Channeling Your Higher Self,  life purpose,  Manifesting,  spirit guides,  Spirituality,  Starseed wisdom

Teaming Up With Your Spirit Guides for Earthly Success now!

Teaming Up With Your Spirit Guides Can Help You to Become more Successful in Life Faster. Especially for spiritual people.

Wholeness and blessings 👋

Connect with me And follow my posts daily on my Instagram page. You can find me at and welcome to all who have been with me for a while. Those of you who are new to me and welcome to you as well. 

I appreciate those of you who have stuck around throughout our transformations at Naturally High Life. With growth comes change and vice versa, You already Know that! <3

Alright, let’s get to it…

I’m sharing a long-form blog article today, this blog article is actually 8,673+ words long. It’s a part of a book you’ll soon hear about once I finish up posting the psychic/mediumship classes for a new online course.

Since, September 2017 I’ve been writing this particular article as well. This time I have written to share the insight that came to me while I was posting this picture of the 4 white candles you see above. The day I posted this picture I just so happened to be gathering some witchy spell ingredients to work some Ancestral magic with my Spirit guides also known as my spiritual army.

Spirit guides have been quite a positive influential element towards success for me. Channeling spirit and Channeling my higher self have been important for me for clients plus for my own direction, clarity plus well-being. I’m so grateful for all the support my guides have been giving.

All of the support from my spiritual team that I’ve received as of today- has truly helped me to gain big confidence and to remember to love myself throughout everything. If there’s a certain gift you can expect when channeling your guides its that they will make sure you have a more enriching life for your beautiful sacrifice. 

I always wanted to work close with so called Spirit but I didn’t know how or what to do. Its been a journey. You know, life wasn’t always smooth sailing for me in the beginning. For many years, I felt as if I was completely weird for being me, for thinking the way I do, for choosing the life of a starseed- psychic- channeler- medium-healer- artist-writer!


Why why I thought?

Being who I was back then, I had an enormous list of questions in my head to be answered on any given day-on why life was this way, why did I choose to come to earth, what was I meant to do as a part of my higher calling?

As I researched my life and purpose I was drawn to my ancestry. A kametic historical beginning. So I made a pact with my ancestors to share what I receive in knowledge plus wisdom and or personal experience too with others as needed.

So I began pondering how I could do just that. First, I had to contend with my self limiting beliefs from early in life. You see, several years back, I wasn’t as happy of a person as I wanted to be. I went through many days of depression, anxiety attacks galore, I wanted help from someone or wherever I could get some assistance.

At the time, I just had to get some meaning to what my life was and is all about. Then on the opposite end of that, I found that as a -STarseed prototype- I often wanted to learn how to do things on my own too…that was most key.

During my reiki training I also did lots of meditation. Then I trained to be a yoga teacher as well. In the midst of yoga training I was meditating all the time.

During my reiki teacher training I began to sense spirit on an entirely different way. Through initiations, trainings and years of self reflection I desired to have someone to talk to who could share what was on my heart without judgement. Plus I had constant privacy.

Through meditation plus communication with my guides we formed a bond. I began to learn from working with my spirit guides. So many questions I have had in my head have been answered with the help of my ancestors and spirit guides.

With the help and support of good friends, family and spirit guides I’ve seen My confidence grow over time with the love of my family of helpers. Thank you! Hetep and Namaste and Peace and Sat Nam to all of the ancestors and beloved who have gone over to the other side. I feel your presence. We bless you where you are now as well. Now for you reading this who is living now…bless you tooo…

Everyone Breathe deeper here…yes.

Ok moving on now that we’ve become aware of one another. Speak to one another. –

Finally, I learned I am not an island-after all. Once I noticed how I planned too many projects for myself to actually get done this lifetime. Then I kept doing that to my person. I’m like let’s chill out with all of that. What can I say, I was over ambitious with not enough energy then to follow through on all the juicy good ideas I was channeling though..

I’m still unloading my plate (of responsibilities) to make more time for what really matters in my life. Just thinking about how much energy I needed in the past to carry out my will has taught me a lesson. It’s been a lesson That triggered me to feel overwhelmed at times as I had already attempted so many remedies that I didn’t know what to do to fix the stomach issues I was having.

Something was letting me know that I had access to the answer already. Not to worry about it because my spirit guides were able to help me find a resolution in fixing my health overall. I couldn’t wait to get started on feeling better and being able to do more. Then, I decided to go over some processes that I use to work when I work with my own spirit guides. 

My spirit guides introduced me to some better options and ways to be me.

As I enjoyed the weekend before the equinox, some insight came to me that my Guides could use some assistance from me. I was eager to help them. I wanted to return the favor.

