Channeling Your Higher Self,  easy psychic mediumship for starseeds,  Intuition,  intuitive art,  life purpose

Join My Newsletter Get A Free 2 Week Art Ecourse (Updated)

Hey, it’s art-making time!!

I sure hope this creative art

letter finds you extra good!

This morning I let out a

huge sigh because here

I am back in this blog post.

I have been adding Several more

insights into this Art themed

blogpost for you all.

Before I forget these insights about

why I started making art. Let’s get

into it.

One of the loves I’ve had for a

long ass time. Is a love for numerology.

The thing is, I went to numerology

so that I could learn about my destiny

in this very lifetime.

I wanted to know who exactly I was.

ANd yes, I’m deep all the time. And yes

this is how I learned about numerology

the first time.

Plus it really helped me to see that

I was making sense to someone.

Because there were numbers that my

birthday had that showed all

sorts of traits about who I potentially

was and will be. I learned so much

in numerology. I was starting to find

myself with my life path number.

Then I studied that forever with a

great ferocity!

(This is what numerology showed

me) As a number 7 life path, I love doing

a thousand different things.


(my thoughts about it)

-I’m a really laid back lady so 

you wouldn’t know it right off

if you met me.

You wouldn’t initially know

that I love having my

hands in lots of things. Maybe it’s

because as a younger person

I just wanted to grow up

to be an adult! Back when I was

way younger, I was so very


However, I can recall just how much

and how many times I used to

hold back on my creativity in

various ways when I was younger.

My confidence was down in the toilet

then. And when I wasn’t feeling

UNready to make art- I was

making all sorts of things for


I loved the whimsical

feelings, the mysteriously loving

sensations, and compassionate

energy which felt boundless as

it swirled its way through me as

I created my art.

> Can you remember the last time

that you said yes to the magic of

your creativity?


> Can you remember how it feels

as the earths cosmic oceans

swirl with love in and around

you as you make your art?

I can remember how it feels

and that’s exactly what I’ll be

sharing with you in my online

course! Because this is my dream

my passion! I must. Just as

some of you, know that

you must come on and joyfully

make your art!

It’s not always easy to get into a

creative space…unless you

know the way there.

Then people give up or they

persevere. Here’s my point—->

Directly after I would make my

art you all…

A strange thing would happen

inside of my head

I would hear unsupportive words

repeating to me how “I wasn’t

good at something, or that

nobody will like what I created.

I’d hear I was wasting my time.

I would always hear how

I constantly needed more

preparation, more time before

I would be ready to create stuff.

Or Before I would even be ready 

to show others- First, I had to do

way better myself.

These are just some of the challenges

I had earlier in my life. Because of

the overflow of negative self-talk

I had going off like a siren in my head.


It was then when I began to

research what options

I had to get past any

Mental blocks

of making more art,

and creating

more and sharing

more of my creations.


Eventually, I did grow like a healthy

garden. It happened like clockwork

while I was doing meditation, yoga

and a whole lot of other practices too.

I have used inner child healing and

colors to work on my chakras.

I have also put together a special

beginners level art course which

I’ll share with you soon.

I have put together an online course

because I know personally just how

powerful artmaking can be for Anyone!

But what if you’re having

complications? What if you can’t even get

started with making something

creative (without) being yelled at,

talked down to or attacked by

your own thoughts?

That’s something I hope you have

to never deal with. But me and others

have had to deal with this too many

times for us to count.

It doesn’t have to be this way though.

I can honestly sit over here and tell

you that. It’s because my life has

grown so much from simply giving

things a try. And also from choosing

to be open.

That’s precisely why, I’ve got plenty

to share with passionate people like

you. I desire to share with you

Because I know how it is to struggle.

To not feel safe or comfortable

enough to go after what you love.

Now, this part is another important

point, stay with me here: In an attempt

to complete several

very important creative projects

this year which are vital for laying

the foundation for what’s coming

from me Queen Sereda and

NaturallyHighLife in 2020…

Here I am with just the thing!

I received insight from my guides

plus from my clients and friends to

hurry and put my art course out

there so people can benefit from it.

I believe in what I do and

That’s what I did. I began creating

a tarot deck as a part of my

creations. Then I sat

down to consider the art lessons

which would help my readers and


One day I was on Instagram,

one of my Instagram

followers and NaturallyHighLife

readers asked for some tips and

lessons on how to make

confident inner child art.

She even shared how she

loves inner child mixed media

art more than any other. I feel

this sort of art is the one she loves

the most because of all the perfection

she was asked to maintain when she

was small.

