Healthy habits,  Intuition,  Productivity

Intuitive Holistic Consulting/ Counseling/ Coaching 101: Succeed With Planning & Structure

Hi, greetings,

I’m here with an updated blog article with some tips for you to consider regarding intuitive and or holistic Consulting/ Counseling/ Coaching work. 

I am curious just how many of you are interested in becoming a professional psychic medium. I’m talking about you working as an intuitive person making money at it with the public.

Working as a psychic medium happens to be a very important role. As an experienced working psychic medium myself I’m enjoying this journey. Also, I’m taking it so serious because of the connection I’m grateful to have with spirit. Without the unseen world and of the etheric cosmic genious life force which is in EVERYTHING. I don’t know how I”d be able to read for others. 

Being a psychic medium is critically judged some folks come to find. However this is nothing new in the world. Ignore that and do you. That’s my honest advice always! JUst keep on moving and stay focused on developing yourself anad you will! Then what will you do next? After the course? What are wanting to do with your psychic mediumship training?

There are some of you who will want to carry on after the course as a person who doesn’t do readings for others. On the other hand there are others of you who will want to become a psychic medium or a psychic or a medium. No matter what choice you make. We will cover what you need to know as a beginner in the psychic mediumship field.

To be a psychic medium is honorable and very special for some of us. It’s not that its a position thats better than other field of working. It’s because I feel being an intuitive and a psychic medium or any combo of that is powerful!

Working with clients or even with yourself doing psychic mediumship work is a bigtime respectable position to place oneself in. That being said, are you wanting to do this work in the world? And do you plan on doing readings for others or are you just interested in using your psychic gifts for yourself? Or are you someone interested in learning the knowledge of psychic mediumship…but do you plan to use what you’re learning later?

If you are saying yes You want to use it then hurray for you!  And welcome to your amazing path to discovering more about you!

The spirit guides say to anyone who feels the genuine call of source. Please Come forth if you feel the call to actually do this type of work. They say you can team up with them. Yes, your own angels, spirit guides, spirit team. They can’t wait to help you. For those who choose to do this work once they feel comfortable enough to read for others and charge then good blessings to you!

One thing you may have thought about doing for others is to intuitively or holistically coach, consultant, counsel or mentor with them. If you’re taking this course you may have considered what it would be like to be an advisor to others once you develop your intuition more and your confidence in your own psychic mediumship powers as well. This is exactly why I wrote this blog article the first time.

The reason is that, I remember when I was just getting started with opening up to trust my psychic power. Once thing that stayed on my mind was how much I couldn’t wait to be able to help others see the options they have and what’s the best action to take or help them reconnect to the best person they can be by looking at solutions with divination tools and psychic ability. 

As a black woman starseed who has always desired to do this type of work. I’m having so much fun. I really love the fact that I am working as a psychic and part-time as an artist and a teacher too. I’m living the dream 🙂

Anytime you enjoy what you do. That’s when I’ve found a career to be that much more rewarding to a person! Also, working as a psychic medium coach or a counselor or a consultant can be life changing for you. 

Plus working with spirit while also advising clients can be equally rewarding in several ways. As a psychic, we and you shall see that by working with the public on secret matters and holding a space of support and acceptance is an amazing opportunity to learn so much about everything this way.

I’m connecting the dots here to see why I was inspired to expand this blog article. I can feel we’re getting into it right after this part. Like the depths of what it takes to work with a client if you decide you want to read for the public. But most of all what do your guidelines look like? Who are you willing to do readings for and work with?

Even after all these years of reading for others I still feel that Connecting with a new client is always a treat. Over time with wisdom, I have learned not to actually work with just any person in the world though or I may live to regret it!

Unless the client or potential client understands how important it is to take accountability and to follow the psychic medium’s guidelines to the letter. I have found it to be vital to let people know the deal so you don’t have to waste any time talking too much about this.

You will see and find just how important it is to communicate exactly what your parameters are before taking on a new client. It’s like a dentist wanting dental clients.

We as intuitive want to work with our ideal clients. I love to work with well-informed clients who come in the door or to the appointments we set together. I love whenever clients reach out to me in a  respectable way. Prep ripped on my process of working and of doing readings. The clients who come with their money in hand because of the know the value of working with me and spirit. These people come that come ready to go. Yes, I like those clients. They know how valuable it is to interface with my person and they respect their connection and mine to spirit and to them. I can dig that. 

Having a client come to you who is not prepped on how you work or your process could oitentiall waste some time that you may not have. Or working with the wrong client may even create a losing situation for your business and the client. But you can avoid any issues, Follow the guidelines in this blog article for some quick guidance. 

Before you can begin working with a client. You want o first figure out your process for doing readings, are you using any tools?

First prior to working with clients you should consider doing a certain number of readings for yourself and or the public. A good number to do before working with clients is like 100 readings. If you find you need more practice then keep up the practice until you are ready to get to work and use your gifts.

Once you have done so many readings like 100+ is what I recommend. Then you can come get your documents together. One vital information to have have on record is the terms of service document or webpage.

When you’re just starting off you want to think about how much you will charge, what all you will an and can do during a clients session.

Now that’s out of the way, we will chat about a few key points to include in your terms of service document before you take on a new client. Sure you want a new client but you can save time on the front end by laying your rules and expectations on the table before you discusss anything in an actual client session.

I completely understand.. You think if you can just get a new client everything will work out perfectly right. Back in the day, I actually thought it would. And Sure it will especially if you set up the right elements to be successful.

