Channeling Your Higher Self,  daily blog,  destiny,  Happiness,  lifepath,  Manifesting,  messages and reminders,  Personal Transformation,  spirit guides

The Backstory of How My Exclusive New Products Came About.


Greetings, it’s Me! 


Queen Sereda at your service honey.


Welcome and Welcome back.


Many of you have asked how you can work with me to receive the knowledge, channeled messages and insights from me along with Spirit more often. I know you’re looking to breakthrough in your lives too. Which is all I talk about these days.

This has been going on for years. I’ve felt awkward about not putting these offers out before like this. I can’t say I didn’t attempt to. However, I was too scattered to really focus like I should have been. Instead, I learned tons of valuable processes, systems, techniques and information to use in my life and also in my business. I’ve been learning for myself plus my audience as well. That used to be my biggest struggle. I didn’t know how to integrate what I needed to know as a teacher and as a creative entrepreneur. 

It wasn’t good at first. Because my vision was all over the place. Until I figured out certain lessons which I’ll be sharing with you. That’s when I knew I had to bring out the teachings and lessons I had been working on for years.

It’s neat, the times we are living in. The technology too. Whew! It’s cool since peoples minds are more conditioned to the improved, intentional ways of having a spiritual life. The tv shows have helped too. Now, I feel the information I have to give will really be received well for beings who have gotten readings from me and people who are curious about working closely with me too. 

To tell you the truth. It’s not my intention to brag here. In fact, it’s like I’ve been preparing to upscale my business efforts and connection for some time. In my heart, I feel beyond ready to share so much more with you. It’s about time that I do. Think about it, life can leave people every day. This is more of why I’ve learned to love my life. Since we can all go whenever the wind blows.

Although I’ve learned to stop being scared of so-called death too. This is as a result of seeing that we have more control over our lives than we sometimes know.

Which is exactly why I have more of the good stuff that I have to share with you. The benefits of working with me have to do with growing confidence to finish the life you have started with grace, joy, and appreciation while looking Good, feeling yummy, appreciated, grateful and balanced. When you work with me you are working with spirit.

Of course, you all can do this deeper work on your own. And some of it you will. However, why go through your journey to a better life Alone? When you don’t even have to?

You can work with helpers. With your guides. Working with spirit means working with your higher self. It means becoming an amazing version of yourself. Working with your higher self means having access to a life you love and also want to live in.

When you take a class with me you will feel a shift upward and also in all directions of your aura. You will find a way to succeed. Other benefits of working to strengthen and level up yourself include a better quality of life to experience more of what you Want out of life including self-love and more love for you and your family.

Many people begin making huge changes in their lives. Only to deal with hurtles of the past version of themselves trying to resurface. Then back in to take over things. This past version wants to keep you safe. But you can get out of this tired loop especially when you work with me.

Take an online course with me to encourage Better health, be treated better, develop a prosperous, deserving mindset and a sense of direction with a deeper feeling of Knowing of who you are. (if you’re here, then you know who you are already mostly. And you are just looking to FLY!

However, there’s nothing wrong with still being at the stage of wondering who you are? Why you came to earth at this time. And how can you live your dream life no matter what the world has become?

Where ever you are on your life path. If you like the content on this blog- I can bet you are wanting to reach some goal, some vision and its mighty. Maybe you feel blocked and held back. You want to break through the seeming wall in front of you. You know that It’s time to release the resistance. My online courses help you to do just that! I have been building my business for a long time.

At least 10 years. Often I have not gotten things right. Then with practice and time passing-I’m getting it yay! I’ll be able to share what I’ve learned with you so we can Win together. That’s the whole point of this whole thing. I’m not here just to make anyone feel good. On this blog, its about applying solutions and moving beyond so-called limitations, so-called old karma, issues, excuses, and All human-like problems. After all, what is a problem to a divine being anyway? 

Over the years, also one thing I noticed has happened. Many have been repeatedly requesting varying services from Naturallyhighlife and me. Since I’m a bit like a Scientist I’ve been taking note of patterns that have been coming up.

When I think about what readers have been asking of me it has been surprising. I kept lots of notes though. I’ve been researching for years. Since I want to get things right.

Anyway, what I noticed about service requests from readers and supporters was that…

All the requested services have this central theme. That theme is people are wanting to work more closely on a day to day basis. Folks don’t even mind pulling out their money to invest in working with me too. It’s been great. I love what I do and I want to be there to assist. However, theirs only so many days in the month and hours in a day on planet earth. 

This is another benefit to taking one of my online course. No matter my schedule, I can assist you. Plus you’ll be able to learn on your own time, as you go through the online course. I’ve been seeing signs that everyone wants to dive deeper and further into the metaphysics of their own destiny.

In addition, there’s a desire in my readers to seek the meaning plus the mechanics of their own delightful lifepath lessons. This is exactly what I’ve been helping with since the beginning. Helping people find and live their highest delight for themselves.

