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Spirit Works With You In Mysterious Ways: One Book that Transformed My life in a Magically grounding way. lol

Hi there,


Here’s my story about this book.

This colorful tale also comes complete with my personal commentary. You will find that there’s also a testimonial. Which I want to share with you now while this book love is still fresh on my mind and on my heart.

I wrote these words just after I discovered a book that turned my world around yet again.

A few years back, I found myself to be at another turning point in my life. At that time I was at home. I was keeping quiet after I did a tarot reading for myself. This was so that I could hear the specific spirit guidance on how to really get some clarity with focus on my life path, especially in my career.

Over the years repeatedly  I had some concerns regarding this area of my life. The minor concerns started to become a big deal for me.

My dilemma then was that I have a love for doing so many things and always have… That left me confused in the past at times. I used tarot readings to get in touch with spirit and to let go of any concerns I may come up with.

The next morning I got a clear sign from Archangel Gabriel and my Guardian spirit angel. If you’ve been with me for a while. You know spirit guides and working with angels and universal creative energy of all and I work with my ancestors plus ascended masters too. In my line of work as a psychic mediumship coach and spiritual counselor, this spiritual team with spirit is most helpful.

The insight on what to do in my situation didn’t come until in the morning. That’s when I felt exhilaration as I was guided to take a look at one of the closets in my home where I had a number of books organized and stored.

Before too far had passed into the morning. I felt the pull to follow my intuition. To go see what exactly was in the flippin closet. I began to think about what it could be. Have you ever sat then thought about what something would be like? When did you know you should get up to actually see instead of sitting and wondering about it? Well, that’s what I was entertaining at the time.

I was on a joy ride with my intuition zipping over scenarios in my mind. Basically, I was engaged in a wonderful game of procrastination. At it’s finest! lol. Help a sista is all I can say about back then. I was trying to find my next missing link.

Which is what many starseeds, intuitives, healers and empaths often spend most of their time doing. They want answers. So they search, explore and ask all kinds of questions at every turn. I was looking for the next moves on my jouney to break a time of obstruction at the time.

Sluggishly I slid off my luxurious couch at the time. A soft fuzzy firm modern styled futon in the color red. I was in love with that couch by the way.

I felt a surge at once to get my ass up. So I stood up like a lady lol to see what in the heck was so imperative at the time. Let me tell you-When I opened the closet door I really just stood there blankly. Suddenly, I was guided to focus on the title of a book on the closet shelf that I had never read. Again I dreamily looked over the cover of the book. Then I gazed at some of the other books that were propped up next to the blue covered book that was inviting me to grace its pages. After I smiled so big as I thought about what I would find.

Goodness, I could feel the transformation I was about to discover. I decided to open up to the experience. To finally grab the book then sit my buns down to explore it! This was my mission. No one could stop it.

I even put myself on break because I do work from home. I wasn’t ready to help another person until I helped myself to this book! As an avid reader, I was quite overdue for a book like the one I was soon to discover in my house.

That book was entitled: Refuse to Choose.

I felt like a little girl again as I quickly grabbed the book I felt immediately could feel a sense of intrigue rushing over me.

The First thing I did was to open up the book.

As all creative people would do, I read the entire front and back cover pages of the book. First! Then, When I saw the word Scanner on the back of the book, I was like oh my goodness, I have to explore this book immediately.

Something about it all just seemed so perfect at the time. I felt clarity very close to me as I probed again. This book had me in awe the entire time. And Can you figure out what happened next after this part?

…Honestly, I had to post pictures of the book on my social media pages…

…right then and there as I was so excited, inspired and overjoyed again. I’ve been excited many times especially when something pops into my head to create, explore or invent. This time it was different! Only this time, yet again, I could read from someone who understood how I thought and felt.

the book covered so much content

I have read books about the process of getting your creative ideas, plans, goals, and aspirations together with a system but ..This nice sized book was far better!

During the week back then, I was busy with psychic calls plus moonlighting working for a moving company. All of my work from home though, despite some nature journeys that I often enjoy going on.

Happily, The weekend was open for me. For the most part. I took full advantage of my window of opportunity to read Refuse to Choose in peace right there in my loft styled bedroom. 

As I dove into the book and read certain pages over and over I thought to myself… this lovely woman really did her research, she knows her stuff! The author of the book, well she was definitely a scanner too 🙂  As I mentioned above. She admitted to it!

I kinda sensed that the author of the book had to be a person who was looking for a particular outcome. In her own life, ya know. I thought, Maybe she’ s come up with the book to solve her problem too.

And that she was open to The kinda outcome that an audience of people who would read a book such as hers. Would be on too. This was soothing to read in the book too. That she was a scanner, like me.

There have been other moments when I’ve felt like authors or teachers got me! Or got a handle on my person’s problems in an entire book. This was one of them.

That’s why I know there’s a divine creator of all. Too many synchronicities. There have been thousands of signs of this! For me plus several hundreds of other folks too. Throughout my life. It’s like everywhere I turn someone is on my frequency or wavelength.

And that there’s forever an ethereal force backing all things. Which is all a special part of life and creation. Which is working with me to bring forth my dreams or wildest nightmare. I shrieked with joy.

So to me, there’s almost nothing as cool as someone who can feel where you’re coming from then help you to have a transformational series of moments positively yourself😁!

