Angel guidance,  Healthy habits,  life purpose,  Personal Transformation

My Personal Journey With Spiritual Growth: Get To Know Me

Hi Beloved,


It’s Queen Sereda up in here with another blog article for you about my personal journey with spiritual growth. Also, we talk about how to support yourself, grow your confidence. How to restore the acceptance plus the balance within yourself. I share many of my own personal choices and experience too. I had a client send me a question. That was the inspiration behind this blog article and download for those of you who get this call to read this.

Here’s a question for you: Have you ever had a time when you were learning how to do something but then, other people around you didn’t support you?

Sure, we’ve all been there. I recently had a beautiful woman send me a message. And her question was about when you have family members that don’t appreciate the type of work you do. And how to deal with it in the best way?

She wanted to know how do you overcome a situation like that? When I got this message I was enthusiastic to get started writing on this very topic. She asked me about my own journey. Then before I knew it, some other people recently asked me about my story.

I feel it’s about time that I share my story. I’ll be adding to this over time. There’s much to remember. Here’s a video where I talk about bits of my story. As I edit this post today, this article is more recent than the video. However, I recorded and write them so come come and tune in with me here.

Some people just got into occult knowledge recently. Others have been diving into the deeper mysteries, metaphysical science, mysticism, and meditation for a great while. Many all over the world are into yoga for example.

However, they wouldn’t consider what they have learned in Yoga to be metaphysical or hidden knowledge but it was in the past. Practicing these are surely on the list of healthy habits. However, they are still sacred now too. I have respect for each one of these healthy modalities. I feel that adopting a practice to deepen your own good health is special and not to be taken for granted.

All attempts at making yourself better are great! They’re all beautiful. Thus, in the scope of learning any branch of yoga a person has to learn some deeper truth about life, the world and their own lifestyle purpose, plus meaning too. Which is a wonderful thing! All I’m really getting to is that people are making themselves better every day through placing their time and energy into cultivating themselves. 

Let me tell you though, I definitely have been doing this for a while. There were so many times in the past that I had to learn to accept myself. I had to learn self-love to start giving the best life experience to me! There were some moments for sure that I didn’t feel too supported either.

Still, I knew somehow that even though I may have been perceived as eccentric or out of the box with how I was personality wise or personal interests of mine that I carried… Oh well, I thought. Then it became a sort of practice to learn how to master not caring what other people thought about me. I have some gems in my life that helped me get over this huge hurdle! 

Getting over my lack of confidence has played a role in all the wins that I’ve been seeing in my life. That I’m extra grateful for! But it all started with me not trusting myself. Which is why the woman was experiencing her own family just plain Not supporting her. Once you begin to stop caring about others opinions then the growth will be astounding that comes onto you!

Finding the strength to see what was really happening around me has been a school all by itself. I used to think people didn’t support what I was doing. But then I realized that I was looking for the wrong support suga!

I needed my own support. Plus my spirit guides backing me. Plus my parents and family is nice to have as support. However, what I most needed was to cultivate a love for me and crafts in life.

Self-love came into my life. Then I opened my arms to embrace all the opportunities that were surrounding me. Then I felt like I was holding myself back because I was experiencing some low vitality that I couldn’t figure out how to fix. The main thing I knew then was that I was not moving as fast as I felt I could. My mind was overworked because of my desire to figure out just what was going on with me. I was having tummy issues. And you know what they say: The stomach is the second brain. I thought please somebody help me!

Eventually, I connected with some great solutions to the issues in my health I was having back then…I promise to share some of my notes and my findings with you. Also what has worked for me on my journey to get well.

So then I just dived into my life. I really gave my mind a serious workout. I stopped asking others so many questions. I then began to study meditation. I lived like a monk for a while too. I felt the most important lessons for me were to dive into a romance with the source of all that IS.

That’s when I was trained and certified in Reiki, Life Coaching, Kundalini yoga, Mediation, Quantum Hypnosis to name a few.

I put so much money into bettering myself. I knew I needed it! So I practiced things like deep breathing, qi gong, Kametic Science and Spirituality. I got initiated as a priestess, then ordained as a minister. I even joined a spiritual community that helped me so very much with doing the spiritual work that I needed to get into to be where I am today!

Where I am now is beautiful. I am in awe of what I can do when I know who I am. Nothing like it. This why I put an amazing amount of resources, energy, fire, interest, passion, honor, focus, and purpose in learning about who I am? and why are we here on earth?