She has been since looking to heal

herself using shapes, colors and

lots of fun! As a result of talking to,

this young lady about her art dreams

You already know what is my first

round of art classes are going to

be for you. Inner Child.


Since 2013, I took a more serious

stance on making art. It’s like

I felt compelled to use art to

heal my mind, body an spirit

and in order to also have more


I found myself loving inner child

art for several reasons. One thing

is to have more fun. Also to stop

being so serious. So I got more into

the fun side of art-making.

Then I started constantly

making art.


However, making continuous art

can be a challenge for some folks.

Especially until you create a

process for yourself to support

your preferred way of making art.

That’s what happened for me

I felt like I had to create an art

process and routine that could

practically work each and every time

just for me. Reason being, I would

always know how to being making


My confidence had a way to soar like this.

That way I wouldn’t be sitting around

hoping and wishing to make art

instead of just going off making it.

Sure, it can be scary, sure,

It can be therapeutic or terrifying

for some folks to get started

with a regular practice art-making.


Yes, creating art may seem like

it’s a luxury to be doing it! Until

you work on your self-worth

and self-love. Until these are healed

many folks will constantly

feel they aren’t deserving enough

tap into their art expression.

Especially when there are bills

to handle plus lots of work to do.

How can you make art with all that

going on?

Or, What kind of artwork

can someone make when they

don’t feel like they have a

lot of time?

I’ll show you what I did to make

more art. You’ll also find out how I

moved through not feeling I could

make art. To making art almost daily.

The reason behind why I make art

and the reason behind how I make

my art is a crucial- important aspect

of my art-making process that I

look forward to sharing with you

in my upcoming introductory

art classes.

In these art classes, fun is all we’ll

have together. We’ll dive into why inner child

healing is necessary for so many

but also why intuitive art is not

a lost art.

In these art classes,

I’ll be showing you why I feel

making intuitive art is one of the

most mystically healing and loving

experiences for a person to have.

We’ll talk about spirit art

and it’s benefits. We’ll chat about

the enchantment which takes


Whenever you create with

spirit. Working beside spirit

is like a match made in heaven.

It’s a easy partnership that

produces majestic outcomes.


Working with spirit, helps a person

to get out of their own way,

so they allow what they want to

see in their world (happen for them).

Working with spirit, helps with

steering clear of any negative 

stubborn patterns of thinking,

bad energy, unwanted vibrations 


In order to be sure that one is

not allowing things they love

doing to fall through the cracks or

to get lost.

Since I’ve been seeing more progress

with creating art- with processing

my life too- I have been placing more

deadlines on my to do lists.

I have officially pulled out my

pretty (barely used reflection planner).

This is a planner that I got from 

Michaels. I just enjoy the colors

of it. I’ll show it to you this month.

Writing in a planner was a longtime

issue for me in the past though.

At times I have attempted to duck

away from using my planner.

These days it feels good to use one

because I have things to get done.

Just like everyone else.

In other words, I’ve decided to

press on past my perceived limitations.

to get more done with less

procrastination and more positive action.

This is the plan 🙂

Above all else, I hope you’re

golden this day as you read this.

What I have on offer for you

now is This FREE 2 week long

art class which begins on

October 17th. Once you register

for the ecourse then once that

date comes just check your mail

because your One of a kind 2 week

long artsy mixed media art classes

created in my celestial style, will

be emailed to you!

You all have been waiting long

enough for an art class from

me. I’ve been wanting things

to be a certain way before 

launching the art to you.

Which is part of the reason it

took me so dang long.


However, I am confident today

more than Ever that I can 

bring some inspiration to

someone out there in the

form of intuitive art-making.

There are lots of options I can

put together to offer a course 

to you. But this time I’m actually

choosing to keep everything

in such a way where you can

follow along with the lesson

even at a beginner’s pace .

Simplicity is my way,

This is the most important thing.

So simple is what the art class

from me shall be. 


I figure if I get this ecourse out

to you then you can share

more feedback with me on what

you love about the art processes

at lessons for yourself. Or what

you’d like to do better regarding

your art skills? What you’d like to

learn more about?

It’s good to know about how

you got started in

your art-making?

What is your favorite type of

creative expression?

What sort of things get in the way

of you making the art you desire to?

I look forward to it!

Because once you share your

feedback on questions like these

with me- I can offer more

of what you find helpful.

This helps so much.

Some of you already have

offered some feedback

and others of you don’t even

know what the heck

this Queen is talking about.

It can help greatly to have

your feedback then

I’ll know more about what

types of art

you want to see, create,

do and learn about. 

You’re appreciated, I wish

you all the best on your

art journey. Come on,

Let’s make art together.



Sign up here to get access once it’s ready!

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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