How I Work With My Spirit Guides

So yeah, the white candles were to be used for an ancestor celebration ritual. It was a warm sunny day once I chose to gather my goodies to work with my spirit guides.

Just before indulging into my lit enchanting back yard to grab some nature pieces, my body plopped down playfully onto my bed to throw some tarot and oracle cards out. Spiritual procrastination… 

Typically when I’m doing magic work, I do some divining or tarot reading with one of my psychic tools to first check out the underlining energy to get a deeper look to see what I want to manifest into my physical life.

Just Ask: What do your Spirit guides want to tell you?

Or what message should you receive before you do your ritual? The hidden key is that your guides are always around you. No one taught me this when I was young either. I can overstand why you may be confused about why we didn’t learn about working with the spirit world or about who we actually are while we were in grade school??? I feel you..I’ve thought the Anyway, If you need a bit more clarity on how to begin working with your guides simply ask them and oh yea, I’m here if you want to work closer with me. I have consultations, I do readings, Also I offer online courses. 

If you can’t seem to connect to your spirit guides, use divination with them…

it is like having your very own compass…when communicating with your guides through divination. It’s both powerful and efficient when it comes to getting results from your magick, spiritual work and readings. This is why it’s important to talk about these subjects often. Divination and good communication saves time!   

The practice of divination has been used to gain added insight from the spirit world which is also within us while also being all around us. Everyone doesn’t have the lifepath where you’re here to team up with your spirit guides for success while also helping people to find their way. The problem is that earthly life can be busy packed with one detail after another. Yet, you may have a sense like I do that the spiritual part of your life is way more important plus it takes priority too. This is an area where spirit guides help. Because they help you remain true to your path and your life.

One of the best things you can do to work with your guides is to practice some Deep listening in addition to finding some quiet space. These simple options can truly help things along. Then you’ll see how easy it is to realize and connect with your spirit guides. As time persists, eventually you shall gain more clarity on the best way to connect with your unique- special spirit guides.

It’s a good time to foster a stronger connection with your guides. The beginning of your journey with them is special. If you are new to all of this, be mindful to at least take some extra care to spot your spirit guides and ancestors signs plus signals to you.

Congratulations, you’re blessed by the way. This is because Having a spirit guide or guides means that you have an angelic like being who is able to help you with all things! It’s one of the most beautiful relationships I’ve come to find.

Living busy lives with little inward reflection…

The spiritual life, earthly life is filled with mystery in everything. There’s wonder, there’s opportunities, bills, making time for fun, love, making mistakes and learning from them.

In fact, people are always headed on their way somewhere to work each day. There’s social life, in addition to attending university for an adult. Plus the children have to go to school.

There’s traveling, staying up on your daily routines, to-do lists, schedules, awakening to your life path, finding your purpose, healing from the errors of earthly living. Then before you know it there is almost no time or room to hear from your spirit guides.

Your Ancestors Are A Part of Your Spirit guide Team

There was a time in my life when I was feeling quite defeated by my perception of my life at that time. It was weird, Even though years back, I was trained but also initiated as an African priestess and an ordained minister.

There was a part of me that still felt like I needed more answers before I could leave my career to start out on my own entreprenuership journey. At the same time, I became aware of the various resources that I had access too. What I didn’t know then was how to use what I knew further in the situation I had found myself in.

Part of my brain back then was so over-focused on the fact that I needed to move forward in my career. I used to feel an abundance of anxiety each time I thought about logging in for my shifts. I used to want to go right back home as surely as I made it to work lol. I felt eager to move into my future life. Much of my time was spent pondering each day in the window at work but also in the shower about how I needed to escape my old telecommunications gig…

Then I recalled the ancestral training I had learned about in prior years of my studies. Thinking back to all of the magic I had gained in life just from claiming then using my gifts…ahh I loved it.

I knew I was close to stepping out to work all on my own. I let the vision of this fuel my daily actions. I really wanted to get to the next chapter of my life. I had to remember to enjoy the journey along the way too. Thank you to the great teachers who taught me this. Thank you, ancestors, for reminding me with constant inspirations which helped me stay positive throughout the full process of getting out of there.

A way was made out of no way. This is the second biggest gift that I feel one’s ancestors can help them with… and that happens to be: They help you to see the WAY in and out of anything. What a blessing indeed to have their support on this life path journey honey!

Anyway, next I was guided to start increasing my meditation sessions. While also reminiscing on the spiritual training periods I went through, there were some cheat codes which my spiritual teachers showed me that I needed to begin using for the transformation I wanted to occur. My spirit guides led me to each teacher I had. Especially when I was intentional about what I wanted to learn.

Amazingly enough, that’s when I seem to feel more help behind me. When I set an intention…this is so. But what about you? Have you set an intention for yourself for what you’re wanting? If not, what are you waiting for? If you need some help with this check out my online course : How to Get Happy & Transform Your Life Starseed.

