Healthy habits,  Personal Transformation,  Productivity

The Healing Benefits of Journaling & Why it’s Worth the Time

What is journaling and how to journal?


Journaling is awesome. Furthermore it’s profound, practical, and helpful in more ways than the majority of the world knows.

Journaling is a tool, a gem to keep in your back pocket for repeated transformation. Journaling helps us to go on in life. It’s a healthy habit that some folks know about but surprisingly several people have no idea how good journaling regularly can be.

Keep reading to learn about how simple journaling routines can offer massive benefits in seemingly magical ways. Stay tuned until the end. And also know that in this article, I had one goal. That one goal is: To tell you all about journaling.

Also, I confess that I do want to share with you my personal experience with journaling or what it means to document your life scenes which can bring about increased gratitude in one’s life. However, this article includes less personal commentary, details, or experiences about my individual journaling practice.

Instead what I have for you is more of an educational, knowledgeable, and practical article regarding healing journaling benefits and why it’s worth your time to include some journaling/ documenting into your daily life routines.

In this particular article, you will find that I get straight to the point. I did this on purpose to not waste your time. I typed this all out, mostly without my personal experiences in it. You can find articles linked below this article that do include my personal journaling experiences from over the years.

For now, read this one long-form article entirely. This article serves as the foundation for journaling according to me and my research. Of course, I don’t know it all.

However, I do sense that you have found this article for a reason. It must be sweet destiny! And believe me, journaling has improved my intuition and my confidence for certain. That being said, I have a certain feel for these things.

You are here for a reason. Now, on with it! So, I do have a good deal of time spent teaching journaling- as well as experience with journaling myself too. So grab your water cup, relax a bit and get comfy while you read this guide on journaling that was typed at length just for you.

Finally, I guarantee you’ll gather something here which you can use positively. Plus, I do hope that you enjoy reading this piece as well. We will jump right in.

What is journaling & Have you heard of a diary?

Well, the truth is that journaling is the same thing as keeping a diary. Journaling is a creative way to make and keep notes, to document as well as to record your thoughts, ideas, lessons, memories and so much more.

Journaling or keeping a diary has been around for eons. As a result of journaling being around for so long, today, there happens to be a plethora of names for the action/ practice/ routine of journaling such as blogging, vlogging, keeping a diary, a notebook, a digital log, just for starters.

A journal is a notebook where one records their thoughts, feelings, or other personal and public experiences. Journals may be private or shared with others. Again, these journals can also be referred to as online or offline information or data logs. Journals may be utilized in the format of videos, voice memos, notes, diaries plus even within notebooks.

Blogging as Journaling

Journaling these days often takes the form of an online typed record or inside of one’s own visual recording device of choice. One example of a journaling method this a blog. This blog is an online journal of daily entries, typically on a weblog or a website located online, where a person types their ideas, thoughts, and viewpoints on all kinds of topics.

A blog or a weblog is where entries are usually written then typed or they may be typed in directly as well. The entries are usually published in reverse chronological order with the (newest entry first). This is done to share information with others or alternatively it may be published privately for themselves.

In a blog, writers are sometimes known as bloggers. But, what if the documenting method chosen is done by video? If so, then that would be a vlog. On a vlog, a person might be called a vlogger. This is because this is a video log or a log or journal created and published in video format.

What method of journaling are you interested in doing or what kind do you love doing if you’re already journaling? Please share in the comments once you finish reading this informational article. I’m definitely curious to know!

Let’s go on now to other journaling types & formats

Regardless of the method that is used to journal, each entry whether physical or digitally recorded usually has a specific inspiration, motivation, point, theme, or focus. Typically, a journal entry is an individual subject’s account of their own opinions, experiences, feelings, thoughts, and observations.

Again, as journaling evolves, people are becoming familiar with vlogs which happen to be video-based journals recorded in a way to document or to make a record of something important to the publisher via pictures, sounds with words, and basically, its format is created by video.

However, for ease, we will use the word journal in this entire article. Now, you may call journaling what you like of course. Even if, the recording or documenting processes are typically the same or similar. Also, from what I’ve found in research- the benefits are very likely the same. This is even if, journaling is called names that happen to be slightly different.

