easy psychic mediumship for starseeds,  Emergency Ascension Support and Deeper Guidance,  IMPROVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER,  Spirituality,  Starseed wisdom

Are You Blocking Your Psychic Blessings By Placing Your Focus On The Wrong Things?




Are you looking to move forward?


Have you been seeking ways to change your life?

To Shift your Mind Set.


Perhaps, You may feel as if you have tried everything there is to shift things.

However, nothing that works-is sticking for you.

Maybe you feel like there’s a magick code that you can just get to unlock all this bullshT.


You’re probably done with being sick and tired!

Now you’re all set to make a new way.


You have made it to this webpage.

Now you’re here.


Which reminds me of an upcoming workshop I have called:

How To Level Up To Attract Your Best Life.

Yay for you!

Hold on! I’m here to tell you that no matter what you’re dealing with you can bounce back. You can do it! In some way, you can reach your goal. Don’t give up on your dreams. You are where you are because where you are today is apart of your journey to reach your mission.

You’re in the right place for healing, for a change, for a new way of being and of knowing who you are. You’re a beacon for change for self-expression for amazingness.

WHat’s most neat about this very moment is that There’s surely still hope as long as you don’t give up on yourself.

So don’t ever do that. Don’t give up. Win! Win Freakin win! Why not? Why not you?

Right, exactly…

I’m with you.

It’s your turn to have your win come alive!

Are you tired of feeling like you’ve been passed up again and again?

A teacher of mine once told me that I didn’t have to struggle in life if I didn’t want to. So one day after banging my head on the same mistakes and time-consuming errors.

Finally, I tried something simple that I learned regarding some symbols. Once I tried this to see for myself. I was like wow, this worked. So amazing! It didn’t take long either.

Don’t give up.

So I’m going to tell you right here.

Today, now, at this moment I know you have a seed within you that’s bound for greatness. You’ve been gearing up for some time to get past several seeming blocks in life. I can bet that about you if you’re here. You’ve tried many things already with some success and many losses.  

However many times you may feel like you had lost. This is when you have really come to know the power of the universe is real. That’s why you’re here. You still know something is authentic about all of this.

You’re devoted to finding the truth for your specific life and rescuing yourself. You want to open the gates of success for yourself to see. I feel you. I was just like that, I still can be. I want to know things for myself. I want to know the way myself. So that’s all you’ll get from me here. Actual solutions.

That’s all that’ll do for many of you who come here to read this. You will only accept solutions now. Because you know too much. You can sense there has to be a way to have more of a solid level of control over your life. You’re here wanting to have that control. That power to bring in the money, love, shiny things, a good life, a beautiful family, good health, devotion to spirituality and real friends.

There’s nothing wrong with having these things.

In fact, I used to think something was wrong with having ‘nice things’ and big money. However as many of you have seen, like me. This world costs to live in. You have to really have your money up! That’s it straight up and down. So whether you need to check on the source of your blessings. How to tap into your blessings faster.

Or how to build the wealth and family life that you’ve always wanted… You can have these things. Many of my friends and family have used principals that can be found in nature to obtain success! They have been riding the wave continuously ever since they found their success and prosperity overflowing stream. Again remember to hang in there.

Because you’re just about where you’re wanting to be. You’re just finding your way back to your true nature, back home, using your naturally given abilities and psychic gifts. You’re a divine being what else should we expect! The absolute best for you! Why not? Yes! Claim that ish!

Come join the fun

If you haven’t already joined the Psychic Mediumship Training to link up with us as we discuss how to use your psychic mediumship powers To truly awaken them for your highest good.

Keep reading for more information on this.

Before we go there.

To the full deep stuff of Psychic Mediumship.

We’ll begin to discuss some reasons why you may be missing your blessings.

And also, we’ll go into How to get out of the way of your life path/ destiny blessings.

How to embrace what’s yours?

How to use the magick of psychic mediumship powers to tune into and magnify what you want?


How can you Tune into it and Welcome it? (What’s It?)

It’s Your psychic abilities of course. This title happened to be one of our sections of the Psychic Mediumship Power Awakening course. In case you missed it. 

