daily blog,  life purpose,  Manifesting,  Personal Transformation,  Starseed wisdom

My Favorite Ways to Intentionally Manifest A Great Life๐ŸŒ 

“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” -Mina Murray


Today I have been thinking about what has been helping me to move forward in my life in a better way! I thought of One of my manifesting journals.


The purpose of a manifesting journal is to help me to recall my focus and divine purpose. Another way this can be said is to recall My highest vision for myself.

In my journals, I tend to repeat the same simple actions regularly in order to receive a beneficial expected outcome.

Within the journals I keep, I prefer to Rewrite my own personal life story as I live the story at the same time-that I weave together for myself within my journal pages. Edited on June 21st, 2021.

For several years now, Journaling has seemed to come naturally to me until I really began to journal every day.

It was kind of strange how it all came together. You see, Once I began to write each day in my journals, there were times when I felt a great deal of resistance.

It was as if some part of me didn’t feel as though journaling was for me. Or maybe it was because I didn’t feel worthy or deserving of having my own journaling practice on an unconscious level or something.

The truth I was not noticing was that the same cycles of lessons kept showing up. Then journaling helped me notice the routine events and situations. If I hadn’t used journaling for tracking my lessons, thoughts, and progress then I feel it sure would have taken way too much time to move things forward and I didn’t want that.

It turns out that journaling shorted my learning curve in a big way. My lessons and actions to take seemed to show up as absolute answers instead of just possible options to consider.

The time to act came out for me plain as day- I didn’t know at first. However, as the days went by, especially in the beginning I felt stuck regarding journaling for myself. Soon I didn’t. Journaling helped immensely.

When I first began journaling I totally can say I felt blocked or not ready for this practice. However, as time has passed, I kept going, making attempts to follow through. I can honestly say that I’m getting better at this journaling stuff. Whatโ€™s not to love about it?


This early day, I was thinking of an idea to share how I enjoy the practice of journaling with you.

So, one day I took a moment to record a video detailing the creative process of me putting one of these manifesting journals together. Iโ€™m thinking of doing a video like this immediately. While the iron is hot lol.


Also, Iโ€™ve been speaking about my inspirational and manifesting processes for a while. I want to show you visually now. But also we must discuss the benefits of journaling too.


Back to the Story-I have an inspired practice that I do almost daily. Iโ€™m telling you, The benefits are stunning! And the benefits are damn near immediate.

There happens to be several methods of journaling that you can do. In addition, the benefits of journaling are numerous in degree as well. More on those journaling benefits in a few…


For months Iโ€™ve been practicing a couple of journaling processes or methods that have boosted up so many areas of my life. Iโ€™ve found that sitting then Writing your own story is groundbreaking.


There are a whole bunch of great people like you and me who say that Taking a deliberate approach to anything is said to be followed by success!!


Some people arenโ€™t into writing โœ๏ธ too much. So how can they manifest too, you may be asking? Or some people would prefer to work with colors, glitter with glue.


Other people like to dive right into the darkness of their mind to spark the entire story of their life right there in full motion and color. However…


There are other folks who enjoy talking about their highest visions for their life as they journal. Each way one can manifest (works). Iโ€™ll show you what I do soon. Anyone can do this though!


Remember there is no right or wrong when youโ€™re manifesting. If there was ever a great reason to journal (if you need another reason to journal)-

I feel as though having fun within your journaling time should be The prerequisite for journaling as a whole. It’s just my opinion. No matter what anyone says, it’s you who has to determine what your own reason for journaling is.

After all, it’s your thang. Whatever your reason for journaling that’s quite alright too.

If you are journaling for the purpose of bringing in what you desire…then feelings are important in manifestation journaling for sure. Since the way you FEEL is the KEY ๐Ÿ”‘ to faster, more fine-tuned, successful- manifesting.


Journaling should certainly be fun. Now, you may not start off journaling that way. I remember how I used to vent heavily in my journals, letting all the upset feelings I may have had free fall all over the place.

I had to learn that when you are focusing anything that with the Laws of the Universe we are living on -that you are going to always attract more of the same thing as your focus.

So, I started writing, journaling with a purpose in mind. I noticed how powerful I was at attracting with my focus and intention. I wanted to benefit from the journaling practice I had- not use it to self sabotage my dang self!

Manifesting should be benefitting you, not hindering you.

Now, One other amazing benefit to intentional manifesting is that you get to work on your life overall. Yes, that does also include healing while working with healing your inner child plus your shadow.

There are so many great benefits of journaling which are often spoken about both online and offline.

Check out some of the benefits of journaling for yourself right here… You canโ€™t beat these benefits.

1} It’s been said in research studies that journaling in a particular way can in fact strengthen your immune system.

2} You recover physically and emotionally when you journal.

3} Journaling relaxes the body and mind which can assist in relaxing more while being more at peace with one’s life.

4} Regular journaling is said to assist a person with learning their lessons faster through instant self-reflection.

5} Journaling certain can and does improve your communication skills in the way of your writing, speaking, thought processing…etc.