Hypothetically I want you to Think about the last time you had a client right. Now, You get a new client, at first meeting every interaction is flowing and well, right?!

So then after about a week or less, there’s a change, a shift, a strong change too. Then you notice how your new client becomes unresponsive to you and stops keeping their appointments with you. You have no idea as to why. But that’s all you have to off of is their behavior.

Well, Their behavir lets you know they aren’t really invested in their vision that they came to you to help them to resurrenct with them. ..Thankfully,  there are preventive measures you can put into place to keep situations like this to a minimum or never have them happen too!

This is an example of why, PRE-QUALIFICATION of clients is Very necessary. Some folks may not follow through with much of anything in life. However they want to have someone watch that process. Howver they won’t commit to their vision for themselves.

This is rough, because Ofcourse we are visualizing all clients doing everything it takes to stay focused and to also following through as well. Great let’s keep a positive outlook! Now..

Now you know why its important to screen potential clients once you start doing readings. If you ever decide you want to. Next, It’s important to begin tofind out who your prime time clients are. Who can you best assist? Your ideal client may think like you, or they may be just the opposite of you.  

If you are wanting to do readings for others one day when you are all trained and reading. Then I recommend you prepare well. Here are some ideas to get you going.

Before we get to number 1 on the list let’s start with the pre-qualification process. Yes, there is a match for all clients and a match for all coaches/consultants. First of all, Type up a document detailing what your ideal client is, here is an example:

You’re my ideal kind of client if you:

Are willing to do the work.

Are willing to show up and be open to your growth?

Take personal responsibility for your life experience.

Want to live mind fully with greater meaning and purpose.

Desire to serve and be as productive as possible at any age.

Are open to letting go of unneeded baggage?

Feel inspired by co-creative ventures with like-minded people?

Have the ability (even if it’s not showing now) to be focused on tasks?

Are you ready to improve your present and future?

Are you afraid of money?

Hold high ethical values?

Are you afraid of people?

Enjoy brainstorming?

Seek open feedback and are open-minded?

1. Make a list you and potential clients will discuss (assessment, requirements) before you will work with them. Save the list. This list will be part of your consulting program.

2. Write down what you expect from your ideal client during each session.

3. Make a record of how important is your time is? Put a dollar number on that, make it a 30-day paycheck in fact. Make a note of it for you. How much would you get paid if you worked with a client for 30 days?

What’s your time worth? This is an important step so if you the (consultant/coach) will know just how important your time is. Remember structure is the key to enjoying a successful consulting practice. If you don’t organize, you might lose clients, time and money.

4. Begin a document with a list of what a client should expect from you. What can you offer them in the form of services for their hard-earned money? For example:

As Your Consultant, My Job Is To:

  • Model mindfulness, learning



  • Listen with focus and presence

  • Maintain self-awareness

  • Nurture the partnership with respect and compassion

  • Establish and honor an explicit structure for the
coaching relationship

  • Make choices with you about the coaching

  • Ask questions that deepen your understanding
of your situation

  • Help you articulate desired outcomes

  • Ask you to generate a course of action

  • Provide direct and honest feedback

  • Direct your attention toward your capabilities and potential

  • Provide important information, tools, and language

  • Energize and stimulate your thinking process

  • Remind you of your potential and vision

  • Encourage you to take action

  • Offer opinions and/or recommend a course of action

  • Provide an open space for communication

5. Write an affirmation that goes something like this..(by the way) this is specifically for you (the consultant) ! OK here it is:

I am an amazing consultant, i do my best each and every time with every client. I am here to listen and offer solutions! I strive to direct the client into the direction that will give them the results they spoke of during our first meeting.  Together we can make a change. I am thankful for the opportunity to help someone again with building an awesome business, relationship and overall life! Repeat this affirmation before and after working with your clients.

6. Clients will take you seriously when you take your business and time seriously. Create solutions and plan options to compliment your time and your potential clients time as well and feel good about your choices, you can edit your program at anytime.

7. Detail your program process, include the abc’s of your consulting game plan and type it up in a document. For example:

What to Expect from  Coaching/ Consulting-

Consulting is fully customized to your needs and goals. However, here is an example of what you can expect:

~ Explore and discover what you want in your life, while also acknowledging that what you ultimately want is Bliss.

~ Learn to manage your body & mind, responses to others and life, health and well-being.

~ Brainstorm, rejuvenate, create, meet your goals, build, explore, enjoy adventure, play and then..

~ Transform, relax and experience Bliss Returned.

Another example:

The overall benefit of a consultant is to help you explore who you are, what you truly want and how to attain it. This is achieved as you and the consultant communicate through skillful questioning, listening, reflecting, clarification and suggestions.

8. Don’t beat yourself or your staff up if a client doesn’t follow through. Consulting takes at least two people. Often people will say they want to change, however they may decide during your program, to not elevate for a while. Client fall backs are not your fault.

Smile and know one thing:  If the structure of your coaching/consulting program is tight, you have done your job there. The other part is keeping appointments and holding people accountable or what they say they want to do. I know you can do that. You have it going on there. I know that! This process will be  ( or is)  a breeze for you.  This is YOU we are talking about here. RiGHT!

So, go forth and Make it happen. There is no room to doubt your process or your skills. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to me. I can help. I love what I do and I do it well! Enjoy the planning process of your consulting practice. You have exactly what it takes to win. WORK IT!

~Queen Sereda

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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