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Journaling With Gratitude & Appreciation Right NOW: Direct Your Life Into a Beautiful Direction With Scripting

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.- Unknown

“Life is what you make it”. -The elders of our lifetime today, plus our ancestor’s who lived before us often say.

To be completely honest. The time back when I was younger I wasn’t sure whether life is what you make it or not. However, I did some investigation to see for myself.

It didn’t throw out all of the wisdom the elders taught me- just like you probably didn’t either.

First I had to live long enough to set up some experiments to see if I could recreate the wheel or the opportunity to literally re-do my own life story.

One day I found out that what they said could be accomplished. I have 4 journals that reveal that this hidden method actually worked for me too. So amazingly I wrote the powerful routine I created in my physical and in my digital journals.

People asked about the methods I’ve been using to get more meaningful stuff ✅.

Next, I intentionally created a private record of my entire process behind the scenes. More on that in our Vip Patreon group. Sign up to join right here.

Back to the details now: So, scripting may have actually saved my life. Let’s build on this:

Movies are written scripts that have an interesting 🤔 and an entertaining storyline, characters, plots, lessons, and epiphanies.

Lectures on Quantum Physics along with Metaphysical research have revealed that we are living in a simulation. Yes!

It’s been reported that what we experience ‘as life’ is just a holographic projection from our mind. That means we can HACK OUR REALITY through our minds.

When first learning of this idea, I was eager to know more. Since I was already in love with the idea of manifesting reality I was ready to know what tools I could add to what I was already doing in my manifesting processes to get more precise, consistent, predictable, and swifter results.

Once I learned the way I would be attracting the life of my dreams was going to be by using stories, writing, with journals, pens, paper, etc, etc, etc..that’s all it took.

Before you knew it-my life was changing right before my eyes. It was clear. Plus I was no longer a believer, I knew it was real. Then went to work.

Have you been curious before, wondering if you can change the story of your life just like you see other people out in the world seem to do?

What if I told you there is a special secret method that many winning people use to hack their reality through writing ✍️?  And what if I told you that this tool is not something complicated to do? You can learn how to use this yourself within a matter of hours, a day as well.

Get your water cup because we’re going in on how to reshape your life using a method that has literally been positively encouraging to say the least.

Heyy, what’s good?


I’m here just writing to you from my bedroom. Where I’m working on self-help lesson plans with some rich helpful content for my community.

If you’ve been following my updates. Then you may have seen my most recent offering on how to make your life like a movie you love.

Read over the notes that I wrote over the years on how you can make your life better by using a bit more imagination and creative vision to manifest.

If you are interested in knowing more so you can use this no-risk strategy yourself for your life then great.

I want to share it with you. Sign up below since I’m offering a free online guide for developing your newly built movie with character. You can find it here.

Before I continue to flesh out these lesson plans for an online course- First, I’m grabbing my manifesting journal to continue the empowering process of affirming, confirming + encouraging the life I’m already living and enjoying. 

As I do this journaling practice, I also affirm the beautiful life I’m wanting to live while improving my current life by just doing one thing!

The one thing that helps me out greatly with manifesting is writing while basically journaling the success story of my current life. The success story I’m writing for myself as I’m living it at the same time.

Is this some kind of ancient magic from some little flimsy fantasy land? No, it’s not. At times when you’re actually doing this practice- it can seem like it’s a kind of magical hack that had to be channeled to get here to us. But it’s just a practice you can take. You may call it a routine, a healthy habit, or a ritual.

This practice is one that you can use each day. In fact, I recommend it. Because as you get into the mode of programming your reality more to be what you want it to be you will only get better! This means ultimately that you can attract what you want for yourself faster. Yes.

This form of journaling practice is fun to work with. It’s a unique routine that gets you results. The results you can expect are straight out of a storybook since you are the leading character of your own story.

Some folks call it scripting, law of attraction journaling, journaling with assumption, writing your vision movie! 

You may already be doing this or know about it. If so either way, share your experience with this too. Love to hear about it.

For some years, I have been taking time out to journal for my mental health. I haven’t been telling anyone. I’ve just taken time out to have fun retelling my story the way I want it in a simple journal.

Why do this? Since I wanted to simplify my life more instead of complicating it…I started journaling more intuitively. I embraced the type of journaling that a younger version of me would love to do + appreciate. This makes journaling regularly functional, practical, and FUN.

I chose to journal in this way to release any perfectionism patterns that could show up (it used to) and block the whole activity! Taking a simple approach to journaling has helped me to just get started but this way of getting started has also helped me to follow through on my self-love practice of journaling as well.

Need more reasons to do it? Creative writing is wonderful for mental health. Approaching journaling in this way has helped me to have more fun with my journaling while staying true to my values and wishes also. Share below, What’s your favorite way to journal? 

Journaling in this free-flowing way helps people who may overthink journaling- get to journaling. Instead of judging yourself and waiting for the right moment in time (which is right now).

Everything is happening now in our reality. Time doesn’t really exist Quantum Physicist say. I’m telling you that This practice has literally been positively life-transforming for me! Even with all of the negative nonsense in the world about black women this or being that.

