Personal Transformation,  spirit guides,  Starseed wisdom

The Top 30+ Signs and Characteristics of the amazing Starseed

Blessings and welcome,

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The Top 30+ Signs and Characteristics of the amazing Starseed

First, how many types of starseeds are there?

There are many types of Starseeds which we will discuss here as a whole😁. Some starseed types you may have heard of are:

The, Lyrans, Apollonians, Sirians, Pleiadians, Orion’s, Avian, Incarnated angel, Arcturians, Andromedans

Here are a good number of starseed characteristics

  • Starseeds have a very compelling sense that their own life’s work in life if also tied to the divine universal mind or Source or God.

  • Starseeds shine bright with their expressions of themselves. They are ⭐️ stars ✨ in their own right. They always have the ability to light up a room with their vibrational presence.

  • Some Starseeds truly have a knowing of who they really are. They can have powers to be able to decipher energy and vibration, heal people and even animals, read minds, dramatically change their look, dream about what will happen ahead of time, sense the best time to take action, influence people psychically, speak to the deceased, see into the so called future, pick up new skills overnight, move things with their mind, change the course of their life with only their mind (anyone can do this with awareness)

  • Starseeds can be quite intelligent and fast learners.

  • Several starseeds don’t remember a thing about why they feel such a sense of responsibility to earth and it’s people so powerfully.

  • Starseeds have a naturally occurring sense and pull from within to help, teach, support and heal others in need of care.

  • Starseeds are drawn to specializing in metaphysics, holistic healing, working around nature, art, creating, animals, children, teaching, able to motivate people, being a journalist on your own, writing, astrology, numerology, tarot, divination, minimalism, community, ancestors, the occult, alchemy, dreams, fashion, channeling, divine love, witchcraft, wizardry, healthy or balanced eating.

  • Starseeds aren’t afraid of diving into themselves to learn what they are and what they came here to do. They have a inner pull to show the world their powers. Through your creative inspired creations and art you will!

  • Can communicate with one another using star languages along with telepathy.

  • As a result of constantly changing and transforming themselves overall, they are often taken the wrong way. Once starseeds learn that they aren’t their body- they eventually get comfortable with shifting almost everything About themselves including their looks, beliefs, mindset, vibration, skill sets, diet, lifestyle, goals, friends and even their past history.

  • Starseeds are already equipped with the skills and tools to do their labor of love work of rebalancing the planet and people of earth. They have all their psychic senses open.

  • Starseeds are impressive intuitives, psychics, seers, healers, empaths, teachers, scientists, artists and even inventors.

  • Starseeds are often rebels of the status quo, mainstream establishment and prefer to make their own way in life.

  • The starseed is a Master builder, a tremendous creator, a blended being.

  • Many Starseeds choose to help others before helping themselves until they learn how to shift this idea that they always have to be supporting others even if it means forgetting about themselves.

  • Starseeds sometimes feel an urge to pull away from what it’s always known to learn new lessons to expand and grow.

  • Starseeds often come from chaotic childhood situations.

  • Also starseeds can usually have some sort of special powers that they can’t explain how they got them.

  • The wound is where the light enters you: By. Unknown

    The chaotic beliefs, experiences and events in life that took place often stayed trapped into the body and into the organs. This causes all kinds of anxiety, negative thoughts, procrastination, low energy and more…

In order for Starseeds to assist others and earth properly, they need to go heal themselves first then come out to heal others.

One effective way that starseeds can heal themselves is to learn Inner child and self love healing. Various starseeds could have dealt with really rough childhood or situations that transformed them forever!

  • Very often the special memory of a starseed and what they remember can either be at one extreme or another. A starseed can often have issues with remembering their childhood to any great degree. Or they many remember way to much of it- where they may still consider themselves to be the same person they were when they were little. Or the starseed May always live their life based on beliefs and rules from when they were just 5 years old or below.
  • As a result of not remembering what they as starseeds actually they are they feel stuck in life. Stuck in a huge web of feeling too much (empathy), and also feeling imprisioned behind a negative self image from the chaotic or rough childhood or even a adverse situation or event.

  • These beings are sleeping geniuses from the stars who are preprogrammed to wake up from their earthly sleep as they grow more mature in age.

  • It’s been said that all starseeds have this inner timer set to go off for then to wake up on their own too.

  • Also important to note: There are other starseeds who are waiting for their wake up call without their knowledge for another awakened starseed to come snap them out of their early temporary sleep.

  • Starseeds should study, practice and visualize themselves succeeding at their goals. Whatever they need to accomplish can be . But also practicing by imaging yourself doing the thing you want to learn to perform with confidence plus proficiency. Starseeds should definitely have some hands on practice in what they want to get good at🙏🏾. They will be amazed at how fasts they can recall their many skills and super powers.

  • This is so the starseeds can come together to complete and fulfill their highest mission. Their highest missions tend to be to drop as much wisdom as possible, leave mental gems for the masses to reflect on, to leave resources, links back to themselves so as they learn to wake up the masses of the world would know how to save themselves from the lies.

  • After all Starseeds eventually come to know that the real Secret of secrets is that we are Eternal beings and we will never stop being this way.

  • As divine beings and starseeds we are here to open our hearts as wide as we can in all the ways we are inspired to! We do this in order to etch in pieces and deep wondrous clues of the divine source plus it’s never ending existence.

  • As starseeds continue to give birth to balance in their lives we can proudly stand by to watch as our clear harmonious mission continues to shine and be fulfilled each time a person recalls that he or she is in fact source itself in the Flesh!

  • Starseeds are naturally mysterious, alien like, intense and intriguing.

  • As a starseed myself my person (this entire body I’m in) or (my spaceship) is what you see when you look at me💪🏽.

  • As a starseed you are learning that people are not exactly what you see. Instead you will learn how we are from both everywhere and nowhere.

  • You may already know this, or you’ll come to see that we are from the stars.

  • As a starseed it’s easy to forget your way because the way is not seen with the eyes. The real way is felt in your heart. Remember the revolution will not be televised honey. It’s to be realized by you!

  • Starseeds will commonly find themselves saying they once forgot their higher purpose. Now they see why they came to help bring balance and healing to the planet. While also remembering who they are.

  • For a true starseed there is a pull to fulfill the universal cosmic purpose of the All in All.

  • This is also my own personal directive as well as my passion and joy.

  • Dear starseeds, this blog is my contribution to fellow starseeds who have set out to heal, recover, unlock, and recall who they are!

  • As true starseeds from the void in the sky, we have our missions. If you have forgotten your mission then ask yourself two questions for clarity then meditate and journal on these two questions about you. You can find it here…

You’ve made it to the end my friend

If you actually took the time to read this blog post all the way down to here then yey!

Remember that once you as a starseed wakes up from sleep you will be more determined than ever.

You won’t quit what you’re working on until you win at it! When you switch yourself on starseed you will change the world easily!

You’ve reached the end of the blog. You’re most likey a starseed or you’re probably friends with one.

Thank you for your desire to see the world be a better place.

There’s more support

If you can use some assistance on your journey from a boss starseed like me then I do offer one on one sessions. The session I offer in person and at a distance to help you get from where you are to a higher level with the help of your spirit guides we can do it!

Share your stories, let us all connect!

If you’re a starseed and would like to share your wins and struggles as a starseed so that others can avoid the same obstacles-then please drop a comment below and we’ll reply to all who share⭐️⭐️⭐️.

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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