Here’s the last part of the commentary for my little review I wrote on the book Refuse to Choose, during my time reviewing it. As of today as I write this, I’m already on page 48 and I’m already feeling like something is a little changed in my life. I can’t believe I had this book already, brand new just sitting there in my flippin closet. I’m glad I got the book when I did. Being so glad to have found the book. I got online to write my review of the book.

Here’s the review I wrote about the book…

Thank you for sharing this success story here. For a great part of my life, I thought I was just an antisocial person & loser when I was younger.

…I’ve always been considered to be intelligent, exotic, rebellious, nice, eccentric and different in my way of being since I was in grade school. I just loved doing many things and had a nice number of skills that confused me on what to choose to do for work.

I used to feel nervous about wanting to do more than one thing for a career. I even felt guilty because I felt like I may have been born too creative to focus on any one thing. Since I’ve been working with my guides that has shifted upwards for me. Now I’m sensing a positive change (big time).

The book and stories are amazing and so helpful.

I enjoyed it all… Especially the avoiding invitations part that I read about in one of the author’s videos. It was called (Scanner Success Story #1). It was on YouTube.

The entire thing (video) totally resonates <3 Thank you so much for writing this book! I’m still at the beginning of the book but I already did the Calendar poster for the next 6 years and I feel lighter already.

Soon, it was A month later…! I was Still taking notes and retreading. I pulled out all my notes associated with my goals. So that I could get to work. That’s what I did! I pulled every one of my future notes out. In order to rework my own succession plans. With the help of the book, I sure did.

Whether you have a spiritual or scientific mindset. You could use this book. Ok, Usually, I would have put the book down by now to research another but not this time.

I promised myself, to plan for success in the future. No more reaching for a million straws (things I like to do), only to come up short – choosing nothing.

Family life was calling, I wanted to plan for the future for years but I always felt too lost in the past to do it in the past.

This process using posters as a calendar is perfect. The calendar exercise was a huge transformational activity for me as I felt aches and pains in my body as I fought the feeling of huge nervous tension of not wanting to plan ahead. I use to feel pain in my body from feeling scattered and confused about what to do too. I found this to be interesting.

Although, That feeling has left. I feel as if I have some huge direction. Since back then.

How cool is that when you can find some direction.. when you find someone that speaks your language. Someone who can help you get from where you are to where you’d rather be. 

Also, One important thing we as creative beings, intuitives, artists can make more time to do.. it’s to actually review the art we make and are making to get ideas, boost creativity, to appreciate what has already been created by us. Sometimes we do so much that we don’t remember all that we do already.

That’s what I learned with the book.. to appreciate what I have and to expand on that…

Even if it’s in little blocks of time. Work with that. Work with the time you have. Within the time you have, you can move closer to your dreams and passions.

It feels great now to share these words. However, I can still recall the pain in my body as anxious 😩 feelings poured on me.

This took place, As i pulled out all my project notes and ideas I was mildly hurting from the resistance I was holding in my body while organizing my projects on my living room floor to the wall..

As I sat there, I had to face the music. I had to deal with the reality that I didn’t know all the answers to where I was standing at that time.

It was then that I had to face my fear of not knowing what to do. I cried.

I felt myself surrender. What A moment..what a couple of days that was. After about 4 days today, Finally I did it!

While reading the book and then doing the exercises…

As I did my Calendar, I used decorative paper from my art journaling supplies for the posters..I knew the planning work had to be ‘fun’ or I’d surely lose all interest in it lol.

So.. I’m wrapping up this long story. Thanks for sticking with me and reading down this far.

Anyway, suga.. I had the book Refuse to choose- right there on the table chilling with me, as I then wrote year 1, year 2…etc.. at the tops of each of the papers.

My body was fighting the transformation of doing the exercises in the book. So I did a little wiggle and moved my body to get with the dang program, ya know.?

Judging from the feeling in my body I felt, This was a little rough as I knew my life was going to be different..especially after doing all of this organizing, planning, mind mapping, brainstorming, releasing, digging, grown up stuff.

Throughout all this, I felt my own love and care. I deeply felt it!

Lastly to finish off the whole thing. I taped 6 sheets of paper to the wall on each index card. Next, I wrote projects for each year. Then taped those to the large decorative sheets of paper on the wall.

As I did the exercises, I loved the simple way everything was done. I changed some of the ways I followed the exercises in the book.

Yes, I took a risk here by doing it this way so I can add or take away things without them looking half done or rough in the process. I wanted everything to look pretty with my new tools the book helped me to create. Yes, from start to finish.

We did it! It was a success. Yep, The colors from the journal papers were so bright and pretty. It worked out very well for me to write my goals out in a decorated fashion. The plain way was just plain boring.

You know colors with decorations are mad important! Don’t judge me🤗🦄. You all know I’m extra👑 like that.

After going through the entire process of planning, there are no regrets though. as I’m happy seeing my years ahead, and with my goals there too wow awesome!

I also placed the random notes and ideas I had for all projects on a page in my scanner daybook. Each project and idea has 2 pages. I can always glue extra pages unto the book if more room is needed. At the top of each page, I went through and wrote the name of the project there and I did that on the calendar poster papers at the same time. I love organization when it’s colorful, light and fun!

I feel like I am able to breathe better already from doing this!

As I type this I’m happy, crying tears of joy again. So grateful for everything. There’s So much promise now. Thank you over and over. It’s been a while since I’ve felt connected to this planet like this. (Big hugs) Have you had a chance to strategize your goals so far this year? How are you doing it? What’s working for you? What’s not? Drop a comment. We would love to hear from you Always fam!

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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