So back to the story, as I recall one of the lessons that my guides led me to which was vital to me leaving that old job… it was learning that I could break through the seeming bonds of the matrix with the use of my own mind and intent. I learned that Alchemy is pretty cool especially as it relates to a starseed! Alchemy teaches about the universal laws of the planet that we live in. I highly recommend studying this when you can.

Alchemy and Intent.

One day I woke up in a joyful- content mood where I could send out a special message of intent to the universe. I recalled my manifesting training about how important it is to set an intention for what you want. Next, I did that, then asked my spirit guides to show me what I really wanted for myself for my highest good and how to make things move forward and swiftly. 

The team of spirit guides that each one of us has is helping us to move through life as we desire in the best way possible. I’ve come to know that from trial and error. Then I found that my ancestors began to reveal to me how to move into the next chapter of my life with poise, love, and ease, swiftly.

Once I started to move my energy, get out into nature more and focus on other topics, that’s when something wonderful happened within me. So after that, The next day, I was talking to someone about ancestors. After I spoke to my people about some ideas they had to share regarding the ancestors and how to work with them the best way for us dead and living as prosperous and joyful loved ones. They showed an image of peace to answer that question.

More synchronicities 

It was already another day later. I was loafing around getting things done. My dear friend dropped the knowledge on me completely about ancestor work and its importance in our lives. That’s when I learned there were other ways to work with my ancestors. I even found out about some of the benefits of working with them that I had no idea of before. Deep in my heart, I knew that during the season of autumn last year had to change the intensity of my work. Now I had another piece of the blueprint to get things done! 

Sitting alone outside in the breeze I wondered if Being more consistent was what I was missing? I also came to know that My positive mindset was one of the best tools I had working for me at that time. I knew I needed to get my act together. However, I still feel that Things were coming together well though. Still, I had my mind on money, success in life and even faced certain feelings which felt as if I was undeserving of what I wanted. I had to change the tune playing in my spirit and soon, I decided.

I wanted to change my life so much so that I was seeing worry and doubt quite heavily in my cipher-plus all in my aura. I sighed because of all the tasks I had to do now that I was running a sharper program in my life which included working with my ancestors daily.

My decision had been made. Each day I would wake up to find that by simply noticing my ancestors and appreciating the energy around me. At first, my new routines with my spirit guides weren’t so much fun. Then it became more fun, flexible and easy. Blessings began to come in, I saw some major improvements happening around me as well.

It’s as if my ancestors began to stir up the energies surrounding me so that I could get off my buns to do the right thing even more. As much as I wanted to progress. I started to see obstructions as blessings. I strive to look on the brighter side of life for the rest of my time living. Because this serves me and others best! This is my intent. Although, I still have work to do in this area.

Okay, let’s move on, I want you to take a moment to Think about yourself right now. Reflect on your own situation. How can things be more smooth sailing for you in your current life? You may want to Write down your answers.

What are some areas of life or specific topics or challenges that you would like your ancestors to help with?

What an intense moment as you think about the answers to these questions. Take your time. This is a receptive space to be in now that you’ve come forth to ask what you can do to improve things for you?

This is a powerful time! Also because you’re putting out into the world what you want. By reading this blog article and or answering the questions…You will get some answers. You will find that now you can begin to have your spirit guides assist with clearing up any energy that needs refreshing for you.

Contacting Your Ancestors And Spirit guides

Before we get into this section, just know that your spirit guides are uniquely paired with you for a reason. These special guides of yours Would love to hear from you for any reason. My spirit guides have asked me to type that as I lay here typing away in my sleep area.

It is said that you cannot appreciate the truth fully until you have experienced it. Some folks don’t know the truth, but SPirit guides are real. They’re nothing to be afraid of. Here’s a large task of a spirit guide that many people don’t know about…

A persons spirit guides are only here to support your overall growth. So as the days pass on, begin to find ways to honor your ancestors and spirit guides. I’m very confident that You will find your life begin to pick up for the better once you contact and work with your ancestors and spirit guides.

Once you know about your spirit guide team and ancestors, then let them know you want to work with them. Then that’s when the real spiritual work can begin. Spirit guides are dedicated, eager teachers! You can work with spirit guides in a number of ways. Do some research to see what resonates with your spirit then contact your guides.

Build a sacred space, altar or a shrine for your ancestors

The magic behind a sacred space for your ancestors or spirit guides is worth checking into. These words are coming from a sistah who has a shrine currently. I mainly keep my shrine for my ancestors. I’ve found it to be very important to work with my shrine almost daily.

