wait. 

I hope this finds you in a receptive place. I’m delighted that you’re here as my guides are here with me too, as I type out this fabulous new series. My guides are super delighted as well.

Welcome to my new series on Spirit guides for Beginners. Thanks for joining me as we discuss Spirit Guides for beginners and how to get started with Spirit guides.

In this detailed blog article, we’ll answer the most important questions for Spirit guide beginners such as:

  1. What is a spirit guide?

  2. Who is your higher self?

  3. How to work with your spirit guides?

  4. What benefit is there to work with your spirit guides?

Let’s get started. Today we’ll delve into the world of Spirit.

In particular, we will build on Spirit Guides for Beginners specifically to gain a deeper understanding on who spirit guides are and how you can work with them as a beginner to have the success you want in your life. Spirit guides are amazing to work with since they can assist with each and every area of life. Spirit guides can help with relationships, communication, improving self love, to help us stay on course in life with goals, values, opportunity, to gain knowledge, to help us find or avoid experiences, to help us in health and healing.

To help with money, prosperity, psychic powers, learning, assimilating life lessons, to live a deeply meaningful life. To find our muse, to tell our story, to live our truth, to be our very best for ourselves and others, to tap into our confidence, to unlock our vortex of creation in life. To find solace from any perceived storms.

Spirit guides come to remind us that there’s hope. They also come to remind you of your highest vision for your life. They want to help you and I live that truth as much as we desire to in this life. I feel as if I’m telling this to you over a camp fire. Although I’m laying back on my sleep area to relax as I write to you. There’s so much to look forward to when working with your very own spirit guides.

Spirit Guides Are Many

First, there is a spirit guide which you may know by the name higher self. It’s been said that we each walk around with several guides with us. I know I’ve seen about 15 to 20 spirit guides with me and other people on any day.

One such guide that we have is called:

The higher self is the indwelling intelligence that is overseeing our entire experience.

It’s a part of the underlying veil of all knowing consciousness which is inside us and everything, and this veil of infinite wisdom, presence and understanding is the higher self!

One’s higher self is of higher or elevated consciousness. Higher consciousness is another name for The higher self.

What is the Higher Self?

The higher self is always available for you. It is an important aspect of your spirit body that you can communicate with to navigate your way well through life.

Your higher self also tends to have a voice which you can hear within your head or within your inner ear throughout the month or day. This is the way I hear my higher self.

However, there can be many other ways to communicate with your higher self.

The higher self isn’t on the official list below with the other spirit guides. However, some folks may easily call their higher self their ancestor or something.

It’s pretty ironic because its the higher self which is like the Top boss to the spirit guides.

The higher self delegates tasks to your spirit guides in such a way that you don’t even notice anything happening for the most part.

You may not hear about the higher self like you hear about spirit guides. Despite this, I feel the higher self is most equipped to seamlessly handle the job of inner teacher for us while we’re here on earth.

However, what many people don’t know is that, your higher self is always being worked with.

Your higher self is an aspect of everything that exists.

This part of you can be communicated with through all the other spirit guides that you walk with.

Who is the first spirit guide?

This first spirit guide is the one which I feel rests within each one of us at all times. Known as: The guardian angel or higher self.

It’s the one we all share as we also share the fact that we each have sets of ancestors who are connected to us by bloodline.

The spirit guides we have will not all be the same, but we all have a higher self who assists with things getting done.

The Higher self is simply, the highest aspect of you that can be contained in a human body. The higher self is the part of you that hears, sees, senses, feels and knows all and it knows it.

What do the Spirit Guides sound and feel like?

For now, while you live on earth, the physical part of you has the assistance of the all wise higher self who you may hear at times as a:

  1. voice of calm

  2. truth

  3. honesty

  4. guidance

  5. clear communication

  6. support

  7. peace

  8. reason

  9. clarity

  10. . ease

  11. . unconditional love

  12. . courage and strength that knows no bounds

The Journey With Spirit Continues

As you continue to thrive on this planet, your physical body, spirit guides, ancestors and higher self continue to dwell around you for support.

One of the most amazing things one can do in their lifetime is to integrate the wisdom of the higher self into their material reality for wisdom and spiritual power on earth.

