easy psychic mediumship for starseeds, IMPROVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER, Intuition, Personal Transformation, psychic mediumship development for beginners, spirit guides
Psychic Mediumship Development: How to Smoothly Transition from Trust & Believe to Be receptive & Let go.
Peace We’re back! It’s Queen Sereda. This week I want to share a full presentation with you. The presentation was inspired by my loved ones. The lecture is Psychic Mediumship Development: How to Smoothly Transition from Trust & Believe to Be receptive & Let go. Currently its the last week of Mercury Retrograde. You probably already can sense this energy…
The Fastest way to get organized is how?
Be easy on yourself divine being. Hey, This is an on the spot message that I have for you today. It’s pretty straight forward. It’s also not personal. However its necessary for me to get this out. The Ancestors and spirit guides are calling! 😀 I want you to do this one easy thing. When you have a moment…
Channeling Your Higher Self, daily blog, Daily Channeled Inspirational Readings, Motivation, Personal Transformation, Starseed wisdom, The planets and astrology transits
Can Mercury Retrograde Really Affect Your Love life, Family, And Relationships During It’s Transit?
Hey, it’s Queen Sereda- I wish you a great day. Mine is flowing great. Tarot readings began slipping into my email and inbox overnight. When I woke up I jumped at the chance to complete each one of the readings in my queue. I began pulling cards as the sun was coming up. Afterward, I had some meetings to get…
My Personal Journey With Spiritual Growth: Get To Know Me
Hi Beloved, It’s Queen Sereda up in here with another blog article for you about my personal journey with spiritual growth. Also, we talk about how to support yourself, grow your confidence. How to restore the acceptance plus the balance within yourself. I share many of my own personal choices and experience too. I had a client send me…
My Favorite Ways to Intentionally Manifest A Great Life🌠
“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” -Mina Murray Hey, Today I have been thinking about what has been helping me to move forward in my life in a better way! I thought of One of my manifesting journals. 🌺🌺🌺 The purpose of a manifesting journal is to help me to recall my focus…