However, I do work with my higher self and even certain deities too. I have shrines for my ancestors and my spirit guides pretty much are (all together). Before I made the decision to put all my spirit guides on one shrine I took the time to do readings to ask my ancestors first. I did readings, in particular, to see if that was ok with my ancestors. Then after that, I carried on with my shrine with all my spirit guides once I saw it was ok. Basically, Since it was ok with my guides for them to share the shrine space- that’s how I do mine.

There are many choices when it comes to honoring your ancestors! You can put together a shrine or an ancestral altar. You can keep fresh fruit, a cup or glass of water, incense and a candle there on the shrine. Some people leave spiritual instruments on the shrine as well. With your shrine, (Be Careful with fire). Mind your shrine. Create a routine with your shrine that resonates with you and your spirit guides/ ancestors. You honestly cannot get the process of honoring your ancestors wrong I feel but you’d be surprised at how many blessings you can unlock just by gaining extra knowledge to do things the tried and true way which is already working.

Also quite helpful to get things moving with positive energy for you is to get some ancestor money to begin burning ancestor money or it’s also known as Joss paper. This is a Very powerful practice indeed. I now burn joss paper for my ancestors. I can feel the burdens lifting from them. But also from me. Whether you’re wanting to boost or increase your health or increase the passion in your marriage or relationship or gain more prosperity… then honoring your ancestors is important for this!

Do you feel your spirit guides/ ancestors are wanting to connect with you?

If you feel a call from your ancestors then take moments to hear from them. They may just need your help. Or they may be wanting to connect with you because they know that you may need their help. WHen it comes to working with them-It doesn’t matter if you know what to do or not.

Your guides will find a way to message you about your connection with them. And also how they can best support and love you while you’re living on Earth. Your guides want to be there for you. Although they will not interfere with your choices or decisions. This is exactly why they need you to reach out to them.

Fulfilling your family obligations

Life never stops existing. Both our ancestors and ourselves are eternal beings. For this reason, we have a duty to take care of those who are especially close to us (if we have the awareness and ability to help that is. It’s important to give offerings in honor of your spirit guide team. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this giving to your ancestors is to create a space at home to honor them. 

If you’re not sure what you’d like to give as an offering to your ancestors. A fresh cup of filtered water is good. Ocean water works for some shrines. Say for instance you don’t have the exact ingredients that you want to have for your shrine yet… or if all you have is water straight from the tap. It’s cool, build up to what you want to do. Grow with your shrine and your shrine will grow with you. Please give what you can as often as you want or can as well. Also, ancestors will appreciate the offering of water just as it is. Your intention is the magic ingredient here. The most important variable is to do what you feel is best from your heart. You can also give food offerings as well.

What’s the benefit of giving offerings to your ancestors/ spirit guides?

For years, I have seen the benefits of giving offerings to my spirit guides. Especially with working as a psychic/ medium myself. My guides have been nudging me to share the importance of this so strongly. The benefit is determined by you and what you want and also by what you feel you deserve. Imagine the possibilities of that!

Psychic/ Mediumship abilities are more than helpful.

At any time during my day, I may have a client ask me to contact their deceased loved ones. So it’s important for someone like me to keep a strong link with my ancestors since I work with them in my work. I also value their connection, support, and dedication to me and my life path this lifetime. Now you can see why I’m writing so much material on spirit guides and ancestors. I’ve gained in numerous ways from giving back to my ancestors. I have found that Working with the deceased as a psychic medium means it’s very important to honor the dead. Truly, I’ve seen some awakenings and support by simply working with my spirit guides and ancestors. 

You see, By acknowledging my ancestors, giving offerings to them and even asking for their assistance, direction, wisdom, and guidance in life I find that everything in my life makes more sense. Then as I continue with a regular routine of working with my ancestors and spirit guides, oh how I’ve noticed how my life continues to steadily grow. 

Create a positive shift by working with your spiritual team!

It’s a meditative experience to keep a shrine or an altar for your ancestors and spirit guides. By taking a small amount of time to feed your shrine or ancestors by arranging or collecting various items for your spirit guides-you actually build up your shrine or altar bit by bit.

Also, You can use your shrine, altar or sacred area to make things comfortable for your guides in their life after death. Just by adding reminders to the sacred area to keep them aware they are not forgotten. This one thing helps them remember they are on the other side.

Then, they will come to your aid. Once you show them your role in their life existence then they will show up for you. Your ancestors are you. So to work with them is to help to complete the cycle of life for your own eternal destiny. Yes!

How long does it take for ancestors/ spirit guides to assist you?

Spirit works very fast indeed. I’d say they can come to your aid immediately. They can give time tables too when you do your readings to ask them what you can help them with and how…? Beyond that, I’ve seen these spirit guides come fast. Yes, they come immediately! So, if you’re on the fence about spirit guides just do the knowledge to find out more on them. They will connect with you. However, whatever you do-Remember to just get started if you haven’t. Taking the time to work with your spirit guides will welcome your spirit guides to be more active in your life. You can trust that you won’t regret it. 

