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Getting Started: Daily or Irregular Journaling for Personal Growth Can Shift Your Whole Life

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There are no accidents its been said repeatedly. You found this blog at this time for a reason. It’s great that you have found this blog article since I opened up my brain further than ever to tap into my own experience plus there’s information from leading research on how journaling can be started plus benefitted from just for you!

Sure anyone can do journaling if they choose to. Often what brings people to try journaling or to seek out journaling in anyway is their childlike curiosity.

It seems that so many of us have not created to our fullest extent this lifetime. However whats neat is that today we can still make a go at it to finally thoughly enjoy the creative playing that we always probably wanted more of as children.

Whatever your age is right now you can do journaling for whatever purpose of reason you desire to. All I’m offering in this trusty blogpost is a dose of inspiration, motivation so that you will heed the calling of your soul force then surely you’ll come out to play, journal and create your precious concepts, ideas and creations as soon as you wish!

My only goal here is to get you to take a look again at journaling to see how you can incorporate it thoroughly into your life. It’s been a life changer for so many. Now there’s simply no reason for you to miss out on it at all. 

Whether you are someone who is new to journaling or is quite experienced…the practice of writing down whatever you like or it can be journaling with anything. Even the tiniest bit of journaling will be beneficial to you.

The first concern to come up when beginning journaling deals with What you will need in order to journal? Not much ill assure you. Keep on reading this to know what you need to start.

How often would you like to journal? Are you looking to journal everyday or regularly or every once in a while? 

However you choose to spend your time journaling, know that it is always a simple process. Sure many people have their varieties of ways to do journaling. You will want to choose a journaling process that works right for you. This action is most key.

Choose a method that resonates well with your person. Remember that just because someone journals in a complicated way-you don’t have to do it that way unless you want.

Just because there are some folks who are more experienced with journaling plus make journaling more complex than it has to be doesn’t mean its the standard or the only way to journal.

………edit down………….That’s fine,  Journaling daily is just as easy as irregular journaling. Each person has their writing preference options. Do what works best for you. Before we move on, there are plenty of great reasons to take into account to do journaling daily.

Otherwise there will be positives regarding journaling only when the mood hits you too. The first most vital thing is to just get into the action, mode and practice of moving through journaling. This way you get even more comfortable with journaling over time or swifter than you thought you would.

It’s pretty easy to start journaling since you probably have all the supplies needed to successfully journal right at home or an office.

When you journal, know there are several ways to actually journal. However, if you’re just looking to get started with journaling then here is what you will need. Ready, set, GO!

In order to get your journal on you have to have a shortlist of supplies. In a nutshell, what you’ll need to journal or make a journal depends on the type of journal you’re going to be using.

Generally, all you’ll need for journaling would be:

  • A pen/ pencil
  • This blogpost
  • A journal/ notebook/ paper

As you can see, you won’t need much to get started with journaling. Might as well get started asap.

Why journaling though? Well, is One of the best ways to gain clarity about your life. Studies have shown people all over the world have really improved their lives through journaling.

It’s said in leading psychology research that it can be actually groundbreaking to just journal your thoughts and feelings.

Just think about it, Especially, if you’re feeling conflicted or confused about certain situations currently then surely writing your thoughts out can be incredibly refreshing, insightful + enlightening!

You don’t have to be a “writer” to journal effectively either. Your handwriting doesn’t have to be picture-perfect at all. Since your journaling will be for your eyes only who cares what any of it looks like. It’s for you anyway.

It’s a bit challenging to get started with journaling- I know it was for me in the past when I first discovered there was such a thing known as writing or journaling.

It was challenging to get started because I used to think there was a certain way I needed to write or do my journal processes.

I learned that was not true. I didn’t have to have the neatest handwriting. Truly, you can write however you desire.

You see, your writing skills are in the right position to start journaling or to restart journaling today. If you can Just start you’ll find pleasure in it. You may also find that you get more than you could have ever imagined for taking on journaling!

It’s an extraordinary thing to journal-while at the same time it’s a normal, regular practice or routine or hobby we all can do and benefit from.

The act of putting your thoughts into a logical order or free-flowing artsy musings to written form can help you to understand what you’re feeling, what to do about it and why.

Here are some tips to help you use journaling for positive personal growth:

1) Keep it simple. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a fancy journal. In fact, unless you’re an experienced journaler, I recommend using an inexpensive, lined notebook. Then you won’t feel so much pressure to be “perfect” in what you write. You won’t be afraid to doodle and decorate or whatever happens to flow onto the paper.

2) Don’t hold back. When you journal for the purposes of personal growth, don’t try to edit yourself, or make your writing understandable to anyone else. The most freeing technique is to put your pen to paper and just write whatever comes to mind. No one else will see it unless you want them to, so let ‘er rip!

3) Focus on the feelings. If you find yourself stumped about what to write in your journal, begin with the phrase, “I feel…”. This will usually get your thoughts and feelings flowing, and you will be better able to express them in writing.

4) Guided journaling. Another helpful technique is guided journaling, which means providing a prompt for yourself. Especially if you’re struggling with something specific, you can more easily get the words flowing with a nudge in the right direction. Some example prompts would be, “Describe your perfect career and the reasons it would fulfill you.” Or, “Think about the most painful experience in your past and write about the ways it has affected who you are today.”

5) Review your entries periodically. Going back to look at your journal entries can be very illuminating and provide amazing clarity about yourself. With time and practice, you will likely begin to see patterns in your thinking, behaviors, and beliefs. The most important thing is to keep an objective mindset while you look at your entries. Don’t judge or belittle yourself. Keep the focus on personal growth and development. Instead of beating yourself up or cringing over your latest rant, ask yourself, “How can I use this knowledge to improve my circumstances now?”

If you’re not a natural writer, journaling may seem like a lot of effort at first. But it is so worth it! As a little girl I wrote letters by the hundreds to people I knew. Then on into my twenties, I decided I wanted to understand myself better, so I began keeping written journals with a focus on self-discovery. That practice has paid off in amazing ways over the past decade or so.

You can also keep journals for other reasons besides personal growth. For example, you can begin a gratitude journal to jot down a few things you are thankful for each day, which will help you to feel more positive about your life. You can keep a spiritual growth journal to record prayers and meditations that were effective for you. You can keep a dream journal to learn more about the messages your dreams hold. The possibilities are endless!

If you really don’t like writing with pen and paper, you can also keep an online journal in the form of a blog and even on in a cell phone too. There are many blog softwares offering free membership accounts, with easy-to-use interfaces. Three popular choices are, and

If you keep an online journal, you may want to make it private so no one else can view it. It’s amazing what search engines can find nowadays, and you may not want your neighbor or employer coming across your private thoughts. Most blog sites offer an option to keep your blog non-viewable to the public, you can choose private or even password protected on WordPress. You can opt to stay anonymous with your blog, but allow others to read it. Writing anonymously is easy, just pick a pseudonym and don’t share any identifiable information about yourself.

Finally, don’t feel that you have to follow any set rules with your journaling. Do what works best for you, and enjoy each moment of your personal growth journey! 🙂

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Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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