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My experience: How the Planet Saturn Truly Improves Your Life for the Better

Hey there,


Today, I want to share some of my experiences with going through a long 19-year transit of the planet Saturn crossing my path. This unique astrological transit stayed with me for quite a while. During that time.

As the years continued, I studied astrology both sidereal and even western systems. My ancestors helped me to realize the talents I had already realized and enjoyed in other lifetimes. Astrology and Numerology are two loves of mine.

How serious was astrology for me? I was so excited that I did things the long way back then. I was pretty serious too. Even more, than I am right now.

Back in the day, I didn’t really appreciate all shortcuts either. Here’s how I used to draw my numerology and astrology descriptions on actual paper. By hand.

All I wanted to do once I had found these deep mysteries was to dive into the full length of the principles and studies for astrology. I can’t say I studied everything in astrology.

However, I certainly found what I needed to in order to realize the fact that I am a divine being. That somehow some way, being left the methods of astrology out there for us to find. I feel its to find ourselves. That’s exactly what ended up happening. and that felt I used to be addicted to everything astrology. I did!

Each day, I found myself eager, anxious and in love with awakening to more of who I was. I still love me some astrology. I keep being called to read charts again. I then started to work with some astrologers. Me, my clients, friends and teachers had lots of great big fun playing in the field of astrology techniques knowledge and information.

Also, I too have my system that I use when I read someone’s birth chart in astrology. In fact, I favor the use a little bit of two systems when I read a chart. This way I get lots more details for the reading. Just in case I decide to decipher a birth chart.

Whenever I ponder the inspiration that astrology brought into my life repeatedly. I can still remember how I would hop out of the bed so quick when I was younger on my spiritual journey. I just had to get to the bottom of what my own life path is and was. What I learned about was surprising, astonishing, welcoming ancient plus beautiful.

It is with great honor that I thank my astrology teachers for their dedication, patience and support!

Astrology became a teacher for me. In life, at a very young age. I can recall small talks about my astrology studies. Overall, at first, I really didn’t trust people to about what I was studying to know. I felt astrology was worthy of being kept in honor and with respect.

I kept my studies to myself for many years. I didn’t want to complicate things by sharing the wrong info about me with them.  I was still attempting to figure out my life path.

So, from then on. What I came to notice is that it’s been said that the planet Saturn is heavy but so are its earthly lessons as well. Once Saturn transits an important placement in your chart. You can see life activating for you in a particular way.

Or even if Saturn just barely touches your life. It’s there when you look at your life so differently from the way you did once before. To share some of the strikingly amazing effects that I’ve seen with the planet Saturn…

To share the strong effects this planet had on my life…

I would need to share a story with you so you can see why my business, brand and myself changed for the better. After my close, personal time with the planet Saturn.

The special time of challenging lessons all started very early in my life. It was around a little after 19 and half years ago really almost 20 years ago as of today. This day is The original day I first reviewed this article to see what more I need to add to it.

Eventually, I began to write more and more. I added a few words then I’d save my writing. In an attempt to connect the past, present and the future. As I could recall I was born to two lovely parents. They were young when they brought me into this world.

A long time ago I wondered how my parents came to the point or decision of conceiving me. They told me that They had planned to have me come into the world. Each of my other siblings had been planned too. as my mother shared with me without even pausing- when I asked her about it.

I lived my life with the Saturn huge influence. For 19 and a half year! That was like a tremendous pain on my back at times. All of the discipline I went through with Saturns help was like an earthly initiation.

However, I still embraced lessons over time. After fighting with the planet Saturn about how slow things were. I grew impatient and Hot.

That’s when I noted bullet points, rules, and plans which Saturn seemed to have on me and well my entire life back then. I claim my power now…so no more of this for me.

Talking about Saturn. The weight I felt when I was a young girl felt like a burden that I had to bare during the years of my life.

I went From feeling young and lost. To feeling way more mature than I was, to want to hurry up to grow fast…

These were some of the struggles I had back then. I thought I had a bad life lol. For as long as I can remember, I never felt as if I belonged on the planet!

I can laugh now thankfully. I do resonate with being a starseed. The struggles make sense. It’s like the ancestors and universe have to shake us while we’re on earth while we are here for us to Wake up!

It’s been real and full of learning for me. During the 19 year Dosha period in astrology, I found something no one could ever take away! More confidence! But back then, I was an introvert. Then I was having energy and digestion issues.

However, I  was chillin with the planet Saturn as a teenager at first. I had to deal with things moving so much slower for me then also. Success took a little extra time. I had to work hard back then. Plus you can feel slower energetically, more introverted too.

I’m pretty sure you know what I mean. For me as a child, I wanted to break out and fast. Being so young then, It felt as if my world had too much structure. Also important. You can feel like you’re having to work 10 times as hard to see results with any goals you’re striving to reach with Saturn.

There were these and even other reasons why my business looks like it does today. It’s from Saturn growing me up to show me the real rough grounding 3D Earth realities. In other words, I got a pretty large wake-up call.

Before Saturn came through my life. Things were simple. Somewhat. This was back when I was 19 years old. That’s when I officially began the 19 year time period of the Saturn Maha Dasha period.

To be upfront about it too, I felt the influence of Saturn when I was in middle school and then high school. In fact, I felt the influence well before it really was supposed to start.

Another lesson learned is that I feel good about my life today with where I’m going. I understand there is a bigger reality playing out for me.

Surprisingly I felt enormously creative during that time period of Saturn. Which is actually in my astrology chart to have a certain amount of creative fire and spirit.

The only thing that happened as a result of making stuff was that I wanted to make everything perfect. I learned about the importance of structure from Saturn too. I look forward to hearing from you. 

If I had to name the two things that I learned more about than anything else.. it would have to be that I learned about Structure, respect, honoring my ancestors, taking life more serious, Planning ahead, structure, hard work, maturity, timing, and discipline. In order to learn more about this go here.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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