Not sure of how your spirit guides and ancestors can use your help specifically?

The key to having success with working with your spirit guides is to communicate with them. By having an open dialogue with them you get to see the best way to assist them. That way they can come to help you. The first thing to do to get an answer from your guides is to just call on them.

Once you attempt to make the initial contact that’s when you can get an answer from your spirit guides. It’s as simple, You can ask them what you want to know. I’ve seen divination be one of the best ways to speak with them as well.

When it comes to asking a spirit guide/ ancestor about what kind of assistance they would prefer from you… Yes, it’s true that it’s as easy as Asking them. The next time you’re ready to work with your ancestors like for example on tomorrow…You can call on them then, ask them- then listen or pay attention to the way your spirit guide responds to you. Your guides will contact in several ways. Keep your eyes open for signs, patterns, and symbols.

Another way to contact spirit guides is to ask them for answers during a divination session. Having a dialogue with your guide will gently beckon your spirit guide team to your side. Remember this communication with you and your guides should flow…if you find that things don’t simply flow- that may mean some blockages could be standing in the way of your progress temporarily.

There’s nothing to be afraid of, You’re always in control

It’s weird how much misinformation is out there in either Movies and or shows. This is often where there are unbalanced messages about spirit which kinda indicate that somehow a spirit guide or deceased ancestor or our deceased loved ones can somehow take charge over and beyond what we want them to do when we decide to honor and work with them.

This isn’t the case, because I was trained to know that we always have a choice when working with spirit and we are completely in control when we work with our spirit guides and ancestors Period. There are no exceptions in my book since as divine/human beings we call the shots in your existence when you really look at it.

Remember this: A healthy relationship with spirit is one where YOU are the commander. Where You are the navigator of your own ” life ship” or earthly life experience, you will find that this makes sense in the divine scheme of things.

The partnership between us and our deceased loved ones, ancestors and spirit guides is always under our control. We have to always know this to be the case or it could seem like the opposite is the case instead.

The issue with humans is that they like to test the waters at times, also they like to visualize situations that they don’t always need to. Humans often don’t know what they are creating their own reality with their vibration and also with their mind or thoughts.

There’s often Too much focus on what people don’t want instead of what they do want to see happen for themselves also. On my journey, it’s been important to never give any focus or attention on topics that could suggest my spirit guides ever going against me, or my guides somehow getting out of control or something like that. Ultimately I have the say so with my spirit guides and ancestors-end of story. Having confidence in yourself is key here. You’re the shot caller, never forget it.

Release your fears about your spirit guides to work with them quicker!

Have you been wanting to make a love connection with your spirit guides?

Have you attempted to call on your ancestors in the past with no answer back from them???

Do you feel like your contact efforts aren’t working for contacting your spirit guides?

Are you afraid of making contact with your ancestors because of something you saw in a movie or on tv?

Do you feel as if your spirit guides aren’t hearing your call quick enough?

Would you like your guides to help you erase obstructions that may be in the way of you working better with them?

If you’ve gotten this far with all this reading here then you are really ready to build that strong connection to your guides. But, What if you can’t seem to hear your guides? What if you aren’t able to figure out what your Spirit guides need from you so they can thrive on the other side? Go back to the prior parts of the article. We got into this area quite nicely. 

Also, what you can do to get a deeper connection with your guides is to Start with some humility, compassion, overstanding with love. Then you will find that your purposeful spirit guides can be reached through divination, a petition or even a letter. As you do your research- you will see that there are several ways to work with your spirit team family.

Here is a fast method to open up communication with your spirit guides and ancestors…

One way to open up the communication with your spirit guides is to call on them daily. Actually, have talks with them. If you want to KNOW that you’re really working with them for real. Just ask them to show you signs. They will do it! Please leave a Message in the comments section when it happens. I’ve heard of so many times where they drop all kinds of love notes for us to pick up on. 

Allow your spirit guides to assist you with making a living

Are you struggling for too much of your time? Would you like to end the struggles and feelings of defeat? There is an easy way to do it. I’ll give you a hint of what it is… It’s what we’ve been chatting about the entire blog article through! Although it’s not the only way. Some of us make a good living for us and our families using our psychic gifts as mediums, psychics, empaths and intuitives.

You guides can train you to be a better psychic/medium too. We as empaths and even intuitives have learned to connect with our guides on the spot when we need to in order to do our work. We are able to connect to spirit as we decide to as a result of doing lots of practice in learning what our overall strengths are and trusting them.

