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What’s It Like to be Psychically Open Since Birth?

What Does It Mean To Be Psychically Open?

To get some insight into this question, I’ll tell you a story.

Here Goes: I am in my office writing an article. Just as I was about to finish the last part of the blog article. That’s when The phone rings.

I notice the name on the caller id, I almost got a cramp in my finger when I first attempted to stop writing in order to catch the phone. In my head at the time- I am thinking about the vibration I feel from the person who is wanting to get through to talk. Since the call felt important I knew I needed to answer. Especially since we are working together longterm in the area of coaching.

You may think I’m weird, however, I used to stop performing a quick reading while holding the phone on my shoulder just to see how I should handle a situation with my client. I used to quickly do a reading to see how to proceed. I’m still about doing readings for myself though. It can help.

Back to the details here. Then my dear client has been out of touch. She seemed to come back to life since I had started working with her for the past 9 months. Then when she left town for a month she ended up falling back into old ways. She said she had truly regressed back to where she used to be. However, once I was talking to her. It was evident that she was not where she used to be. She was merely being hard on herself.

This person did not stop doing all the harmful things they were doing when I met them. That was ok. They were learning how to. Just then, right after I started working with them there were insights all over the place coming through them.

My client began to talk to me, to explain just how much they wanted to have faster progress on their life path in all areas of life. However, they knew that they were off to a great start. They needed to still make some huge changes. They even had many awakenings, in the daytime and at night during their dreams. I will explain what awakenings are soon.

Finally, I get my ear on the phone to talk. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. I just made sure I was open. On the other end of the line is a dear client who tells me they have been too depressed to leave their home.

As I listen closely to Marrissa (she is ok with me sharing this), She does not sound depressed as she explains the multiple experiences she’s had during her bouts of depression. Or unending depression as she used to call it.

I listen silently. Intently. Then I could feel her energy. What she was about to say to me? Yey, I got excited when a couple of words began to come to her mouth. She’s saying a few words which opened up an opportunity for me to empathically connect with her.

My intuition picked up on my client’s challenges at that time instantly. The connection that I had psychically seemed to have taken place a process that it adhered to. We each use our psychic senses to move around in the world more efficiently.

Also to make sense of life, First I connect via knowing or claircognizance. As I listened I heard about 7 key things that told me what I needed to know to assist my client with their situation.

1. They say they’ve been hearing voices.

2. Have not eaten the way they should be eating.

3. They have been having so many vivid dreams.

4. Sometimes they have thoughts about wanting to die

5. They pop pills to hide from reality

6. They speak about other people in the home being a problem.

7. They stopped bathing regularly

After the last part, there was not much silence. I spoke immediately. What have you been focusing on during this time of depression I asked? They said nothing but making money. I knew that was not true. Psychics can see beyond mere worlds people say if we choose to. I asked the question again with a couple of other questions.

At first, they did not give the answer that I was looking for. Then after a few minutes, they came with the truth. They said they were going through a rough time. As I sat on the other end of the line there was no doubt about that. Their aura felt heavy, dark and cold. I knew there was warmth in their heart though. That I could feel it. I smiled before I spoke again.

From the start of the phone call…They were intent on telling me a story that came to them in their dream state. I listened. The dream showed exactly what needed to happen to erupt this person from their challenge. This was not a scheduled session so I cut straight to the chase. I knew this client for years. Pass lifetimes even. We have a great connection. I knew what they were about to say. I stopped them.

I started off…”Listen, you have energy problems. Let me tell you what is going to bring you success here: 1st of all, if you know you have a problem with being joyful, happy motivated. What should you do?” I asked if they had a plan to stop the constant cycles of depression in their life. They said no, they did not. If you want to stop this you need a plan! A regime would do wonders for you. You have to take charge of your life. Now I understand what the ‘people’ have told you but YOU have the power. You are choosing this life. Are you not? When I asked that question they admitted to not really trying. (We had been here before)

I spoke again, you need positive things, honey. You have to surround yourself with life. If not you will not remember your goal to stop choosing to be down in the dumps. They started speaking about someone else who is tired of them looking a mess. I stopped them- “Look honey you have a choice, do you not?”  You can be around whomever you desire to. This is up to you. Not them.