This is essentially a process of getting into balance. Making a choice to integrate the higher self with ones daily life by sheer will power is very much a part of our starseed spiritual evolution and overall ‘collective human life purpose’.

Spirit guides are always there for us all to assist with loving encouragement, messages to move you closer to your goals and destiny plus your life path lessons. Spirit guides offer understanding in a very careful, enlightened but nonjudgmental way.

Why I love spirit guides?

This is a real treat for me to delve into with you.

If you’re new to me, I have been working with my Spirit Guides for around 15 years or more.

I give all the credit or at least most of it to my guides for helping me get through my life story so far, so good. It’s another day to write some more on spirit guides and their importance in life cannot be understated. Let’s go deeper.

2 Helpful Resources to learn more about Spirit guides

As we go forward, I look forward to reading and also hearing about your experiences with getting to know your spirit guides. Thanks for staying with me here.

There is an online course on Spirit guides that I’ve created if you want to go deeper into Spirit guide study. The course is called: Spirit Guide Alignment.

There’s also a book with channeled spirit guide messages from the Angels as well called: Spirit Channel


Who are your spirit guides?

Wow, it’s a new day already!

It’s the start of the week. I wanted to really celebrate spirit guides at this time to let them know they are appreciated greatly.

For that reason, there will be a 60 Day Challenge to assist with this. It’s being developed currently.

This blog came about as I looked around the internet and I never saw information that broke down what spirit guides are for those who are just starting off.

Those of you wanting to get more information on who Spirit guides are and what they do.

Stay with me as we get into Working with Spirit Guides Step by step for Beginners.

Invisible Helpers

The modern definition of the word spirit guides is: An incorpeal helper.

The more ancient meaning of Spirit guide is: A timeless being like us who have chosen to help us as humans while we’re here on earth completing our life path.

Spirit Guides in Western Culture

Currently, I’m living in the USA. Here in the states it’s said that a spirit guide in western spiritualism is an entity or energy that continues its life as a disincarnate spirit.

This Spirit is one who is said to have opted in as a special spirit helper for each and every human being that wants some assistance getting back to their center.

Or this spirit guide or spirit guides are beings that follows us throughout many lifetimes that helps out beings as they continue living out their physical existence on earth. They help to make the path not so dull or chaotic😄.

Spirit Guides are are quite trendy with the spiritual and metaphysical movement but it’s nothing new.

The idea of a Spirit guide was documented extensively in ancient Egypt, which is also known by the name Kamit.

The bronze-skinned, ancient and wise Kametians reigned on earth a distant-long time ago.

They left many signs behind to show us what Spirit guides are.

Signs of Spirit guides from ancient times:

Some of our examples include:

Thoth the Atlantian (Tehuti or Hermes), who left behind an ancient text known as the Emerald Tablets (By. Dorreal) The translation that I prefer of the tablets by Thoth. The knowledge was given to man to guide man as the divine being he/she is, back to the peaceful void from which they have come.

This important marker in time is worth checking out as this Be-ing appears to be a massive spirit guide for us all whoever resonates with these words. I found the work to be extremely uplifting.

In the future, I plan to share the information about The emerald tablets and about the universal laws on this blog. Stay tuned.

Until then, You can find more on Thoth and the Emerald tablets on or offline.

Massive life improvements happen with Spirit guides assistance this is why I recommend working with your illuminated spirit guides for realizing boundless earthly success!

Spirit guides influence is great even though they’re typically working (hidden) behind the scenes

Check out this other mention of spirit guides and the massive influence they can have on you once you know they exist and are there to support you.

They always come to help in order to guide you to earthly plus spiritual unification success in your everyday life.

Spirit Guides are helpful in unlimited ways…here’s a great example of spirit guides at work in someone’s life.

Here’s a quote from Derrick where he writes about working with his spirit guides for health, a direction in life, plus knowledge of self:

“It was from this awareness as I literally applied the Kamitic concepts and principles to my life in order to overcome my illness and regain my health, that I made a very deep connection with my ancestors and guardian spirits.

