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How to level up to attract your best life Part. 10 of 20

Speaking of cycles, There’s a right time then there is Mercury Retrograde, As you take a look at articles in magazines, blogs, astrological columns, newspapers and all the youtube monthly, weekly and yearly transit videos. 

This is when you will often hear about which sign the speedy planet of Mercury is hanging out in.

Plus whenever the planet Mercury is in a certain zodiac sign that’s when we are able to see some patterns of the astrological signs behaviors when they join the party with Mercury during its Retrograde transits.

When Mercury is sitting in a sign you can see the traditional key effects that are said to affect each one of the astrological signs directly in different, varying ways. This is why each Mercury Retrograde is said to behave differently each time.

As Mercury makes its rounds through the sky, running around to visit each of the 12 zodiac signs. When I first began to write this for instance. Mercury was retrograde in a fire sign.

I can recall as I think back. The themes of that particular Mercury Retrograde kept the focus on Inner child healing and recovery. It was then that I released a lot of stuff myself. It was last year on the first day of Spring. I’ve been writing all about this since.

I feel Spirit, the universe or your higher self or angels have led you here to intrigue you. To remind you in a huge way of many things.

Most of all it’s to remind you that Without the wisdom of knowing that we have power over ourselves each and every time. Life can seem so uncertain. Don’t get caught up. Affirm your magic through everything!

We get it. (Spirit says). When we don’t know any other way to deal with this feeling of powerlessness and then uncertainty this is when fear can also set in due to the minds focus on this.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Because you do have power. Mercury is known as the younger brother of the zodiac this planet is powerful in helping with regaining your personal power which is, in essence, Leveling Up.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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