As a result of taking time out to practice your spiritual gifts, with added experience you can often contact your spirit guides in order to receive their messages without ever doing a huge reading. You’ll foster your own unique connection with them too! So no worries!

People aren’t usually aware that they need and want to connect to their spirit guides. This is typically not the way things go when you’re a beginner or just starting out on your spirit guide connection journey. Not exactly. Then in the world, it’s still not a common thing to hear someone talking about the spirit world and how they want to work with it.

If you take notice to the (externalized or outside themselves focused state of the world) people don’t often get to hear their spirit guides unless they come into some awareness of their existence and also purpose. Or maybe they have a parent into such things…

Otherwise, There are several factors that can block us from hearing the gentle nudge of spirit calling out to us-if you think about it. If there’s one reason as to why folks can’t seem to connect with their spirit guides it’s because they don’t know how to yet. Also, it’s simply how busy it is out here in these streets!

How would you do a reading with spirit for insight before your spirit guide/ ancestor work?

First, clear away any adverse energies.

Then go to your sacred or chosen area where you will sit or stand for about 30 minutes.

Deep breathe the entire time to get ready for the messages you’re going to get.

Begin with a clean quiet area to be able to lay out the divination tools, to shuffle the deck, or stand if you prefer while you hold your cards or intuitive/ psychic/ medium tool of choice.

Clear the space you’re in and also cleanse yourself or your energy with sage, salt or sea salt water.

Thank your guides and

Thank the All in All for being there.

Call the elements and directions-thank them

Thank your ancestors, angels, higher self and guides for their presence and help.

Set up your tarot spread if using cards

Relax. Breathe. Tune into your Intuitive receptive self

Ask your question or questions to the divining tool

Then be aware of what comes through as a direct message to you.

Ancestors & Spirit Guides love us all unconditionally

If there’s one thing you must know about your spirit guides and ancestors-its this: First off, I feel its something many people may take for granted or not even think about. Our own spirit team is with us forever. They have a love for us which is nonjudgemental, ever growing, its given without reservation to us. Unconditional love, you can’t beat that! That’s the love that the cosmic creator of all must have for us. What a beautiful time to be here NOW.

Back to the story… How I work with my shrine and spirit guides.

This is how I did mine- Once the reading has been done ✅

Next, I went outside to gather my tools to do the ancestor money celebration ritual. Once I completed my search in the house for any elements I may want to have during the ritual…then

As a follow-up, I looked in the back yard for leaves, herbs, plants, rocks etc.

Then I found more elements in nature for my spellwork later on. Also, I located elements that my spirit guides may appreciate from me.

I searched for more than a few minutes in some of the lovely parks out here. You can discover a bunch of elements for offerings everywhere really.

Go into the back yard. Go into your front yard. Visit random spots Where you can gather together some parts of nature in places quite far from the house you live in. Ask your guides to come with you. Also, find items around your neighborhood and even in your home.

I want to remind you to not sweat all the little details at the beginning of all of this dear.

You’ll find your personal flow. When I’m in the spirit for making more offerings I find it easy to move slower, to listen to the whispers of my spirit guides. By doing that I never get it wrong.

As I move slower during certain days during my month I get to see what my spirit guides and ancestors are saying to me. Taking moments to breathe. To listen-to feel- to see…Then I find it so easy to do my part of following up with my guides.

There are times when I do my water offering for the shrine every day then other times I go every two to three days before refreshing the water.

Simply having a routine is better than none at all. You will get results too! You’ll see.

Appreciate your process, I find It’s very easy to collect the ingredients I will need over the course of some days, weeks or months for my spiritual work.

Patience is the key to success here. So Whenever I work with spirit I do it in an unrushed manner, I find this gets me the best amazing results from my rituals that I can always expect!

Remember that whether you are close to the house or not, or close to a park, you can work with your spirit guides. They are everywhere.

Sorry if I went off on a tangent here. It’s just that I was actually going back and forth walking into nature collecting offerings for my ancestors’ shrine as I was writing this blog article. I had my phone in hand lol.

I figured it would be more helpful to you to actually take you along with me while I documented my experiences on working with spirit guides and also to share with you just how easy you can also set your spirit guide connection all up over there to pull in that success you may be wanting!

You get out of your sacred work, spirit work, ancestor work, magick, manifesting, spiritual work, rituals and spell work what you put into them.

Even though it may have taken me several days to get together my supplies I went around collecting elements that I felt would be just right on my shrine- WHat a rich fulfilling experience, it is to work with my ancestors.

I went outside to gather items for the shrine. I figured I could get it done within the same day, but that didn’t happen. Which is fine, I truly feel there’s no right or wrong here. The facts are that I did what I wanted to during the ancestors ritual, I knew it would be worth all of the extra leg work to do the work with my guides without rushing.