The journaling process is a great way to help you deal with stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts. This process can also help you to identify your values and what you want out of life. Journaling can be a positive addition to include more context into your experiences overall. Have you heard that journaling is an easy activity that anyone can do? Well it’s so true.

Journaling is a process of writing down thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a personal diary. At times there may be added decorations in the journal activities too. There are numerous methods and ways to journal.

In fact, journaling is not just about writing about your feelings or what has been happening in your life. You can also write about things that are going on around you or about anything that has been on your mind in the past or present.

How to begin a journaling practice effectively?

First you must give yourself permission to go do it. No one else can give that to you. To begin just say yes I’m ready. Because journaling is here to stay. Plus it’s available for you when you’re open to it.

Yes, it happens to be a powerful way to get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. It can help you to stay grounded plus have a sense of overall clarity in your life.

As we discussed in the prior section- there are many ways to start journaling, so it’s not difficult to find an inspiring process activity or a variation of journaling that works best for you.

How often would you want to do it? Some people write in their journals every day, while others write only when they feel like it or when something significant happens. It’s up to you. There is no right or wrong way to journal. I confess that it actually took me a while to realize this.

It doesn’t matter how often you’re writing. What does matter is: what serves your purpose? What about journaling regularly matters and works for you? Ask yourself: what do you want to put into your journal or how does journaling feel when you do it? If you enjoy it then keep doing it. Each entry will be a victory.

Start your engines, and journal now! Simply start like this:

-Choose a time of the day during the week when you are relaxed so that it’s easier to focus on what you want to write about.

-Ideas: You can record your dreams first thing when you awaken, automatic write or free flow write whatever comes to your mind and hands. audio record your voice- you can use your voice type option on your tablet, computer, or cellphone, you can also use a camera option with or without a voice added to do your journaling, you can journal about your art process, or create in a book structured journal or you can journal inside of a planner.

-The amazing thing is that you can combine lists of journaling methods too for even more context, and include loads or few details for more fun.

-What if you are scared to over-journal or under-journal? Then just choose a small window or a period of time to do journaling in. Here’s an idea! Set the intention to begin- Keep it simple. Then Go journal for 10 minutes per day. That’ll get you started.

-Other methods you can choose are: to write in present tense, write in past tense, and also narrate your video stories from various angles. Whatever you do- be sure to change the focal point up. This will make things more intriguing and interesting. Challenge yourself to do your recording in creative ways.

-You could place your focus on how the event felt to experience rather than how it actually happened.

-Just start. Get more tidy with your techniques later if you like. At first, just start- Don’t focus on grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

-Write for yourself, not for anyone else.

-Keep your journal private if you prefer or share it all (although remember that once you share you can’t change what has been shared).

-However, bear in mind, that you have the right to always change your methods or change your mind. Want more juice on why journaling is so neat to do? Keep reading there’s a great amount of information for you.

4 Ways Journaling Can Improve Your Life

Journaling is one of the best ways to get your thoughts, feelings, and emotions out of your head and onto paper. Journaling is a time-proven technique that has been used by many people to improve their mental health.

Regular journaling is a great way to review, process plus inspect your life patterns, thinking, desires, along with your dreams.

Journaling helps get your thoughts, feelings, and emotions down on paper or out of your head so you can deal with them more effectively.

Journaling can also help you identify and process some of the underlying causes of your thinking processes, mindset, motivations, life goals, hopes, fears, ideas, aspirations plus past/ current mental health.

  1. Journaling can improve your mental health: Journaling can help you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s a great way to express what you’re feeling without fear of judgment or criticism.

  2. Journaling can help you understand yourself better: Writing in a diary gives you an opportunity to reflect on your thoughts and feelings in order to better understand who you are and why you do the things that you do.

  3. Journaling can be an outlet for creativity: Journaling is a great way to get your creativity flowing by expressing yourself through words instead of art or music.

  4. Journaling can assist you with recording your thoughts for therapy sessions, to aid you in knowing what questions to ask your psychic reader, to share considerations with family, a trainer, business partner, a teacher, a guru, your friends or a guide.

Why You Should Keep A Journal?

Keeping a journal is not just a healthy habit, it’s an art. It will help you to get in touch with your own thoughts and feelings. You will also be able to improve your writing skills while keeping a journal.