If you were in the course then, At this stage, you have probably gained a greater connection with your psychic gifts. It’s pretty noticeable to you too. Your psychic gifts are truly growing… you may even find yourself blushing about this. It’s the real stuff. Which is why you have to get to the point where you and you alone must KNOw IT is real. Whatever It is for you just stand by that.

Make sure it’s something that can last through all the criticism and you’ll be alright. For me, I choose the universal cosmic energy and force of the world as we know it and also don’t know it. I call it Source. It’s always there supporting life and death. It can be trusted and counted on to be there.

So, If you’re uncertain about all this it’s ok. You’ll know just what to do. As your divine team works with you. DOn’t worry, you’ll know how to proceed. This is all just a part of the journey to getting to where you want to be.

However, if you are at this blog article.

But you’re still wondering what psychic gifts are and you still don’t have any overstanding or understanding of what that is. Maybe you need to clear some things first before you can see some progress in your life.

Depending on your numerology information we can check on this. It’s quite effective too. Otherwise, You should continue to check out this article you’re reading now on that. It’s about mindset. And mindset shows up in numerology. Check it out here.

This blog article is also good for those of you who came to learn about psychic mediumship for moving forward in life better, helping others to attract the money, lifestyle and prosperity they desire most.

You may indeed find the inspiration in this writing that can really help you out with using your psychic energy to manifest what you want.

Back to the topic:

A problem that people don’t often know is a problem, is this: Too many people place complete focus on things they really don’t want. All I want to do here is to show you that what you want is possible. There are several key ways to attract what you want too. 

It’s a trip how people have all these gifts and they don’t know how to get what they want without working hard for it. (Unless this is your goal) because you can -choose to work easier). Not harder, if you like anyway.

It almost never occurs to most people that they can have a better life at an easier pace and price. If only they knew. However, it’s been said that too many people are programmed to make decisions based on fight or flight mindsets. Fear is the biggest program running in many people’s bodies and brains. How do we change this?

How can we stop the tons of folks who always look for the fall of their success? The ones who look for the drop instead of the rise in their career, marriage, health?

And, Why is that? Why do people secretly hope they don’t get things. Or why do they feel guilty about having the life they want. When they know they quietly do deserve the life they want!

So if we were to look into the minds,

of our own habitual thinking and core thoughts. We would likely see some adverse thoughts all in the way. Thoughts would show up from everywhere. And they do. The problem is that people start focusing on what they don’t want like: for example…

I don’t want to date that man. Or I don’t want to be fat. or I don’t want to be poor. I don’t want to be dirty- oh I don’t want to be over here. I don’t even want to have this relationship. I don’t ever want to be like my mom or dad.

The reason we’re discussing this. It’s because in your psychic mediumship studies, the mindset is an important matter for connecting properly using your psychic abilities. 

Until folks begin to shift their mindset. Many people will do the same type of thinking about more of the things they don’t want. Which types of mindsets often leave folks planted temporarily in unwanted situations and more? Here are some more examples.

For instance, saying things like: I don’t want to be stuck in this job anymore. I don’t want to have this hair that I have. Or this nose, Nor this body. (this is an example only).

Then folks may continue to say: I don’t, I really don’t want to have this relationship. I don’t want to be like my mother, family of origin. Nor do I want to be like my father.

I don’t want to be stuck in this job. I don’t want to have this hair. I really don’t want to be lonely. I don’t want to be unhappy.

I don’t want to be sick. But the universe only hears the keywords you say. The words you say are vibrations which the universe picks up on. There’s no notice of I want, or I don’t want.

Simply put,

what you would put your attention on grows. These statements show how we are taught to fight the so-called negative mentally.  

However, how many times have you seen people get the opposite of what they want? All Because they’re completely focused on what they don’t?

Some people think that if they hold a secret desire of wanting something then they’ll just get it. Or it will automatically come to us.

Goodness, It doesn’t work that way. How many times have you stressed what you didn’t want only to find yourself getting just that?

That focus on what you didn’t want…ask yourself if that ever brought you what you really wanted? Drop a comment, I want to know what you notice about this.

For me, I have noticed that focusing and fighting the negative is a total waste of energy.

Now we are getting somewhere.

If you really want to make changes in your life. There is a whole better way to do it! The more you dwell on what you do want. The more of that you shall create. Now, who wants more of that? I know I do!