Yes over the years I honestly was really literally obsessed with studying over the years. Since I was a young girl, I was asking questions about our planet. Just as many other people do as well. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to know what my path was in life. I truly felt a sense of having a mission. I knew I had to break the feeling of being a selfish person. I had to learn that I was who mattered first! I had a mission to complete.

I still do. And I’m well on the way in every moment to experience more joy and wholeness and harmony plus peace! I love my spiritual positive outlook. I wasn’t always the most positive though. I’ve been practicing for a long time. For a long time too, I’ve been wanting to dive super deep. Self Improvement is my life lol.

All I’ve ever wanted to know about life is that there was more to it. That I have a purpose. I have a template to follow. I wanted to know I was also free too! So I’ve already accomplished what I’ve wanted on Earth for the most part. To know myself was what I wanted most of all! However, there are many more joys that I have to appreciate and experience now. I’m here.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know how much my person can communicate. How I love to write, type, learn, get better, be better. This is why I started a blog ago while ago. I’ve also written several books. Some of the books aren’t my best work. I’ve grown since then. Plus the editing can use a little sprucing up.

The most important thing to me then and now when I receive inspirations help the divine creator streaming through me… is to allow the messages to come through quickly as possible. In the past, I just felt it was important to get the message out then get more detailed if necessary. All of my work I’ve ever done used to have to be so over critiqued that I wouldn’t put my work out…soon enough, That had to change though.

In my mind, I was like, how can you help anyone to be a winner if you’re too scared to take action and get out of the gate? It was that drive that pushed me through heavily to where I am today. You see, I desired to assist others with learning what I was discovering for myself that would also help any other person with knowing who they are better. I really felt that.

Then I promoted what I felt were higher principals to live by. My ancestors and my spirit guides knew I wanted to realize myself as a divine being as much as possible.  Over the years, I was concerned towards understanding how a person could be better before they so called were dead. More importantly, how can they learn how to better now. How I could be better? 

So as the years progressed once I was in my 20’s I got into numerology that much more. I studied tarot, the enneagram, divination overall, oracle cards, tea leaves, astrology, using a pendulum, angel runes, and the Iching oracle system too. I used to wonder if what I was doing would go anywhere since it was so out of the box to be doing at that time.

Then I realized that I didn’t do my studying for being known. I wanted to do it to be of service and to live my destiny in the world. Also, I found that diving deep into myself and helping others do the same, happened to be a very special theme that would play out repeatedly for me.

I bet some of the people who read this have had similar experiences. Just know you’re not alone. A lot of what I did to get to where I am today was truly guided- even though I didn’t always heed the calls I was getting. The funny thing was that I knew when I had a real call from the divine. It was and is still unmistakable to miss!

Most important as well, was the fact that I incarnated as a black woman to continue the work of my ancestors, which has been a big motivating factor in life. As a young woman, I learned the hard way on so many levels. Looking back now though, I really wouldn’t have my life to unfold any other way. Besides, it’s all uphill from here since we are the ones who create our own reality.

Digging for answers for years has unlocked several cheat codes to the matrix that have been working for me greatly! Since I have keys to make things happen. With the knowledge, I’ve been receiving about co-creation… plus who I am as a divine being? What is there to be afraid of?

I can now say that because Experience is a great teacher! Damn, it can be a rough teacher as well. This is why there are teachers in the world who help to assist with helping us all to understand, they also walk with us until we get to the other side. I feel like I’m one of those beings. In fact, I have felt this was my destiny for over 20 years now…truly. 

In truth, there have been all sorts of wonderful teachers in my life which have and still do walk with me, they guide me. I appreciate all of them too! They just perfect. Teachers assist us with cutting down on our learning curves! This is specifically why teachers should certainly get paid for all they magically simplify then pass on to us.

Speaking of teachers, how about Spirit Guides? They are teachers. This reminds me of my latest online class called: Spirit Guide Alignment. It’s there where I go into more about the importance of working with your group of spiritual teachers while you’re down here on the planet.

My online course is where We dive into the essential steps on how to get a clearer connection to your spirit guides even if they happen to also be your ancestors. To get instant access to check out the course details, just go here.

The Course is Spirit Guide Alignment. We have a great time Working with our Spirit Guides. Learning who their helpers are on earth is one of the most important events in our lives.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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