It’s like everyone I’m talking to these days is about advancing their mindset, motivation for living along with their world view and overall focus in life. 

Yasss, I’m so happy about this. This is exactly where I come in with my team of spirit guides to help. So if you’re ready for more than we’ve ever discussed before here at Naturallyhighlife then choose an online course of your liking. Then register with a free PayPal account or with a bank or debit or credit card at the amazing rate listed below. 

Again, this idea with the online courses came to me to do years ago. However, I had to study, learn how to do it. So, (one day I want to show some of you how I do my online courses). And now I’m hungry enough to say come on and grab it! Some online courses are ready for you now. With so much more coming too!

More on why the online courses were made for you…Due to the amount of knowledge spilling through me- I got another tap on the shoulder from spirit to Speed up my teaching process a bit. Then I was instructed to Stop waiting for the perfect process to launch my offers fully.

Instead, I was told to launch to the best of my ability soon, with what I have. To do what I Know How to do (RIGHT NOW)! That’s what I am doing now and what I did. Only this time it’s different. Because I’ve attempted to sell online courses for a minute. I have enrolled paying students successfully too. And I have some complete online courses that are available that are pretty robust right now.

Some of you want something that’s easier to digest in an online course though. This is where the mini-courses come in. It’s like the next level of working with me once you’ve had a reading, a consultation or training. Or even once you have read a blog article of mine and maybe you feel inspired from that. Which is great. 

However, maybe you still feel like a deer caught in headlights trying to process so much about your life…you feel blocked. Maybe because you need help with carrying out a new process for yourself, you want to go further than simply identifying the problem. Now you could be ready to really hold yourself accountable, to staying motivated, while beating the unwanted thoughts to keep on going no matter what.

Seeing this again and again-is where I knew my courses could help. However, my biggest issue was getting out of the gate and making a move. Then the next issue was overthinking everything instead of focusing on one process until I saw success happen. That’s why I created this. 

So then, I tried again. As soon as I could with more discipline, hunger and passion. Which is at this very moment that I’m typing this to you. I used to doubt I was ready for something like this…Only this time, even though I used to feel overwhelmed by all the steps to set up my courses, do regular blogging and sales pages online before…

My higher self said to me that I had to let any feelings of lack Leave me. In order to let go to try this online teaching one more time. This time, I feel so determined. That I won’t give up! It’s been years and I’ve been saving this for you. Now I have the know-how to at least deliver an online email course straight over to you. I know this is long. There’s no time to hold back though. Here’s everything. So you know this is coming from a really Deep place. 

I’m offering this also because I’ve done thousands of tarot reading and divination sessions overall. And spirit always says that readings are great but they aren’t enough. Then I came out with various success problems. Programs I’ve studied pieced together the best way I could test them and learned how to craft systems and workable processes for myself. Also for others to use. It’s been a practice thing, you know. So from there, I learned to build my own set of beneficial tools and resources to use for optimal wins!

A win for me is to connect to my people that resonate with the message of Naturallyhighlife. That’s a part of my mission. With that being said, It’s time to Reconnect with you. And I must admit to being afraid of messing up and of getting something wrong in the pasting years but none of that matters anymore. Besides, Life can be so short…

That’s the day that Spirit communicated with me through my writing. Then said for me to STOP it. And all at the same time. I got a vision of how to move the online courses forward within 48 hours time. (alright we got back on course with the story) lol. 

Why this page? This sales page is an answer for all the times when folks want to learn life lessons that I’ve learned and can help you with. This page is for the times my readers and supporters come wanting to level up their life with my help. This page is for you amazing people.

Those of you who have come to ask me how you can learn more about the life hacks I’ve learned that can help you in order to Help you breakthrough in your life. This page is here to showcase the topics that I am qualified to teach in and plus I’m experienced in! 

For that reason, I have this page which is to be used as a store to buy online courses from me. I do have larger courses. However, I want to give you a preview of how I teach. In my blog articles, videos, audios and in my online courses. I can help you get a sense of my teaching style and personality too.

I want you to get to know what I teach about and show you immediately plus as fast as possible that I can help you right now to positively shift forward in your life. Inorder To have what you want. And I now know that I need to scale down my system of getting that knowledge to help you get there. Because some of you know how it is to work with spirit. Including spirit in your life as a dynamic success strategy will only help you FLY high in life.

Many of You know that Spirit is always moving fast! And if you want to progress in anything you have to make a way to take action. So many people have shown me that one of my gifts is getting people motivated and helping them to stay motivated too! The gift in this is this helps me stay the course too. 

This is the way I’m also holding myself accountable. Thanks for your help. Also, I have this sales page as a way to say thank you for nudging me to make a way to get this information to you. To you my followers, friends, fans, family, associates, clients and all that! I love you. 

If you’re new here. Then thanks to you for being here. Plus welcome to this site my beloved. It’s time to shine brighter than ever. I know that you’re wanting to do that for yourself, in your own way. I am here to help you to do just that.


Your friend in life Success,


Queen Sereda


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Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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