destiny,  life path,  numerology,  Personal Transformation,  spiritual reading

Dive Deeper Into Your Being, Learn and Live Your Most Beautiful Truth With Numerology


Finding numerology has been truly life-changing!


Hi, today It’s Storytime,

Let me tell you my story about how and why numerology has had such a profound effect on my life as well as countless others! 



It was many years ago when I learned of numerology, 

I still remember when my parents used to drop me off at the bookstore (my favorite place besides nature)! So, here’s the rest of it, we’re getting to the point too. Now where were we?

Back then, I would always run straight to the metaphysical section in the bookstore to see what I could gather about myself and the other key people in my life. You know how it is perhaps, when you’re on a spiritual journey; being eager to learn, ready to remember, and amazed at how deep the rabbit hole goes…being on this spiritual journey is wonderful but it sometimes has been perceived as scary at times depending on who you are, where you are and what you’re doing in life…

Right. Wow. OK back to the point!

And that’s exactly why I was standing in those lovely wood-trimmed spaces that were packed with massive amounts of books. Oh let’s not forget the lovely pastry assortment as well. Yes so lovely, on top of that- each of the book pages I eagerly flipped through looking for answers. On a transformational mission.

Discovering numerology helped encourage me to keep going with my life path. I just knew there was so much more to see. I was filled with glee about getting a report. Plus numerology was hugely informative. With numerology you get the how, why’s, and answers to a great deal of your questions.

Numerology fills the void of reassurance plus destiny/ lifepath support. Knowing about the numbers seemed to leave everyone who got a report feeling seen by the universe and even loved too! No more feeling so lost or like you’re missing from somewhere- Numerology took those feelings away for me then and it can do the same for you for a divine reason, almost immediately.

Which is just what I wanted too. Answer this, have you been passionate about something before? If yes, yep that’s how it was. I had to find out about myself and all the others I could at the bookstore. After all, isn’t the spiritual journey really all about uncovering a way to find your way home- to find out where you’re from + what’s your purpose? 

…Forsure, back then I was just starting off with spirituality. Books were where the information was that’s why I was in the bookstores I visited, I wanted answers and well, honestly (I loved the endless pages of wonder there. It was a great escape into the unknown. Well also, the internet wasn’t what it is today. Back then I really had to research inside of books for what I wanted to know.

Even though it was a bit overwhelming to have so many inquiries about who I was and why I was here on earth… it didn’t Matter. I kept looking for the best numerology report that would break down in simple terms who I was.

numbers in numerology

Before long, there was more research to do!

As I got further into my studies, I thought I would simply play around with some numbers and it would be all fun. However, in the middle of all of that- I found about 98% of the information was on point regarding me, my desires, as well as my personality as a person.

It was Powerful to find the truth in numerology. Also, I found breakthrough insights, direction + focus when I needed it the most. There was even a daily, monthly plus my weekly forecast weaved right into the report. I was like a child in a big chocolate candy store as a child again! So I started incorporating numerology reports into my offerings after I talked to one of my spiritual teachers about it. They assured me it was time for me to just start creating the reports by hand myself.

That’s how it began. I typed the reports by hand using Google Docs or Keynote.

Just after that, treated myself to another report using a new software I had found. I got started quickly making reports. With my new find; I put together lots of numerology reports to offer to clients, friends, and family. Next the thing that intrigued me was the talk about a certain number we all have in our birthday numbers.

The lifepath or destiny number was what it was. I kept hearing about the life path or destiny number. In truth, as I think back- That’s probably pretty much all I researched at first. Then I finally made time to digest the other information that came in my precious report about me and others. The thing was on it! I couldn’t stop deeply scanning the information. It’s not a boring report. Thankfully it’s entertaining to read as well.



Well worth it, Deep and Simple to grasp

It was easy to only study the lifepath number when I found out about that. Since it was simple to calculate + read about too but also quite in-depth with its messages. However, when I found out about the life path or destiny number, that alone surprised me with how much on point it was.

It was startling me, even as I reviewed the lifepath, expression, birthday plus personality numbers. I was overjoyed to know that numerology existed while somehow the numbers I was eagerly reviewing had explained my current life experiences, personality, challenges, lessons, opportunities, propensities, and passions. I knew even further that there was and is a Source of all that is. It spoke to me through the report.

Well before that time I was in the middle of an identity crisis though. It was tough to not be able to settle on one thing that I wanted to do for a living. I didn’t have any idea of who I was or what I was supposed to be doing (I was in denial about my lifepath.) That’s where numerology came in to help me. It’s information truly helped inspire me & save the day. 



I was on the hunt to uncover exactly who I was

Desperation had taken over back then. Also, again I did find help. Like I said earlier in this blog post–my spiritual teachers had mentioned to me that numerology is a masterful technology to be studied, learned and even lived as one decides to. I was told that the famous enneagram (which is where I learned from as well) was even created from the principles of numerology too. That’s when I knew that studying my numbers was a good place to start out on the journey to realizing myself plus my life’s work too.