That’s when I discovered that the core of Kamitic spirituality is an ancestral shamanistic tradition that focuses upon healing or maintaining Maa (balance, order, holism, etc.).

This unique understanding made me realize what I had known all along that biologically and culturally speaking, the Kamitic people were black and brown-skinned Africans.

This meant that despite what some try to claim, true Kamitic spirituality (like most African derived religions and traditions) is not a “book religion or practice”.

How long do Spirit guides stay with you?

Several cultures have documented how a spirit guide is a being who will stay with a human being throughout that persons many lifetimes.

This is for the spirit guide to perform as a helper to be an assistant, guide, helper or teacher to what we are known as while we are living on earth for now.

We all are living incarnated human beings and these guides help to move us along our life paths and earthly journeys for the best experience possible for us.

Get Instant Full Access

You have access to a team of spirit guides who are simply waiting to support you along with your pursuits towards universal and personal success while you are here living on earth.

Spirit guides often work in teams and I have certainly seen my share of clients, friends and family with their own entourage of spirit guides, totem animals, helper guides, elemental guides, guardian spirits and angels and ancestors too.

Who are these Spirit Guide helpers to you?

  • Everyone has their own spirit guides…

  • We each have a free choice to work with our guides or not.

  • Guides have to be invited to assist you.

  • You have to ask for your guides and ancestors to help to receive their personalized messages and encouragement which is tailor-made for you.

  • Spirit guides are aspects of our own spirit which is why they know us so well and can truly guide us in life.

  • These Spirit guides aren’t just your regular old imaginary thing.

  • They are for real.

  • I and many other people have hundreds of times that we can recall working with them.

My Guides Helped Me Align With My Vision and Purpose

In fact, now that I think about it again… The entire reason for everything I do has to do with working with my ancestors and spirit guides.

A long time ago I learned the importance of utilizing one’s spiritual tools while temporarily on earth while also working with spirit guides to thrive in life.

Your very unique ancestors and spirit helpers are carefully chosen and recruited just for you-by You. Your spirit guides are beings that are devoted to assisting you with your chosen growth.

Honor Your Spirit Guides and Ancestors

Several of these loving guides have had numerous lifetimes here on earth like us. These supportive helpers have their own talents and a file folder full of personality, endless gifts, wisdom, foresight, unconditional love, and even time to help you get where you want to be in mind, body, and soul.

These great ones have come to help us all with understanding our own life’s journey and the experience we are each having while we are here.

For your divine success in life, your guides are amazingly attuned to help you reach your highest calling. Your guides have chosen to guide you, along with other things they do otherwise.

Some people feel that a spirit guides only job is to support us all and to guide us as much or as little as we each desire. The main reason for a Spirit guide is also to keep you awakening more to who you are.

In clarity sessions with my clients, I have noticed that most people have around 7 guides who walk with them in an incorporeal sense.

To Understand What Spirit guides are we need to talk about the form they reveal themselves to us in. In other words, what makes spirit guides incorporeal?

What does Incorporeal mean?:

It is known as something which has no material form or even physical substance.

Those who feel that spirits can’t be touched or seen with the two physical eyes believe in the incorporeal.

The word incorporeal comes from a combination of the Latin root words which means “not” and corpus meaning “body.”

When these words are combined they form words like; incorporeus, this word means, “exists without a physical body.” Another example of incorporeal is: exists without having a physical existence.

wiki links said:

Not composed of matter; having no material existence. Other words for incorporeal: intangible, impalpable, nonphysical.

Incorporeal or uncarnate means without a physical body, presence or form. It is often used in reference to souls, spirits, and God in many religions including …
Websters said-

Here’s the Definition of incorporeal.

1) not corporeal: having no material body or form.

2) of, relating to, or constituting a right that is based on a property (such as bonds or patents) which has no intrinsic value.

Definitions of
incorporeal include:

adj without material form or substance
“an incorporeal spirit”
having no body
bodiless, discorporate, disembodied, unbodied, unembodied
not having a material body
lacking material body or form or substance
corporeal, material
having material or physical form or substance

What is a Spirit?