I felt right about it. ..Wait-As I think about it now: whenever I do this spell in honor of my ancestors

The material resources show up so much faster from celebrating me and my life while I also share and celebrate with my ancestors too. But also, honoring them in my life daily has made an enormous difference with doing rituals, readings, and spell work. The spirit world is always available! And when called with the right intentions- honey They go to work for you to assist you with bringing forth your best! They are you!

Afterward, My psychic senses were picking up my Spirit guides messages urgently.

As the day progressed, my guides seemed to want things to happen faster or something… I was still unsure though…

Things, were fine either way because I like taking my time sometimes, you know. There’s enjoyment in that sometimes that I still like to uncover.

Still, My ancestors were wanting me to help them to get things hot, sizzling, and cooking better in both our realities…that’s what I wanted to.

This was certainly two-sided I thought. Certainly, I could use their help with speeding up my manifestations too, actually 🙂 My guides were doing me a favor by trying to contact me.

Believe it or not, our ancestors can use our help too. Our ancestors can use our help to ease the way for them on the other side…They can do more to assist us when they have the support, energy and fuel to make things happen in concert with our permission. As we continue on through life, If we don’t assist our ancestors and spirit guides in someway, we can only hope they can help us. ANd hoping- well to me, hoping is not good enough. However, Working with your guides ‘in a balanced way’ guarantees your success in life. I know that.

Back to the story…

The day continued, I grabbed my water bottle to sip a little… I strolled by a window, then placed a sky blue coffee cup on the window ledge to infuse my cup with the solar energy of the sun. Lord knows how much solar power juice I can use right now. Give me!! Now!! lol…alright let’s get back to the story…

Let me tell you, I finally had a chance to give some new offerings to my ancestors today. A rush of joy came right over me just after receiving a message from my spirit guides. I suddenly noticed that my mind was buzzing From using my brain so much too.

Just then, I stepped back to breathe after the entire offerings were given. Next, ✅ I had to strengthen my energy after using the lot of it for the ancestral ritual. Looking around me I saw all these colors around me. I did feel good though… so it’s all worth it.

There are times when I’m feeling lazy when working with spirit…ALthough, I find a way to work with them on my time. SPirit isn’t demanding at all. SO, The work with spirit doesn’t feel as though it’s work at all. Or unless you aren’t ready for the new path they’re coming to make you privy to. 

At times you may feel sluggish while working with your guides-other times you’re bursting with energy, the eagerness with delight is out of this world! But find ways to do your sacred work. That’s the best advice I can give here. I promise You will be glad you did! I mean that with everything in me!

When you do your ritual it’s about setting yourself up for success planning, clearing, getting wisdom, gathering, building the energy visualizing what you want then releasing it all with trust that all is taken care of. Then patience and trust go a long way while you wait!

Anyway, back to what happened with the ancestors.

Enjoying the moment- I stood by a tall window placing my cup on a fancy window ledge The sun danced in one part of the sky it seemed. It was ultra bright outside from the intensity of the sun.

Instant inspiration was felt in my heart- I knew what I needed to do. I felt as if I was being called at the start of Autumn by my Spirit guides to get in touch and to review my overstanding of life, plus to look into my overall progress so far this year. Which was what I needed.

Divine Timing

Waiting for just the right time frame or time period to do the ancestral work is essential to success. Which is why I feel we learn about our spirit guides and our ancestors at just the right time during our lives.

Although there are said to be times of the day that are best for ancestors to receive their offerings from you…It’s always a good time to feed your ancestors-especially if they are open to it.

The key things to remember here is that ritual work is precious, divine, spirit work, its a special time to honor the opportunity to connect with your Spirit guides and Ancestors.

Back to the story-

No, I didn’t want to have to wait too long to do the ritual for my ancestral offering. Although That particular day could have worked alright I’m sure. However, I felt as if my guides were guiding me to give them their offering on a different day.

I waited a couple of days to begin my list of ancestral offerings and ritual ingredients. I grabbed several things I saw. I took some time to arrange the elements and offerings at the shrine.

If you didn’t know already, I’m a free-spirited often solitary sea witch. Are you a witch or are you here because you love the act and idea of working with spirit? Or are you both? Or Neither or maybe you’re just curious?



What is the best time for you to give offerings to your ancestors?

Eventually, I decided the best time to do ancestral work with offerings was soon after the autumn equinox. Soon after I started giving offerings every few months. Then I began giving offerings weekly then daily. Currently, my ancestor offering cycle is around 2- 3 times a week or every day of the week.

Then the fall equinox came through I was feeling all sorts of interesting spirit activity at home. My guides were attempting to get my attention. So I followed the signs they were dropping for me.