Just think about some of the things about yourself or your life you’ve always disliked. These things you don’t like could probably still with you.

Because no one told us this when we were young for the most part. But it’s true what Scientists have said about the mindset, energy and how the universe works.

They have said so many times that what you put your attention on grows and becomes permanent in your life. You ever wonder how people build such strong structures of stuff they don’t want. Well, now you know.

Think about it

When you Move away from the so-called negative and then deliberately go put your attention on what it is you really want to have. Life gets pretty wonderful!

Before we go on. We’re going to have some fun. I would like to talk about how we can shift all the adverse, negative, opposite of positive self-talk into positive affirmations which will be positive self-talk. So, instead of the old talk, you can use positive words in your life to bring about a positive new result for you!

Look these over:

Here are some affirmations to use for things you want. The examples are: I am happy, I am powerful, I am confident, I am free, I am wonderful, I am loved, I am slender I am prosperous I am eternally young looking. 

I am now open to move residence to a better place that I love living in. I am living my best life right now. I have a wonderful new healthy routine to balance my life. I am my own person. I love myself. I am filled with love and affection. I am free to love others. I am happy to have a bunch of money. I am joyous and happy and free I am totally healthy. I feel whole and happy in life. I am so thankful for my life.

It’s your turn

How’d you like to do the same exercise to edit the progress you’re receiving in life?

Right now I want you to take a moment to find a quiet space for this exercise. This is a short simple reflection moment to help you find the right mindset for what you’re wanting to attract in life.

As you breathe in and out… Let your breath go on its own in about 20 breaths. Just relax, be sure to sit in a quiet space where you can be alone for around 15-20 minutes. Now. Become aware of the thoughts which will come to your mind. Be mindful of the types of thoughts.

As you sit and breathe deeper. Slower. Open up your heart. Sit straight up. Breathe. Bask in the moment. Pay the thoughts no attention. Just let the thoughts pass through. Let them go.

Once you have set the timer for about 10 minutes. Then start noticing the thoughts coming to you. Once you’re done, have your notebook close to take a record of what you witnessed in thought activity. If you had some thoughts that you feel were more negative then write those down. Or positive. Also, write those too. 

Document your progress

This is why it’s important to Have your notebook, journal, and something to write with handy once you’re done. 

Alright, see. I know that was a lot. But it’s worth the effort. Because a positive mindset only creates more positivity. That’s why you gotta learn this. It’s one of the most basic laws of the universe. On earth its apart of the law. Until you know how to get what you want in a better way- There’s this way! To focus on what you want! I know it works! I’ve been testing it with myself, family, friends, and clients too.

I can tell you that its real. The law of attraction, The law of vibration, the law of abundance etc. There’s the law that states that like attracts like. That means in prosperity, in good health and in the love that many people are wanting. They can attract what they want. You gotta be able to feel deserving too. You gotta be open to what you want as well or else how can you get it?

Ready for a mind makeover?

Let’s learn to think in positive affirmations now. What is an affirmation? Affirmations are any statement you make. Statements of affirmation are words. Plain words that are put together based on a result we are wanting. We too often think in negative affirmations which only create more of what you say you don’t want.  

Just remember that whenever a thought comes to mind that is not of something you want. Just refocus on something else.

Reason being, saying I hate my job will get you nowhere near what you want. However, what if you were to declare and affirm a positive statement of what you want? Oh my, what good you will pull into your life. I feel many people would have done this before to change their lives.

The only issue was who knew? No one, None of us seemed to know. Except for that one client who told me about her father who knows about the universal laws and alchemy. She told me her father told her all about it but only when she got older. What if we could have known about all this as children though. Honey chile… life would have been something entirely else!

It’s alright.

We’ve got a fair chance now.

So do this:

Like this:


*Write your thoughts… on paper.

Yes, write them a second time.

Only this time, I want you to turn each negative or adverse thought you had during your reflection into a statement.

You’ll do this for each thought you would like to.

For this exercise, you are transmuting your own negative thoughts into affirmations you can use.

These statements are going to serve as the brand new positive statements you’re wanting to use to attract what you want.

You’re doing wonderful.

Keep going. Even if you have just 3 thoughts to work with. Then use those.