I know you have thoughts coming to you all day. your nervous system is very sensitive. You have to stay on point with things that make you feel good. Your thoughts are coming from a sick body, they will sabotage your efforts. We all have to IGNORE thoughts that do not suit us. That is your challenge.

We know you are open psychically, now what are you going to do about it. You have a gift. But you have to nurture it or it can turn into a nightmare for you. I change you to sit down and write a list of how your day is GOING to look. you hold the key! Then I want you to listen to things that keep you on point all day with sticking to your mission. Look all you need is 21 days! Then the new routine will become a habit.

What should you be listening to as someone who is psychically open? For one, listen to music, lectures all things that motivate and inspire you to do whatever you want to be or do. You should be listening to stuff like that daily. Meditation music, uplifting, inspiring. Motivational speakers that specialize in the field of study you want to get into or grow more confident in.

This story is a story I shared because there are other people in the world who share this experience. The issue with this is: People are being told THEY are not in control of their lives 100% of the time. As a healer, I have a sense for motivating people to do their best. Obstacles are always in our lives but the question is: What are we going to do to clear them up. I AM SOLUTION ORIENTED 100% of the time. Back to the story.

There are people in the world who believe they have a problem, or that something is permanently wrong with them. There is viable information that most people need to know. If they knew the truth about their bodies and brains they would be able to do so much more in life.

The world we live in is far more than most know. As a whole, we all do things together. There is one connection we each are a part of that oneness. For instance, we all breathe together plus we share the same air too! This has been happening since forever. Also, when we yawn, other people yawn directly after us, or the other way around. Cats and dogs yawn too. It’s funny dogs and cats actually yawn before or after people do. It’s a divine chain reaction. The World we live in is a strange world some would say.

The same way we share oxygen, we share thoughts as well. What my client is having is a major energy shift in her life. Everything she is going through is necessary for her to evaluate her life and make a choice. She is at a crossroads. That’s all it is. How many times have we all been at one of those? I’ll answer that for you! It’s been Several times in our lives. We go through life learning lessons during our life to grow, evolve and transform.

Here are some key things that can HINDER us from having a balanced nervous system:

1. Using DRUGS of ALL OF ALL KINDS including alcohol too.

2. Not getting some good hours of quality sleep per night.

3. Eating a greasy, fried, over salted & cooked, super sugar unhealthy diet.

4. Watching too much television

5. Unbalanced, unclean environment

6. No game plan

Women, men, and children are born sometimes with very sensitive nervous systems. This happens all the time. What types of things happen when someone is open in this way? Well, they can be persuaded to do something without words. they can be pulled to do something through thoughts and energy alone.

No one ever taught them (Pranayama)  deep breathing, Meditation, Qi Gong, Tai Qi and yoga exercises to assist them in balancing out their life force energy so they can then live joyfully with mastery of their body. Once everyone is taught such things, the world will be a brand new place. Most people have a thought come to them, they assume it’s their thought. Often it is not, what kinds of things have people done as a result of not knowing that thoughts can travel. Energy comes before words do. Always has.

This is why the Law of Attraction we say you have to ignore thoughts that do not serve to push you further. You must feel good and you must have a plan! A psychically open man woman or child can learn much from understanding how to work: The Law of Attraction in their life.

You also need to find a metaphysician who is experienced in balancing the life force. I wrote this because my life was all about this. One day I learned to take hold of my life by doing certain inner and outer work. I have been feeling more outstanding ever since! Read more about Psychic Mediumship Development here.

Last comment: The details of this story have been changed so no one’s exact personal story is shared on this blog. My client did give me prior permission for me to share her story on this website though. Regardless, I have a strict rule of privacy with my clients. If you have any experiences with being intuitive, psychic, or being able to talk to the deceased. Please look to share your story or even just a comment with us here. Drop your comments into the section below so we can all learn something new 🙂

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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