For instance, it’s easy to find yourself in the middle of a busy day, where everything is moving swiftly. You may find yourself feeling like you are on autopilot or have no control in the midst of situations during your day. But when you take the time to slow down, journaling can help you clear your mind and focus on what’s actually important.

Some of the best reasons to keep a journal

-Are for appreciating your life that much more, for self-love, to improve yourself, to document your life, to record your dreams, to expand your learning, to retain information, to remember things, to get organized, to make note of your progress, to plan, to write better, to expand your creativity, to make and practice art, to get better at various lessons/ studies/ techniques.

Keeping a journal is a lifehack

-Plus you can use a journaling routine to make notes of your useable lifehacks that you’ve come to know or even want to try! Regular journaling is truly an art and a science; it’s something that can be as simple or as complex as you want.

It can be a place to vent, to record thoughts and ideas. Journaling or documenting can be used as a period of time to keep track of your life. There are many reasons why you might want to keep a journal. In the rest of this post, we’ll cover several other considerations for keeping a journal in some way that are all for your benefit.

More benefits of keeping a journal

-Keeping a journal can have numerous benefits. Studies have shown that those who keep a daily journal are less stressed, more organized, and in general just happier. It also has been shown that people who keep a journal also weigh less, have fewer health concerns, and have lower cholesterol levels.

Other great reasons for keeping a journal

-Keeping a journal is an effective way to improve mental health. Studies show that people who keep a journal for at least one month at a time experience a significant decrease in anxiety, stress, and depression.

Keeping a journal can help you keep track of your goals and monitor your progress. You can also use it to create an online archive of memories or events from your life as you go, or as a creative outlet for whatever you like.

What Makes Journaling So Powerful?

Journaling is an important part of self-care. This healthy habit has the power to assist you with finding out what your motivations are or why you want what you want in life or even the reason behind why you do what you do.

Journaling is a potent process because It helps you to release pent-up emotions and to gain clarity about your thoughts. Journaling can help you to get more in touch with your inner self and make decisions that are more aligned with what you want in life.

There are many different types of journals that can be used for this purpose, such as a diary, a personal journal, or a gratitude journal.

What matters is not the type of journal or journaling format but what it’s being used for – to help you process your emotions and thoughts so that your thoughts won’t  overwhelm or control you.

How To Keep A Daily Journal For Self-Improvement And Growth?

The key to self-improvement is understanding your strengths, mistakes plus your weaknesses, or vulnerabilities. This can be achieved by keeping a daily journal.

A journal is a personal diary that records one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can also be used as a tool for self-reflection.

The most popular types of journals are the paper notebook types and also digital journal types which are often also printable for use offline.

You may already be familiar with this apparatus already as: the electronic type of journal which can be used on a mobile device such as on a smartphone/ computer and or your tablet.

Keeping a journal is an important habit for many people, especially those who are interested in personal growth or in deeper self-development.

Journaling regularly allows you to reflect on your life in some detail, which can lead to insights about what you want to change about yourself or where you want to go next in life.

The act of keeping a journal can have many benefits. This private process can allow you to reflect on your life in some further detail, which can lead to self-growth and also the realization of the importance of certain situations, memories or events. Writing things down can also help us to process difficult emotions plus old memories.

In conclusion:

-Are you wanting to journal but are still not sure if you are ready or if you can?

  • If you are thinking about beginning your journaling practice soon- Go for it!

  • If you desire to begin a journaling practice, then just start one.

  • Whatever your reservations might be don’t overthink it-forget perfection.

  • No matter what, I believe in you. If I could do it then I know, You can do it.

  • No matter what your history, background, experience, personality, or level of education is- you can do it.

  • Yes, you deserve to be able to journal and you’re certainly the boss of you.

  • Go forth, do it, be how you want to be, and do you.

  • Stay inspired.

  • Create the life you want and the one you love with journaling.

Already journaling and want to keep it up or start back regularly?

  • If you are already taking part in regular journaling then keep it up, stay with it, encourage yourself to love yourself plus go with it.

  • Yes, you deserve all the benefits and gems that come from regular journaling.

  • Give the best to your person.

  • You’ve got this. Start back any way you want or can that positively supports your lifestyle.

  • Motivate yourself to stay in the flow of actually journaling regularly. You’ve got this!

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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