Having an experience like this For some people could have been scary. However, I know that spirit isn’t scary but instead it’s loving, kind and supportive. The key thing to know about your spirit guides is they are often just like you are. SO what’s there to be afraid of? Since I’ve been working with my guides I know in my heart that whenever I’m hearing my spirit guides and ancestors around me that I’m surrounded by their supportive energy.

There was a reason for wanting to give ancestral offerings At The autumn Equinox. I feel this is because this time of the year symbolizes the seasons of the year on Earth.

This is a time Where things change from the warmer months to the colder months. The veil between our world and the spirit world will be thin too. However, truly it doesn’t matter when you give your offerings. Just be sure you make a routine out of it. 

Like you are dedicated to your spiritual path…As you follow my posts, you’ll soon discover- I am all about working with the Spirit world for my overall focus and success in life. Part of this dedication I have to my spirit guides, the dead and the living and the spirit world is that I feel we each made a pact with our Spirit guides before we came to earth.

Earth is not like other dimensions, as some of you know. This is why our spirit guides can truly help us. They can see a wider scope of things before we can. We go into autopilot during the day back and forth. Until we start being more conscious of this, our spirit guides and ancestors can keep waking us up and helping us make the best decisions based on what we really want out of this life experience.

The lesson I learned about the benefits of teaming up with spirit is that…

On this planet, I find that accomplishing goals in life takes a combined effort. Having the aid of our Spirit guides is the absolute solution to that. To receive your guides help, just honor them. Honor them by calling out to them. 

Teamwork with your guides can make all of our dreams come together much faster. There is no greater team than working in conjunction with our ancestors and All of our Spirit Guides…Once you work with them, life changes greatly for the better!!!

Ok, I’ve shared enough today.

Thanks for hanging in here with me. 

I know I’m not the only one out here who enjoys working with their spirit guides and wants to get better with working with them.

If you’re about that magical side of life and love the idea of working as a team with your Spirit Guides, bravo for you and Welcome!

That’s exactly what we discuss, explore and play with here at Naturally High Life!

I’ve been doing this since like 2007…

  • My life is dedicated to this work of assisting with the process of ascension…Of remembering and waking up to why we are here.

  • I started Naturally High life, just after learning life the hard way as a young person.

  • When I was young I started learning about metaphysics, including astrology, magick, my ancestral Kemetic culture, and spirituality.

  • I’m initiated to Reiki, my ancestral path as an African woman is that I teach and heal, I’m a witch, ordained minister, priestess, and shaman!

  • Also as I type this to you…A mourning Dove just said hi outside the window downstairs. (Just as I was typing the sentence before this one, one of my Spirit Guides and maybe some one elses spirit guide is also a dove too – Because of a dove) I saw just stood by the window (she came out of nowhere) with her chest out like WHAT WHAT ??? lol.

Ride the positive momentum

In life, I’ve been learning that we have more power than we know. Each day this is the case until we become aware of ourselves.

Today though, I’m here as an adult starseed, indigo, and crystal adult as well. I stand with you as we expand in consciousness and overstanding of life.

Because I’m so grateful and eager about living a great life of intention…Each day I’m sharing updates with you about my journey through life where I’m expecting to live a Naturally High Life in spite of everything.

Even though I do at times talk about my struggles at reaching my goals in my life my guides continue to help me to stay on course. To be better each day. I’m working on this every day).

I really say want to say Thanks for reading these words. Know they are inspired by the spirit and come from the heart.

If you enjoy reading the longer blog articles…the lengthy and even detailed dialogues with you on my blogs? Just let me know in the comments. I’ll keep them coming weekly. Just say the word!

And if what you’re reading here resonates with you even though- (i know all this deep stuff sounds foggy and unwell scripted and even unbalanced sometimes)!…

I know how it can seem so too. This is real life for some of us. It’s real. Remember this: is what I tell myself in my journals as reminders.


No matter how shitty life seems to turn out… I’ve found that I can bet you, life only seems hopeless when we’re not feeling our best. However, When we are living our truth, channeling our higher self, being the victor in our own lives, living with gratitude, self-respect, love…then our devotion to our truth demands a change in life for us.

It’s like a magic key to work with your guides to get better. It’s easy. Then life just improves and it transforms into a greater version of what we want for ourselves.

Join us here… As we discuss how to live that Naturally High Life working with your Spirit guides .right .by .your .side. <3

Later lovelies,

It’s Queen Sereda…


…If you are in love and in awe of SOURCE the cosmic creator, of you and of spirit you can Sign up to my newsletter for updates and tips

Then, fill out the form there to better communicate with your spirit guides and hit sign up. It’s free. I hope your day was cool. Share your experiences with spirit guides in the comments. Have you worked with your ancestors and how has that been for you? Share your insights in the comments section to help us all out.

Ttyl, Queen Sereda 

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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