6} Journaling regularly means sleeping better.

7} Journaling can also be helpful in reminding you to be grateful for what you already have.

8} Creativity is encouraged and cultivated through the practice of journaling.

9} Journaling can motivate you to keep being positively focused on moving forward.

10} Journaling can remind you to stay focused on your goals.

11} Self-confidence and self-esteem can be improved with regular journaling.

12} Journaling encourages mindfulness.

13} Journaling can assist you with organizing your mind and thoughts.

14} Life planning and organizing is another great way to benefit from putting your life in order more with journaling.

15} Journaling can certainly improve one’s memory.

16} A huge benefit of journaling is that you can remember to appreciate life better.

17} Journaling is a magnificent tool to use to regain your personal power and to see the value in yourself.

18} Regular journaling is great for healing oneself through self-awareness.

19} Journals are great to track your life patterns.

20} Journaling can assist you with seeing your own progress and growth.

21} Discovering your Life purpose and destiny is another area that journaling can help you to make sense of!

22} Journaling can help you to sync your inner and outer worlds better. This can lead to greater mental plus emotional focus, strength, stability, and maturity.

23} Journaling is one of the perfect ways to practice self-love.

24} Journaling enhances one’s quality of life.

25} Better relationships personally and professionally is what journaling helps with as well.

26} Journaling accelerates your self-awareness.



As you see, journaling is a gift available to all that can assist a person in improving numerous levels of themselves along with each of the elements of their life for optimal results!

Life can be considered a short journey- Journaling can aid you in taking more of the wonders of life in…

Journaling can help You to reach a certain level of desired higher frequency in your consciousness. And, Since the manifesting process can get over technical and even dry sometimes for folks to do and to learn…you can add some journaling to keep a record of your awareness, lessons, and growth to live life more to the fullest!

When I began to journal years back- I had been wanting an easier way through life. I sensed there had to be a better way! With regular journaling, There is a more colorful, playful plus better way to process and live this life!


One way, to liven things up while intentionally manifesting is to use music, dance, colors, documenting, plus reviewing your progress so far.

While also intentionally incorporating creativity to help make the process of having the life you want, and having your life be more fun at the same time.


There are so many ways to tell the universe what your experiences on earth should be for you. What do you want out of this life?

Whatโ€™s working for you now? What’s not? Where can you use more awareness?

Whatโ€™s your favorite way to manifest?! Please share below I wanna know, we want to know!


If I had to share one good journaling question with you to get you inspired to keep writing plus journaling what would that be?

What’s one great journaling prompt to start with to get you started or more inspired to journal more regularly?

Well, Hmmm, let’s see…

Some methods of journaling that have worked wonders for me have been to simply ask a question.

Iโ€™ve found that Asking a question to myself like for instance:

What do you really want Sereda?! That question seems to do the trick. Itโ€™s not just the specific question though. Just ask a question to your person then see what comes up.


Hereโ€™s some poetry: Next, i go from there to now to draw out the real magick. I manifest with colors, books, videos, songs, instruments, by imagining possibilities, with herbs, I Write, imagine, with deity, with ancestors, with higher self, angels, star beings, my galactic family, always protected by the veil of twinkling blackness, while doing hand mudras, breathing, paida, seeing in the midst of meditating, I sift through ideas, then create, color, dance it out, embrace the moment, become inspired then speak my truth into existence as only I can, I have learned to use lovemaking to manifest as well.


By redirecting the energy before an orgasm, to not aim for the orgasm, to relish in the feeling of ecstasy and delight. While holding oneโ€™s desire in mind. This with the power of intention can work to vastly heal the entire body! #magick


Write and visualize how you want this life to be.. this is how I do it. You see my colorful book above? Itโ€™s a composition book. The book costs like 97 cents at Walmart. I like the grid page layout. It keeps my handwriting in line๐Ÿฅณ.


The cover that comes on the book is ok. I liked it for a while. Then I decorated it to suit my taste and needs. The colors excite me to return to play more and to get into the visions i have in mind and heart for my life.


If youโ€™re new to this itโ€™s ok. Life is all about learning. So letโ€™s learn together and grow together. Get your manifesting game tight!


Manifesting is easy. Let the truth be told! Itโ€™s also deep too. Itโ€™s so easy to not do as well. I have to go. I felt it in my soul to share this testimony today. Iโ€™ll collect more testimonials of this in action for you. I have so many stories from my friends, family, clients and myself! Spirit was the guide. This has been life changing to overstand the access to life we have access to.


In closing, the one thing I want to leave behind on this blog article… Is If, you have a moment to spare during your day to intentionally craft your life as you would like… make time for it.


What a gift! And wonderfully enough, we all have access to such a gift. Iโ€™m still navigating this manifesting my life stuff. Iโ€™m doing it ๐Ÿงญ while learning. Ok go, imagine then Just get into it. Just go! What a ride! Talk soon. Leave your thoughts, wisdom with your experience below.


Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. Iโ€™m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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