Gemstone Of Happy Dreams: OPAL!!
What is an OPAL crystal? A usually amorphous mineral that is a hydrated silica softer and less dense than quartz and typically with definite and often marked iridescent play of colors and is used especially as a gem. Opals are essentially a gel from silica with percentages of water usually between 6% to 10%. Opal is 3% to 21% water weight , It is…
Crown Chakra Balancing
Crown Chakra Equilibrium Known as the Chakra of formlessness, the seventh chakra is located above the top of the head and affects all raised brain functions. The crown is associated with knowledge. Clarity of perception and self-understanding is achieved when the Crown Chakra functions properly. Once fully integrated, the crown chakra represents Illumination. When the female kundalini Shakti energy rises…
How to Prepare For a Successful Meditation
A Successful Meditation Routine Is Assured With Proper Planning. First expect to have a great meditation! It’s easy to meditate plus you will get better as time goes on. Use these steps to guide you into the peaceful space of deep breathing and sitting. Enjoy your journey into quietness. Relax~ 1. Take a shower or bath 2. Tidy up the…
Green Calcite
Green Calcite: This illustrious gemstone looks like a piece of pastel green soap. Calcite is one of the softest of all crystals, its even possible to scratch the gems surface. Named Calcite, for is chemistry. It’s chemical composition is Calcium Carbonate- Commonly known as limestone. Green calcite is great for energy centering. As a result of its natural grounding properties, it…
Energizing Affirmations!
Intention and imagination are your magic wands for success. Work it! I light up the sky with my good intentions Don’t choose to feel bad for anything you’ve done, only choose to DO better the next time..That’s all Will you wait another day to get it done..why not today? Everyone has healing to do, and it…
easy psychic mediumship for starseeds, Healthy habits, IMPROVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER, Intuition, Personal Transformation, psychic mediumship development for beginners, Spirituality, Starseed wisdom
What’s It Like to be Psychically Open Since Birth?
What Does It Mean To Be Psychically Open? To get some insight into this question, I’ll tell you a story. Here Goes: I am in my office writing an article. Just as I was about to finish the last part of the blog article. That’s when The phone rings. I notice the name on the caller id, I almost got…
Heal Thyself
Transform, Relax, Rejuvenate! Breathing deeper, eating healthier, drinking more water and just plain out doing whatever it takes to balance us out in our mind, body and energy field is an important task we should do to manifest more efficiently. Personal healing for one person that may mean adding a new routine to their life, like choosing to do yoga…
Yummy! Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is mesmerizing pink color. The pink color found in rose quartz is due to trace amounts of titanium, iron and manganese. When most people think of rose quartz they think of romance and love. It is true that rose quartz is used to balance emotions. This lovely quartz also brings warmth inner peace and creative elevation to its…