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Delete The Clutter, Let Magick Ignite You, Begin To Win At Life! – NaturallyHighLife
Channeling Your Higher Self,  destiny,  Healthy habits,  IMPROVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER,  life purpose,  Manifesting,  Motivation,  Productivity,  TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE STORY

Delete The Clutter, Let Magick Ignite You, Begin To Win At Life!

In honor of Ganesha


Hi & Peace to you,


This morning I woke up unusually early. It was Like 5 am, I’m telling you. I had a strong desire to write. So then I got up to make it happen. But also before I had gone to bed, I was thinking of how much I wanted to clear away some stagnant energy that I felt in the air.

I woke up reviewing my list of available options to clear the energy around my space and on me. As I looked over my blog I noticed this article was just sitting there as a draft. I had published it before back on Nov 8, 2014 @ 08:06. Then changed my mind on it before to maybe add more to it.

So I decided to finish it. While also taking my own advice from the article. I am certainly feeling the prosperity and the abundance that’s mine. Especially this morning as I type!

Now to clear the roads so I can really have an unobstructed adventure with all of this! Currently, I have just opened up enrollment on my Psychic Mediumship Development course known as The Psychic Mediumship Power Awakening online course.

During this course, we begin with some clearing the way exercises with Spirit Guides. Including Lord Ganesha the elephant-shaped deity who assists with clearing obstructions from one’s path! Working with spirit guides and also diety is one thing. There is a multitude of ways to get rid of that which do not positively serve the person/ or the ever emerging divine being anymore through clearing energetic clutter away.

Working with your ancestors is another way to clear the bull. You will see that working with ancestors is a quick solution for progress attraction on earth too. Especially if you are giving offerings to your deceased loved ones who are your ancestors.

Give offerings to help keep them strong so they can live a quality life on the other side. In addition, so they can give back to you, so they can support you on earth from the other side. 

Using crystals helps with clearing energy too! I’ve found crystals to also add more benefits to use other than use in magick, clearing or energizing energy. Those other benefits would be to assist with swaying, improving and boosting one’s feelings of what they (personally) may feel they deserve.

Crystals are a huge help! Working with them helps to remove self-sabotaging behaviors too. One purple colored stone can help with this. Its a crystal known as Amethyst the gemstone can help get rid of the cobwebs to let in much more of the most positive life experience you want.

Another component to cultivating abundance deliberately is to Allow it to happen- The next thing is to release old paradigms that may be in the way of what you want currently.

Many of us see these reoccurring themes in our lives such as angry people, controlling people, emotionally charged individuals, so-called negative thinking, receiving questionable customer service and patterns within us that we would like to see less of.

Just thinking about certain topics can seem to cause anxiety within us. This ends up being potentially traumatic for some of us. This happens because we often don’t know what to do. Nor do we learn how to process these bouts of feelings, decisions, emotions in heathy-well-processed ways.

Until we learn how to reprogram the body or spaceship we are in… We will see that Our bodies can hold memories, those memories may be having an adverse effect on us as well. We eventually come to discover 2 fundamental truths! That what we allow ourselves to experience in life is a key to take notice of. Plus the quality of our experience in life overall is also very important to some-not all!

I happen to be in the group that feels that overall integration is important in life. And that all the experiences in life are key to determining how we feel inside at any given moment. So is maintaining some sort of balance. Also, I’ve noticed that a key factor in life is to stop tensing the body up when you are witnessing unwanted situations in your life. At times, this can seem like an instant reflex to tense the body in the midst of adverse times. Truly, it’s said that this is a change that must be made if we would like to start a new.

For this reason, there are energy or qi cultivating exercises to aid in relaxing the body, while bringing it into a state of vitality, wholeness, peace, and balance. Some of these include things like Qi Gong, Yoga, Deep breathing, Exercises, Tai Qi, Paida and the list goes on.

Clutter, disorganization, plus an over-accumulation of stuff in and around someone can potentially block ones new resources and blessings that are due to come to them. These aren’t just anyone’s random gifts my dear! These are the Blessings that only they personally can receive. For that reason, I feel that when you make room around you and inside of you…that’s when the New can slide through.

We must make room in our lives for things that truly matter the most to us. Those things may be family, friends, financial stability, education or a career, but in order for new things to come, there must be space for them.

Here are a few ways we can reform the clutter around us, release and let go of the old to let in the new. So many things are just waiting to flow into our lives. Also into our new year in a whole new way! How about we prepare for the newness? That’s what I’m in the process of currently doing. I’ve seen this work before. It’ll work again. Clearing is one way of getting to your next level of success when you’re ready!

Have you tried to receive your blessings but seem to be experiencing big obstructions around you instead? Well, I’ve got news for you. Clearing clutter is certainly a game changer! Because of this, I’m going to dedicate the rest of this week to finish what I started in December last year.