That stuff isn’t realistic nor is it authentic because none of us are the same. I didn’t even grow up in the mainstream culture because my family was military. We were here and out of the country.

The *tel-lie-vision is not everyone’s real life. So since people are putting us into their stories. You go forth to be the one to share your own story instead. And your story will float to the surface over all others.

That being said, that’s why I will never allow other people to tell me who I am. So I tell my story. And so can you. If you have been on your own journaling journey then you may have had some similar experiences too.

Or are you still thinking about whether or not scripting journaling is for you? So, are you journaling yet? And if you are, how’s it working for you? And if you aren’t but want to… what’s stopping you from getting started over there 👉🏾 ? Anyone can make this happen, take the step, and you’ll see!

I see you 👀

Yes, My sense of humor is turned up today as you can tell Lol.

It’s a quiet Wednesday morning As I edit this blog, it’s another Tuesday in June on the 22nd of 2021. I just left the kitchen where I was prepping some Keto-friendly breakfast for my person…. (it’s an editing day) Now I eat a bit more carbs and I’m feeling great. Balance.

Maybe I’ll blog about that today too. Show some pictures and all that. I will. Please go follow my posts on Instagram plus sign up for my newsletter on this page.

Perhaps someone would like to see this yumminess chocolate vanilla coconut cream chia pudding. I posted it on Instagram at some time.

It’s mega healthy. My pudding is in the refrigerator for a couple of hours then I’m pulling it out. I’ll share the recipe too. That’s the most important part anyway. Don’t you think so? 😀

Alright, let’s get back to the Journaling and manifesting motivation chat.💭

Take a few deeper breaths. Open up to what I’m about to say. It’s important! Realize that you can start manifesting what you want in small steps. Starting today if you like. But what do you want out of life? What’s your expanded vision for yourself and your life?

Have you let the universe know it? Plus, Are you aware of what you want?

Don’t waste any more time worrying. Instead, Get clear about what you desire out of yourself, your life, and your vision ASAP! I have tools on this website to help.

Because, No matter what, this intentional activity of journaling in the present tense, positively performed regularly will change and improve your circumstances rapidly. Sorry, That was a tongue twister!

So, I want you to take a moment to discover what it is that you want by placing all of your attention on things you enjoy and want to see more of.

You’re already a success in life. Now all you gotta do is assume it & affirm it repeatedly. -SAHYOFEYA (a spirit guide)

If you are manifesting by way of journaling…then I urge you to consider this advice: WHATEVER YOU DO: Ignore the unwanted!


Then see yourself opening your arms to the great things which you are wanting to see more of immediately.

It’s beneficial to Do this action of opening up within you plus around you sooner than later. This life is moving, ya know.

Why do this stuff though?? Here’s a good reason. There are so many good reasons to get into this healthy habit of writing ✍️.

One reason that I feel this regular Journaling practice is wonderful for is manifesting for increased confidence, wellness + motivation.

Since You’re the weaver of your life story today and every day you have wayyy more control over your results, your manifestations, and everything then you may have ever thought. That’s why I’m writing this to let ya know. 

Plus All of us are able to do this! That’s why It’s so important to steer the ship of your life. Or you will surely find that someone else will have to come over to do it for you. What if you prefer to do things your way? Then journaling can help you follow through with that decision with a solid plan which you get to initiate, inspire plus create.

When someone else becomes the creator of your life..well what happens is that there’s no telling where you’ll end up…And that’s Dangerous o.k.

I don’t know about you specifically and what you desire. What I do know about many folks is that they Don’t want to Not know how their life will be. This is why some of us are expressing ourselves while writing our own stories in a journal proudly!

Now, What will you attract, manifest, or even materialize for yourself in this month or this year?

Leave a comment below.

We would love to hear about that plus

your journaling and writing process up to this point.

What’s that like for you?



If you’re still not motivated to get moving

on manifesting the life you desire through journaling:

Then Do this journaling exercise with me:


Take out a piece of paper…

Any kind. It can be a receipt,

a sheet of school notebook paper,

a journal you like or not, a composition book,

some graph paper, a sticky note,

a memo pad, or even index cards

can work for starters.

Then write these words at the top… choose a set of words for yourself here… one is enough.

What am I appreciating about (my person, me, myself, my life), and my vision right now?


Next, take a deep breath, and take some more breaths. Relax, and find a quiet space to reflect for a moment. Then, Begin writing your magic words down. Write for about 3-10 minutes then stop.

You’re doing a Great job by even considering

this practice by the way…


OK, Then repeat this daily or for several times a week.

Remember to Keep your vibration and energy

focused on the goodness unfolding for you. Be positive since we are always beholden to the law of attraction which means that whatever we place our focus on- we will attract (more of it) whether we want the thing we place our focus on or not!

For those of you who tend to overthink 🤔

this process of journaling

Only to find that you feel guilty when you attempt to do it, or you procrastinate, never start, or never get it done.

I know about this as a manifestor-And you may too!

Oh, goodness-Help a Sistah

I could write a book on procrastination 101.

So, Stop it 😁.

Do not overthink this.

Just do it!

Then Watch as your seeds grow for sure. 

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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