We know spirit has no physical form which is known as noncorporeal. Spirit is: The nonphysical part of a person regarded as a person’s true self and this part of a person is totally capable of surviving the physical death of the actual physical body or body
“Her spirit is still present in this house”

Western Spiritual Ways of Understanding Spirit guides.

A spirit guide, in western spiritualism, is an entity that remains as a disincarnate (not living in a physical body currently) spirit to act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated (currently living in a human body as a human being).

Traditionally, within the spiritualist churches, spirit guides were often stereotyped ethnically, with Native Americans/First Nations, Asians or the people of Afrika. Those who are Nubia (Kametians) Egyptians being popular for their perceived ancient wisdom.


What Types of Spirit Guides are there?

The types of spirit guides were saints or elevated, so-called- enlightened individuals.

Such guides can also be various elementals or nature spirits, spirit animals, angels, ascended masters, guardian angels. Some folks may also feel in harmony with the notion that a person’s ancestors are also a part of their spirit guide posse. This can be true for some.

Spirit Guides are different than this type of spirit…

Yet the meaning of spirit takes you back to the important value Spirit guides always tend to bring forth.

One way to look at the word Spirit is:

Those qualities regarded as forming the definitive pieces within the character of a person, nation, or group or in the thought and attitudes of a particular time period.

Other words for the words spirit when its used to describe moral characteristics in a person include words like: ethos, prevailing tendency, mother earth, the planets above us, mood, attitude, frame of mind, way of thinking, point of view, outlook, deeper meaning, true meaning, real intention, weight, essence, substance, gravity, thoughts, ideas frame of mind, state of mind, emotional state, humor, temper, just, motivating force, essence, quintessence.

“Their spirit of authenticity is beautiful”

“The yummy weather lifted her spirits during the spring season this year.

Now that’s the Spirit

The spirit behind something is also the true meaning or intention behind something.

If Spirit also means the meaning behind something then it reveals how spirit works for and with us in our lives.

Spirit works behind the scenes helping to steer the spaceship or vehicles we walk around in which happen to be known as (our bodies).

Spirit is here to offer support to us!

How far away are your spirit guides from you?

Spirit, in general, is there on standby never too far from us. They are known to respond quickly. Always there for us basically next door in another dimension.

All you have to do is call them with a regular tone of voice when you would desire some assistance navigating through life as a human being.

How to Contact Your Spirit Guides as a beginner?

  • Ask your guides to chat with you.

  • Let your guides know you are ready to work with them.

  • Listen for their guidance after you ask them.

  • Receive guidance from your guides through your dreams.

  • Keep a sacred space for you and your spirit guides.

  • Do automatic writing with your Spirit guides.

  • Call in your spirit guide army.

  • Use a Spirit guide message box.

  • Do a spirit guide meditation or meeting.

  • Ask your guides for an attunement from them.

  • Keep a Spirit Journal.

  • Make a vision board with the help of your guides.

  • Ask your guides for a direct sign.

  • Open your heart and work with them.

Who Spirit Guides Communicate with mostly?

Spirit Guides often themselves known to highly sensitive people especially empaths, starseeds, children, rainbows, indigos, witches, artists, creative folks, heart-centered people.

Not only that but also people experiencing a life-changing, conscious, active experience throughout their ascension process.

Other types of beings spirit guides work with are psychics, intuitives, crystal children an even some adults too.

What About You?

We want to hear from you.

Alright suga, you’ve made it to the end of this blog about Spirit guides for beginners.

Congrats on your decision to work with your guides and helpers on earth.

Congrats if this is something you already do and love.


Working with your guides:

This is a big deal and something to be thrilled about since it can certainly change and improve your life for the better. Check out my book: Spirit Channel for inspirational channeled Angel messages for several days

If you have been wanting to work with your Spirit guides better in a more clear way…Also check out my online course on working with your Spirit Guides called: Spirit Guide Alignment

Please take a moment to comment below with your biggest challenge communicating with your spirit guides or if you have experience working with your spirit guides already- cool then share that below.


thank you, for reading through these ideas, musings and experiences about Spirit Guides. We welcome you to go forth to share your story below in the comments section or comment below on the things that are working for you as you reach out to your spirit guides and communicate with your Spirit guides?

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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