Personal Transformation

Law Of Attraction Testimonials

Comment: Don’t sleep on vision boards…they work! 

Response: SO TRUE!!! I made a vision board last year and half of the things I put my mind to or on the board happened for me!!! In a matter of months! Whatever you put into the universe will definitely come back to you! 🙂 Making a new one for 2012!


This is something that I used to do..when I first found out about law of attraction. On one side of the paper I would say I wanted something… An example of something that I said that worked. I said Universe I want a part time job that doesn’t have me working on the weekends that is in my field( early childhood education), and is near all the bus lines or something better now. On the other side of it I wrote I work part-time with no weekends in my field and all the bus lines go past my job or something better now. So I wrote it in the present tense like yes I have it but allowing the universe to give me extra by putting “or something better now” I ended up getting a job that was downtown working with abused children…worked part-time no weekends..not even on Fridays and all the bus lines went into that area ♥


Kind of a testimonial.. one day I was walking home from school (in college) and I said money is really needed money is rightfully mine, money comes at the present time, money must come for my problems and troubles to cease money must come for my mind to be at peace. No faster than I finished saying that..this guy comes out of nowhere and damn near runs me over with his bike.. and as I look down..20 dollars appeared!


wow…it’s a long story but here goes…I have had “stinkin thinkin” in regards to my relationship, my children, my career, money, my appearance etc….I got depressed and discouraged….THEN…I really made a point to intentionally think on good things, what I wanted and NOT what I thought I had…this group has been a BLESSING!!!! So I “focused” and began to read the various posts and affirmations, I would write down what I want on index cards a carry them even to bed and the shower. I also said how grateful I am for having these things…I started to youtube some of Abraham Hicks videos etc etc. because I hit a major inspirational roadblock in my relationship. My significant other and I had been very disconnected and I felt like because this is an area that has always derailed me in the past I would “focus” on it. Nothing changed…it got worse. Then I asked for the air to just be cleared and I was even willing to move out. Yesterday I guess a friend of mine sensed something was wrong and asked if she should come over for a “pow-wow”…she did…we came to the conclusion that I need to be loving ME how I desire to be loved. I need to focus on what I want and even make a short/long term goal list. As we were talking, my BF interjected (which is NOT like him) and for the next four hours, she mediated a “relationship cleansing session”…now what does that have to do with my career? Well his biggest issue with me was a financial one…he wants to see me doing well and being prosperous and making ME happy because he feels that I have lost my FOCUS etc. etc….(among other things) So I made my list and exactly what i want and I have gotten calls all day for business (I am a licensed Nail Technician with a mobile nailcare service)…I feel like my emotional cleansing…re-focusing…support

of you all (whether you knew it or not)… the law of attraction – my purposeful thinking and visualization and everything else has unblocked my ability to manifest the goodness I was desiring…and the funny thing is that this is all very new to me and I don’t know if I understand it completely…but it’s changing my life… – blessings and thank you for listening! ♥


ok the work from last night is working..i saw some signs of that today..wanna hear more? ok here it is: was on the train today, before i got on the train i asked a sista a question then something said to ask the brotha next. so i asked him what direction he was going and how long had he been waitin; since it was so chilly outside this morning. i also asked him, when the train would show up. we ended up chit chatting and he needed some health advice, motivation etc. he knew someone who i needed to get with for something i’ve been looking for when i go out of town..he said the guy is his best friend..i was like WOW really?! yes, he said. sooo then he said the guys phone was off and he would call him and pass my information on whenever his phone came back on. i said ok..then to top that, he carries my bag on the train to the block not far from my home and when he got home he called me and said he already got in touch with his best friend faster for me because he wanted to help me and his best friend would call me Monday. he thanked me for being so kind.and i told him if i get to work with his best friend i will do some healing work for him free… that’s ♥ the law of attraction is live and kicking!


So today I’m on the bus wet angry and smushed (the early bus never came the I was on was way beyond capacity..) I’m thinking of all the reasons I’m mad and feeling self-righteous in my anger..then I thought why not think of things that are positive and what you want.. So I get to work and the line to get in.the building is almost out the door…so now I’m late..LOL…I’m not a patient now I’m..surprisingly calm…I figure this must be an exercise in teaching me peace and patience. When I thought about what I could focus on to be positive I thought of this group..thank you, you.guys are rubbing off on me.


I was meaning to share this sooner. Many more great things have happened since, but here’s an excerpt that’s ready to go.

I was getting ready to head out and start my day. After careful deliberation of what to eat, and going with the better choice of fruit, nuts, water and green tea as opposed to a pattie from the Caribbean store I walked to the light rail. I left my home feeling and looking my best, asking God to fill me where I feel empty and show me the way.

There was a lady who had a pleasant spirit and we struck up a conversation about her stray cats that she feeds. When I asked her if she was as kind to people as she was to her cats, she said yes and I believed her. She was such a giver, she even gave her drugs away when she was an addict…15yrs in recovery now.

She said I looked like I did really good, kind unique things and asked what I did and I didn’t really know what to say because my life is in a transitional space. I know where I’m going, but the intermediate path has been very blurry.

On the train, out of nowhere..she told me she saw me making genius sculptures, and I had on the beautiful funky African clothes with long locks doing good things in the world.

This is exactly how I see myself in the future, and a year ago a friend gave me an intuitive reading saying the same thing.

So this must be Gods way of telling me I’m on track.


The LOA works. I made a decision before I started focusing on some particular thing that I wanted to manifest in my life, that I was gonna just become acclimated to the idea of universal abundance. I began by repeating certain affirmations (some from a LOA group) that helped to attune me to a higher frequency. I practiced (and still practice) being aware of my thoughts and emotions because I feel that needed to be mastered to some degree so I will be prepared for my desires manifesting. It has been a few months of concerted effort, but it’s beginning to pay off. My son’s father, who owes about $20,000 in child support arrears, began paying again. I’m in the process of writing my next book. Yes, I said next. I’m a published author, but that book was written by a woman who lacked the confidence to even promote her own book. To make a really long story really short, I am thankful that my journey brought me to this place. From here, the Universe is the limit… which is limitless… so… yeah… 🙂


Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda


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