Here’s an example of how to word your new affirmations and positive statements:

Be sure to write them in the present tense. Write them as if they are already happening for you. It’s ok to work your way up to writing the sentence as if it’s already happening.

First, get yourself ready by writing a couple of sentences to open you up to your own desires. Like this, for example, It would be nice to have a new job that I love. or I am grateful I will be working soon. or I now welcome a great new house that I can enjoy in comfort.

Like this:

I now welcome a wonderful new job. I am open to the channels in my own consciousness to attract this desire. Once you get the hang of this new way of thinking and speaking then continuously make positive statements about how you want your life to be.

Like me, and like many other people who decided to shift their thinking… life will change for you. It’ll really get better. Like a magic wand was waved right over it! Really!

On the other hand, though.

Being positively minded is important. And focusing on what you want. However, there is one point that is still very important to get the most out of this process. 

That’s to always make your declarations, desires, and statements in the present tense. Use a phrase such as I am or I have.

This works because the subconscious mind is such an obedient servant that if you declare in future tense that you want or that you will have something…

The subconscious I will make sure that’s where your desires stay. They’ll stay out of your reach until who knows when but sometime in the future. That’s not good enough though. You can pinpoint what you want easier than that! 

Be mindful of the way you phrase your desire and express your wants.

Back in the early 2000s,

I set out to create a helpful self-help book to help with loving the self. It worked. An amazing teacher I have once said before that no matter what the problem the main issue to work on is loving the self.

In other words, its the self-image. The self-image is everything. So is self-love. Its the process of loving the self. Which anyone can choose to do.

Plus, it is so easy. Self-love just so happens to be one of the magic potions which dissolves all kinds of concerns, issues plus any perceived problems.  

If you can remember some of the times in life whenever you have felt good about yourself…

Think about just how well your life was going then or how it’s going now- if your life is going extra good.

Once you’re feeling centered with your person. It seems as if you probably have no concerns or problems at all. Everything seems carefree. It’s because loving yourself is connected to the source. It’s an indicator of what your true nature is as a divine being. 

Feeling good is your choice.

But its also a natural part of our divine natures to feel great. The universe gives to the people who speak up about feeling good. And as you may know or soon shall see…

Loving yourself just brings in such wealth of good feelings and good fortune to you. That’s why I feel that its The easiest magic that one can perform in life. That magic is to love yourself to change your life. Its to begin loving on yourself to the highest degree and to the core.

You’ll see and notice how this mysteriously makes you feel good in mind, body, and spirit. it’s impossible to really love yourself unless you have self-approval and self-acceptance. This means no criticism whatsoever.

I can hear all the objections right now.

I’ve always how can I possibly I’ve always criticized myself how can I possibly like about myself be like that about myself how will I be motivated but it is wrong for me to do these things it’s impossible to really love yourself unless you have self How can I.  my teachers lovers parents myself has always criticize me. demotivated but it is wrong am I going to change if I don’t criticize myself?

Training to remind yourself of not practicing self-criticism or just the mine I’m going on with all chatter see how you’ve trained your mind to berate you and be resistant to change? and get on with the important work at hand ignore those thoughts. Let’s go back to an exercise we did earlier.

This is where you read your new affirmations while you look into the mirror as your repeat at least 20 times again and again how: You love and honor yourself. Say it some more. I love and honor myself I love and honor myself. I love and honor myself…

Keep looking into the mirror and feeling it. If you cry…let it go. It’s time to shed some old energy. Then you’ll see how easy it is to attract differently.

What’s at the root of every thought?

The Self Image is. How do you see yourself?

What is the quality of your thoughts?

After the clearing, self-love and affirmation work we’ve done. Now you’re ready to look at the main concerns which typically are the root cause of why certain things are happening in life.

And why other things are not. Those main reasons are things like self- approval, confidence, and self-acceptance. These are some of the main areas to mindfully reflect plus journal about the positive changes that are taking place for you.

Watch, as you do the exercises in the days that follow. You’ll see the benefits. Leave a comment below about how you change your mindset to focus on what you want in life. How do you stop yourself from Blocking Your Psychic Blessings By Placing Your Focus On The Right Things? Tell us how you do it below. 

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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