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The Importance of Energetic Protection in Holistic Healing and Psychic gifts – NaturallyHighLife
IMPROVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER,  Personal Transformation,  Productivity,  Reiki, Energy restoral, balance and healing,  Spirituality,  Starseed wisdom

The Importance of Energetic Protection in Holistic Healing and Psychic gifts

Insights on Protecting The Energy Field & Chakras

The Importance of Energetic Protection in Holistic Healing and Psychic gifts.

Everything is Energy,


There are basic laws that govern vitalism or what is known as life energy. What is energy?

According to Wikipedia, the definition is: “a scalar physical quantity, an attribute of objects and systems that is conserved in nature. In physics textbooks, the energy was often defined as the ability to do work or to generate heat.”

In other words, “Science shows us that everything is made up of energy and exchanges that with everything else at all times in a most complex way. It is the building block of all matter.

The same energy that composes your flesh is the same one that composes the bricks of your house and the trees outside. It is all the same. It is constantly at flow, changing form all the time. This is a very simple explanation of a rather complex thing.” – David Cameron

Everything in this universe is made up of the same stuff. It is just present in different forms and shapes.

More on Energy

With his famous equation E= mc2, Albert Einstein proved the when you come right down to it everything in the universe is energy. Both in the physical plane of our reality of matter and the abstract reality of our mind are made up of energy pattern.

Here we are going the learn more about this energy and its relationship with Telepathy, telekinesis, and even the fundamentals behind teleporting physical matter in the way of physical objects.

The concept of universal energy flow is not a new one. The ancient Chinese called this flow chi; the ancient Hindus called it prana. The disciplines that developed in those two cultures – tai chi and yoga, respectively- are based on the art of tuning in to the flow of energy and using it to center the self.

In 1977 when I first discovered energy there were no names for it that I knew of. The force which is in all things and people was known as life force energy and the greatest master of energy back then. To me, came in 1979 when Yoda turns to Luke at the lake and said feel the force between the rock, the land, and the ship this caught my attention after working with energy for two years.

When we are centered we feel and experience harmony – not only with ourselves, but also with others, and with our entire environment. Any centering process is actually the act of balancing ourselves with the universal flow of energy.

As you begin to think of this consider energies that we interact with on a daily basis and how they affect us. Today you will understand how to build your personal power, clear your aura and hold high vibrational energy. You will learn to be practical in your new practice of psychic protection and clearing too.

Exercise One: Feeling Your Energy Field

What we are going to do here is stimulate the charkas in the hands by briskly rubbing your two hands together warming them up. As soon as they feel nice and toasty (this will take about thirty seconds or so), Hold your hand’s palm to palm, lining up the fingers.

Now Slowly begin to pull your hands away from each other until you feel a push or a pull sensation (some people feel one, while other people feel the other) that seems to suggest you’ve come to the outer edge of a chunky field within your energy field. Usually, this occurs when your hands are about four to eight inches apart.

If you don’t get any sensation with this technique the first time keep trying this exercise until the sensation occurs. I can promise you it will. Some people don’t feel the edge until they actually play with the field itself, moving their hands closer together and then farther away as if playing with a marshmallow. Try this yourself once you get the push/pull sensation going between your hands, you’ll get the idea of what the energy field feels like and how to sense it more easily.

The energy field you sensed between your hands is actually your own aura; this radiant energy field surrounds you. You have just learned the ability to sense energy one part of your aura’s boundary. In the next exercise, we will explore the ability to see energy.

Exercise Two: Seeing The Energy Field

What we are going to do here is stimulate the charkas in the hands by briskly rubbing your two hands together warming them up. As soon as they feel nice and toasty (this will take about thirty seconds or so), Hold your hand’s palm to palm, lining up the fingers.

For this exercise, you will need to find a black or very dark surface in your home (a piece of clothing, a tabletop, or even a turned off the television). Turn off and electric lights, pull the shades and place a single lighted candle behind you.

Now put your hands in front of the black surface and examine them. You should see a whitish, filmy glow emanating from your fingers. (Tip Try focusing on the background.) Try this with a friend and experiment with the filmy shadows. See how close you have to come for your mutual films to touch.

The physical aura is not always easy to see because it can be very subtle. Don’t be discouraged, though. When you do begin to see your glow, try increasing it through concentration. Wishing and concentrating will project energy, and you’ll see the auric field more clearly.

That’s alot… let’s continue:

The Etheric Body (from “ether”, the state between the energy and matter) is composed of tiny energy lines “like a sparkling web of light beams” similar to the lines on a television screen. It has the same structure as the physical body including all the anatomical parts and all the organs.

The color of the etheric body varies from light blue to gray. The light blue color has been connected to a finer form than the gray; a more sensitive person with a sensitive body will tend to have a bluish 1st layer, whereas a more athletic, robust type of person will tend to have a more grayish etheric body.

All the charkas of this layer are the same color as the body. That is, they will also range between blue to gray in color. Etheric energy emanates from all forms of solid matter in the universe and it is this etheric plane that we blend with while working with telekinesis, teleportation, and telepathy

The etheric plane is also known as Tele-plasma Or PSI-energy.


1. Protection & Entities

Accessing the unseen. Removing non-beneficial and accessing supportive entities. Do you know about so-called Ghosts, Angels or Spirit Guides, and Ancestors? What else is out there that we cannot see with our naked eye?

We will look into what is out there. What is around you? What should you be concerned about? What doesn’t matter? It’s a given that we would like to keep certain spirits that support us and get rid of those that don’t serve a positive balanced purpose.

How do we remove non-beneficial and access supportive entities? How to protect yourself and the space around you from negative influences.


2. Energy Vampires

Psychic Self-Protection. How do you identify who around you is draining your energy and put self-protection techniques in place? Do you sense that someone or something is draining your energy? Surprisingly, it can be those we love the most that we are most at risk with.

We don’t live in a vacuum. On a daily basis, we interact with others family, friends or strangers on a personal or business basis. Some encounters leave us feeling empowered others leave us feeling exhausted.

People will feed off your energy; drain you and leave you empty. Let’s identify some energy vampires and cover techniques you can immediately put in place to protect and support your life energy.

3. Self Protection

Expand Your Aura & Chakras.  Strengthen, augment and repairing the energy field and chakra system. Know it or not. You are in every moment of every day creating your reality through your conditioning, attitudes, actions or non-actions. By the law of attraction, we attract into our lives what we resonate with.

Since many of our deepest memories and experiences are stored in our cells if they are traumatic we become a magnet for disaster. This evening we will go into how to clear these stuck low vibrational energies within us.

We will also work with ways of strengthening, augmenting and repairing your aura and chakra system in order to protect you against future issues.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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