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Get to Know The Sacred 7 Chakra System of the Human Body
Today, we’ll delve into a look at The 7 Chakra system of the human energy body.
The goal of this writing is to support a more enriching mental connection to the chakra system. Also to offer further knowledge plus overstanding of The Chakras.
These chakras are known to be the ancient bioenergetic system. This system is well documented. Located within each human body template.
This blog article is sure to lead you to inspiration and further knowledge of how to apply chakra healing and balancing to restore the quality and magic within your life.
The Chakra system is quite advanced. However, you can easily Learn How to Easily Reboot Your Chakras within a month or so for Huge Life-changing results.
When I was learning how to balance my chakras. I used to find the details a whole lot to take in. Until I began to place my focus on the most important element about my chakras for me.
That’s when I started to look at How to Use my Personal Bioenergy Field To Enhance my Quality of life. I wanted more than just energy healing from working with my chakras.
Instead, I had a vision on how to heal myself. Also, my spirit guides led me to research more about chakra healing…I was shown the chakras or wheels of light. What they also totally revealed to me. Was that working with my chakras would be used by me one day in order to heal my energy body and my life.
The information in this article is perfect for those who are looking for the best information about the body’s chakra energy system. Also, this is great for someone who wishes to reboot plus heal their body.
For over 10 years, the information on chakras kept on finding its way to me. Since I first began learning about working with this brilliant energy template. I have worked with my own chakras to heal my own energy. Particularly, I learned about the chakras in my Reiki Masterclasses.
When I first learned about the chakra system I was truly amazed by what I studied, read and found in the information on them. What I had found was like a miracle.
Indeed, it is a miraculous opportunity to tap into sacred knowledge which used to be hidden, locked away in secret. Since I wasn’t sure I should share the information which I had found with anyone.
I began to keep extensive lessons for myself over the years. In truth, this method of documenting and saving my notes and studies. Doing this practice. helped me to realize that I wasn’t missing the mark.
That’s what this writing is. I kept notes over the years of my studies. I published the information I found on my website. Back then, I didn’t know exactly where to start. The only thing I truly knew is that I had to share what I found with others I cared about.
So, I did. That was the purpose of this writing. It’s been since 2014 in the month of October since I last updated this article. Today its the 1st of June 2019.
I just wanted to let you know that…
I have updated the information in this blog article to read better for everyone who reads it.
Over the years, as I went for my extensive, continuous Holistic healing training and teacher certifications. I learned how important the chakras were and are to boosting, balancing and restoring the body’s overall functions.
I learned how to use various key regular practices with rituals and daily routines to allow myself the benefit of each person to tap into a master key for healing the body, mind, and spirit.
Back in the day, when you look through books, articles and at research on chakras. This is when you will see them referred to as a system of electromagnetic spinning wheels of light. The 7 chakras are also known as energy centers, portals or vortexes of Light.
Chakra’s are known to be many things. In order, to unlock the secrets of the universe the chakras have been used as a tool to recalibrate a person’s health plus overall virility!
what the chakras are, where they are located and what their purpose actually is for each person. There are several chakras within the body however we’ll focus on the 7 in this blog article.
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. These spinning wheels are an inner working system of seven energy centers that are located along the spine.
Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics that reflect either balance or imbalance. They also correspond to stages of spiritual growth.
Practicing yoga and focusing your energies during different postures as in yoga can help you to align your chakras and get all the wheels spinning in the same direction and speed.
Understanding how to fine-tune and control your chakras through yoga and meditation can help to bring stability and peace to your mind, body, and spirit.
As you study the 7 chakra system, learn how to activate any desired qualities for yourself with ease.
Whatever desires you are wanting to attract and manifest for yourself. Each desire is associated with each of the body’s energy centers.
Many cultures have referred to the chakra system. Many have shared their insights on how important the chakras are to living a high quality of life.
Again, The chakras are spinning wheels of light simply. In ancient Kamit, plus other cultures like Eastern healing modalities like the chakras with modern Western psychology practices, to help thousands heal past childhood traumas and wake up to their true spiritual essence.
There are seven main chakras, each one associated with a different part of the body along the spine from the perineum to the crown of your head.
Each chakra is correlated closely with a particular:
-body location
-a color
-a central emotional
-behavioral area
-personal aspects
-And much more.
Here’s a closer look into the chakras.
The Balance of the 7 Main Chakras are keys to wonderful health and wellbeing.
Here they are:
Muladhara- Base chakra- Located at the lower portion of the spine.
Svadhisthana- Navel or Sacral chakra- Located at the genitals region.
Manipura- Solar plexus chakra- Located above the Sacral chakra.
Anahata- Heart area- Located at the center of the chest.
Vishuddha- Throat- Located at the Throat level.
Ajna- Brow chakra- Located at the Eyebrow level.
Sahasrara- The Crown chakra- Located at the Top of the head.
Through the movements and postures of yoga, you can learn to rebalance and restore your own energy wellness. Eastern healing modalities like the chakras with modern Western holistic health practices are used to help folks heal any lingering past childhood traumas.
Chakra balancing is amazing to assist you in feeling supported while you’re in the midst of deep healing and also to aid you in waking up spiritually.
By focusing your concentration and energy to and from the various chakras in your body. This can allow you to compensate for areas that may be out of synch with the rest of your body or are not active at all.
All chakras can be healed with training of the mind
Sereda Aleta Dailey
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