Personal Transformation

How Can You Utilize Metaphysics to Advance Your Life Goals?

Metaphysics happens to be a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the nature of reality and being, is a broad term.

And get this: It includes all philosophical topics that transcend the physical world, such as life after death, the existence of a higher power, a God or concept of gods, and the meaning of life.

Another example: regarding the definition of metaphysics would be the search for absolute reality. The search for: Who am I? What am I? Where have I been? Where am I going?

What is the relationship between man, mind, and the Universe? If you can answer those questions, you can find your place in life. If you can’t, then it doesn’t matter, you’re just a wanderer.” —Dr. Paul Leon Masters

What does this all mean? Today we will delve into a topic on which this blog is founded. That would be Metaphysics. More specifically, The topic is regarding metaphysics to advance your life.

It works like this: Metaphysics can be applied to many aspects of life, such as spirituality, psychology, and even science. Metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality and of existence. Metaphysics is an exploration of your consciousness and spirituality.

Here’s what I mean: metaphysical study is a way to find meaning in life, explore your spirituality, as well as, find out who you really are.

One other thing is that the study of metaphysics is often described as a study of existence, consciousness, and knowledge. Metaphysics are usually divided into two main branches: ontology and cosmology.

Hear this: Ontology deals with questions about what entities exist or can be said to exist, and how such entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences.

Ontology deals with questions about what it means for something to exist at all.

Did you know that cosmology deals with questions about the origin and eventual fate of the universe?

-What is its ultimate nature?

-What is its origin?

-What will happen to it in the end?

-How does its existence relate to human existence?

Wikipedia says that Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity, and possibility.

This branch of philosophy is also known as Metaphysical Science. For several years I have been researching how to incorporate and even apply The Metaphysical laws to my life.

What is Metaphysics? What are some timeless questions that Metaphysics answers?

Glad you asked. The study of metaphysics answers inquiries that we often have with the universe, Source, and or even with ourselves like:

What am I?

Who am I?

Where am I going?

Where have I been?

Where am I going?

Some people believe that metaphysics can help them explore their spiritual side, while others use it to explore their consciousness. Some people use it to find meaning in life or to explore their spirituality while others use it as a way to find out who they really are.

Onward, when you look into what metaphysical investigation, study, academic specialization, or research include, you will see studies regarding the interest of cause and effect, the law of one mind, the law of plenty,  what is existence, what are the objects around and in us, what are the properties of each thing? what is space and what is time, what is a possibility?

Also interesting is that Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, including logic, epistemology, ethics.

But I’m not finished. Because metaphysics covers several areas of study on several topics such as Philosophy, Religion, Parapsychology, Mysticism, Yoga, ESP, Dreams, Jungian Psychology, Transpersonal and Theocentric Psychology, Astrology, Meditation, Self-Help Studies, Positive Thinking, Life After Death, Transcendentalism, Mysticism, Reincarnation.

The answer is simple. Metaphysics is the study of the fundamental nature of reality, including physical, mental realities, as well as spiritual.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of what is beyond the physical world and how it influences our lives.

Now let’s be real. There are many different types of metaphysics, but they all share some common elements.

Check this out:

-One common element shared by the various types of metaphysics is the belief that there are forces that exist which cannot be seen or touched but can be felt or sensed by some people.

-Another element shared among most metaphysical beliefs is that everything in life has an energy vibration, or a frequency (if you will) which can be measured on a scale from low to high.

Also, the word “metaphysics” comes from two Greek words: “meta” meaning “beyond” and “phusika”, meaning “physical” or “natural.”

Allow us to go further into this subject. Metaphysics is the exploration, study, and research of who each person is and why are they actually here on the planet as well.

Metaphysics is another way to describe the purpose and meaning of life, death, existence as a whole, etc.

For centuries, The interest in metaphysics is really gaining ground in the 21st century. It wasn’t always that way.

However, over the years, traditionally the word Metaphysics has shifted. But, it does come from ancient times. The word metaphysics is a combination of the words Meta, which means over & beyond. Which means, over & beyond physics.

This means these words come together to define what it is to go over and beyond physics in your studies. When you go research the definition of metaphysics in the dictionary, in libraries, or in bookstores…

It is then, you will find the word metaphysics is labeled as a branch of philosophy that includes questions about the nature of consciousness along with the link between matter, the mind, the reason for existence, the laws of nature, plus the nature of being.

To wrap this all up; metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality. It is also the study of things that are not physical, such as mental events, spiritual experiences, how our thoughts affect things, the universe plus our realities and abstract objects.

Metaphysics is different from physics in that it does not try to explain the nature of reality in terms of matter or energy.

Why is that? The word metaphysics comes from two Greek words: meta meaning “after” and physics meaning “physics”.

Metaphysics used to be taught over the years as a pillar of philosophy. In academic bodies along with universities- metaphysics used to be found right in the section of philosophy of a speculative nature. Thankfully that’s now not the case.

However, nowadays metaphysics as philosophy is more understood, respected, and taken into account in a serious way.


-Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the ultimate nature of reality.

-Including the nature of time, space, being, and causality.

-Metaphysical concepts are said by some to be inexpressible in normal language.

-The word metaphysics derives from two Greek words: μετά and φυσική.

-It translates to the word “after physics” or “beyond physics”.

-Metaphysics is a subject that has been around for thousands of years and it is still growing today.

-Metaphysics is the study of things that are beyond what we can see and experience with our senses.

-Metaphysics is the study of human consciousness, meaning, values, and reality.

-It’s a highly complex subject that has been around for thousands of years and is still growing today.

-Metaphysics is one of the oldest sciences in the world and has been used for centuries to help people advance their lives.

-There are many benefits to using metaphysics in your life.

-One of them is that it helps you improve your self-esteem.

-It also provides you with a sense of peace and tranquility, which can be helpful when you are dealing with stress or anxiety.

-The word metaphysics is derived from the Greek words meta and physics.

-Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies questions related to reality, existence, and knowledge.

-Metaphysics can be used as a tool to advance your life goals by making you more aware of your thoughts and emotions.

-Lastly, it can also help you with your personal growth as it helps you understand yourself better.

Drop a comment below if you have intentionally used Metaphysics to improve your life.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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