Well I started with the clearing work I was doing around the house. Then I got too detailed with what I wanted everything to look like. Then like that, I slowed down on my efforts. I can see how a new plan can help me out. I really want to experience lightness again. To feel free, open, expansive, ready for my blessings. However, from what I’ve been noticing it doesn’t work like that for many of us Starseed, intuitive, empaths, psychics, healers, visionaries…

Instead, it’s by using carefully selected daily routines! That we’ve found a person can make the changes they want to make, by refreshing the energy around and in them- to receive in the new. It’s miraculous, really I find. It’s still so neat how There are so many ways to experience the divine in our reality! By getting better, by creating harmony and balance around us and in us we transform the world! I’m appreciating that!

In truth, you and I can understand the value of clearing and making room for one’s blessings. We can have that knowledge in us. That one time may be all it takes now to clear the way the blockages then poof we can be good and clear again! Unfortunately, That’s not enough to make it completely take place though. It’s gotta be an intentional process.

That’s why I feel it’s nice to clear on a regular basis to keep down any unwanted clutter plus build up. Just like we care for our hair. We like to keep it clean for the most part and we have to have a routine. The same goes for everything about us. We must maintain that which we care about. What’s a better way for you to love yourself? There are many ways. This way is on the list let me tell you!

Have you ever used affirmations to assist you with holding on or grasping a certain mindset or maybe to get a particular outcome? If you have? Then please suga share your experiences in the comments!

Alright, let’s get you to open up to receive your blessings. Repeat this affirmation after me: I deserve a wonderful life experience. I do! I now allow good things to come into my life, I’m enjoying the blessings that have come to me. I now get out of my way to let it happen. I am open, ready and it’s safe to receive.

Affirmations are little trails of magick I feel. They can turn almost any situation around! I tell clients this all the time. I’m totally serious too. I know because I have and still do practice the use of affirming my life just as I see fit!

Affirmations can help with getting you to your finish line! You gotta use them though. They are a great way to utilize positive thinking in your world. Still, you will find that There are other ways to release clutter, remove blockages and to embrace your blessings though.

One such way is known as Feng Shui. Which is actually pronounced (Fung-Sh way). This fantastic art is an ancient Chinese system of creating a harmonious or balanced environment around the person.

As you look into its history, you will find that It was developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to ensure the health and good fortune for each of the people living inside the space.

What exactly does this Feng Shui mean though? Glad you asked: Feng means wind and Shui means water. In Chinese culture, you will also find that wind and water are associated with bountiful, good health.

In time, good Feng Shui came to mean good fortune, while bad Feng Shui means the opposite (misfortune). Anyone can benefit from Feng Shui even if they have only used one principal from it. This has assisted me with bring in new things for sure. Its a little more work but it is definitely worth looking into.

In conclusion, There are several ways to allow energy to circulate in and around you better: You can start by clearing debris away from all doorways and entrances; This is actually a part of Feng Shui.

Second, clean the refrigerator out, wash clothes, put the clothes away and clean the house from top to bottom, including any reorganizing you may want to do as well.

After that, throw some sea salt around the home or space. Then vacuum or sweep up what you can. Sea salt is a great energy purifier. Also, you can take sea salt to cleanse your own energy as well. It’s easy, just take a handful of salt. Preferably Himalayan salt, use that in the shower or put the salt in the bathtub. In the shower, just place on your body then rinse and visualize your energy being cleared.

Also, throwing things away you don’t need and giving away extra items if they are no longer being used in your home. Oh, let me tell you how much this helps honey! After you have finished cleaning and clearing you will feel lighter than before-  that’s the goal, so congratulations!

There are so many benefits to clearing space and making room. From my experience energy needs a place to go. So making space for it is just what some of us need to rejuvenate our manifesting power. Energy is everywhere. It also takes the form of everything we see not to mention- things we do not too.

In the end, if we desire to see abundance in our lives, we can visualize it all day and night but in truth, it has to have somewhere to go. After we make room around us, we will definitely see some permanent changes. With wonderfilled shifts, and meaningful improvements too! Let me go continue clearing away the excess things and potential clutter I have.

It’s the perfect time to clear during Mercury Retrograde too (which is what’s happening right now). Due to going back into the past..or old stuff we get to clearly review what can stay with us or what can go. I’ve been told that people around the world feel like its easier during a time like the to let go of unnecessary stuff. What do you think about that? What’s your experience been…please share below.

Alright, we want to hear from you. Have you tried to clear out old stuff and clutter before? Have you felt the need to lighten your load by throwing away things? Or have you longed to see some improvements in your life? However, nothing seems to work? If you have anything to add please grace us with your presence by telling us what your thoughts are about this? Is it valid to you or not? 

Alright, Bless you! I’ll see you next time. Follow me on Instagram. The name on there is: queen_sereda

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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