When I finally found the numerology report information that I admired by the description, I then ordered my own personal numerology report the first time I had found several paragraphs explaining how I was to be in life. I was fascinated. I pretty much wanted to learn more. Then I took plenty of advanced lessons on numerology to research just what numbers meant symbiotically. As I studied, I learned more about numerology than I could even implement at the time. 

It took me a week at least to unpack all the gems that were given to me inside my entire personal numerology report. Honestly, I had never found a report as vast and dynamic as the one I have to offer you today. Yes, stick with me because I have a sure method to get a numerology report. I’m not talking about a tiny report…no the full report is pretty in-depth and impressive.

Following that, it was over 7 years ago that I actually made a decision to make sure I had a way to give numerology reports like the one I had received at the time I got one. That’s what I did. I found a way somehow because we all knew a blessing when we see one.

This report showed up for me when I needed to light my path and take better action on everything that was being revealed to me. I was running out of money then the report showed me the way to some $$$. I’m not saying this could be the case for everyone but it happened for me like that.


Right there I decided: That’s when knew, I had to offer a numerology report like that myself

I exchanged a pretty penny too in order to put my hands on the best software I could find. I made it my business to be able to offer spiritual-based uplifting, amazing, mind-expanding numerology software to give you the most eye-opening numerology experience that you’ll probably ever have just like I did. 

My numerology studies went from simply reading my numerology report to getting further into taking action than more research. Plus more self-love practices took fuller accountability. stopped blaming people, and myself, and embraced my desire for more answers. I then shifted my world to a positive place with the assistance of what I came to learn about the numbers that are a part of my name and birthday.

On top of that, my cash flow increased, my passion for life went up, my self-love began to grow, and the mysteries of my life were starting to make sense! That was such a gift!

Which is why I want the same thing for you. Even if you’ve had one before–you haven’t had this particular report. Its flow is powerful. If there’s one thing you need to experience in this life-it is having the chance to look over your very own numerology report. You will gain confidence galore once you have a look at the most detailed numerology report. If necessary, you’ll find joy in life again. In fact, you can only get better once you have your personal numerology report. You can thank me later, trust me.



Why should you see your numerology report?

If you been looking for answers on what you’re supposed to be doing in this life? Are you looking to be more confident and make way more money? Have you been in constant search of who you are and why you’re here? Do you desire an accurate reading from spirit to find your way? Are you sitting at another heavy crossroads and need some guidance? Is life almost too overwhelming to bear? Do you need a reason to go on?
Are you wanting a map or a detailed blueprint that can assist you in reaching your wildest dreams?



Come to take a look at your own personal amazingly accurate numerology report! I do guarantee that you will absolutely love it!



Curious About Your Numerology Report, Get one now

Once you secure your own numerology report with us, I will send you a complete numerology report or a numerology report plus an added tarot video reading (when you choose that option.)

(Get more value with the love it or gotta have it options)! More on these options shortly.

Let me tell you now, This numerology report is like no other.

It’s so detailed it’s like a breath of fresh air to sit with a blanket, some tea or coffee as you enjoy learning all about all the influencing numbers that have been surrounding you since birth whew!



This is going to sound overconfident- However!

It’s been my experience that each time a client receives their numerology report- it’s pretty much guaranteed (they will find enormous joy in reading their own unique numerology report! Once you get your hands and eyes on your numerology report the report is sure to shed light on several areas of your life where you will find insights, helpful wisdom, inspiring life guidance lessons, opportunities, powerful gifts, talents to nurture, focus, direction, many concerns comforted, and answers to long-held questions about who you as a person and how you can get even better.


Upon completion of your order,

I will send you: A professionally put-together Ultra Accurate Full Personality and Lifepath Numerology Report. The numerology reports can easily be 20-something pages in length. Also, you’ll find it’s easy to receive and save your report. Simply put, your numerology report will be sent as a PDF. Numerology reports include around 30 various topics plus a numerology color chart will also come with your report to actually see your numerology report visually in vibrant color.

The topics in your numerology report include:

A table of contents, a Numerology report summary, Introduction to Numerology, Lifepath number, Birthday number, Expression number, Minor Expression number, Personality number, Maturity number, Bridge 1 number, Bridge 2 number, Karmic number, Hidden number, Planes 1 number, Planes 2 number, Planes 3 number, Planes 4 number, Balance number, Rational thought number, Cornerstone number, Subconscious self number, Challenges number, Pinnacles number, Cycles number, Physical Transit number, Mental transit number, Spiritual transit number, Essence number, Personal year number, Personal days number, Personal months number.


If you love how this all sounds, I look forward to putting together a numerology report just for you using our state-of-the-art technology. You’re going to be swept away by this!

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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