easy psychic mediumship for starseeds,  IMPROVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER,  Intuition,  journaling and writing,  Personal Transformation

Psychic Journal Prompts: Heal, Bless and Improve Your Life With Your Own Psychic Medium Power

This Cheat code or hack changed my life


Ever since I was a young girl I wanted to write consistently. I have always been a bit of a nerd. You don’t have to be a nerd like me in order to make a decision to keep a record of what you’re learning, aware of, digesting, awakening into As you journey through awakening your psychic power.

You can journal regularly though as I find this is an awesome help on the psychic mediumship development journey!

Use journaling to make a record of what you’re doing and where you’re going. Or what you want to achieve as an intuitive. Maybe you have experience in journaling already. You will know instantly I feel that journaling your thoughts, experiences and feelings in the development of your psychic skills is only going to aid you.

For me, I’m glad I started to journal. There were many thoughts and feelings that I wanted to process. I started working in my journals then I learned how to stop feeling as if I didn’t know what to do. I was able to go back and back once again. Right there, to my little composition book. Where I retraced over the pages to absorb any messages that I may need to grasp at another time.

Journaling helped me to embrace myself. Just like I am. Flaws and all. Hopefully, you’ll join me on this fantastic journey! Give yourself permission to trust and believe in yourself. In your potential for greatness.

Grab and Use this cost-free list of Psychic Journal Prompts today.

Use them to zoom in on your strongest abilities.

Once You figure out Your psychic medium abilities and powers.

This will change your life in magical ways! 

Whoa, what a treat.

Don’t even take my words for it.

I’ll let you have the journaling prompts.

Below Grab and Use this cost-free list of psychic journal prompts Today.

Use them to zoom in on your strongest abilities.

Keep records of your progress in your journal.

Genuinely WIN at Life!

Once You figure out Your psychic medium abilities and powers.

This will change your life in magical ways!


Crack the code!

Figure Out Your Own Amazing Psychic Medium Power.


This helpful hack will serve You and help you get clear

on the best way to tune into your psychic medium powers.


Also, If you can use some self-love, discipline, and inner courage.

You’re here for a reason.

Don’t you know the amount of money you make and how you feel …

are tied together? Yep, they are.

What’s the connection?

Here it is: Depending on

How worthy you feel is also tied to your self-worth and self-image.

This is why journaling and writing regularly is a key I’ll show you.

I have seen amazing things happen through

Regular Mindful

Intuitive Journaling.

It’s neat, You can check it for yourself!

I’ve been researching for a while.

Journaling has been shown to enhance the self-image very rapidly.

What a dynamic solution!

Also pairing self-image journaling with developing your intuition at the same time!

It’s delightful!

You can only win with that combo!

Whoa, what a treat. Don’t even take my words for it.

At this level in the course

Of the Psychic Mediumship Power Awakening online course, we want to dig in deeper. To connect the dots within the course. Going back to the Trust and Believe portion of the course.

OK as of today, If I was to ask you if you feel as if you Trust your psychic mediumship power more than when you started the course. You may more than likely feel better about your abilities.

However, for many of you. It will take a bit more time and practice before you can see the reason or point to Trust and Believe in Psychic Power. That’s alright that some of you may not feel as though you’re still not completely ready.

Here’s an Easy Hack

Psychic Mediumship Power is going to develop in the correct proportion for you. The only thing about it is that you can’t fake your trust or belief in the unseen power. You cannot make it up either. Since you will only find that It won’t work that way either.

However, one thing I have learned from a lovely Psychic that has already passed away is this: That your belief in psychic mediumship power holds a reminder as to how much actual psychic mediumship power you can develop. 

The faster you develop your belief in psychic mediumship power. I feel the faster your own psychic mediumship skills will come forth for you.

Don’t feel like you can trust and believe just yet?

Think about this: Each day of your life you go to the mailbox, you wash clothes, you take showers or baths, pick up the phone to make calls and receive calls. What do all these things have in common? It’s easy! What they have in common is that you and people all over the world actually believe and trust and expect various elements, things, and stuff to work when you reach out to use them.

Over the years you have grown to trust the dishwasher to work, or the handbag you carry over your shoulder to be strong enough to carry your things. You get on the computer to send and receive things. You expect, know and trust things to work. Now to transfer that level of trust and belief to your psychic mediumship development.

Trust and Believe. Sure, It sounds easy enough.

How can you actually do this? To carry us from trust and believe to Be receptive and let go. There is just one thing we should do to seal the beginning of the course in order to move forward successfully.

Now I will ask you to use the very word we just added into the course to get you from the stage Trust and Believe to Be Receptive and Let Go. Are you ready for the word? I feel this is sooo important because the spirit guides gave me this to add. It fits in so well too. Spirit knows how to make things way more easier. That’s why Spirit is my favorite teammate.

The word is Expect.

How can you come to expect your Psychic Mediumship power to kick in whenever you want it to? What’s one step you can take to see that you will allow this to happen for you. Or when you need it to?

Just like you have learned to trust and believe in other beliefs about life. You will be able to learn another. There are so many different beliefs that we trust. As Abraham Hicks has said, A positive or negative thought is just a belief that you keep thinking. Each belief can be altered, replaced, reprogrammed or changed.

You already have access to psychic mediumship skills. They are already within you. You just have to realize them. The amazing thing is that as human beings. We have the ability to cultivate what we want. That’s why I have faith in the fact that you can wield your own intuitive powers. You can do it because being intuitive is already a large part of who you are.

Before we received the bodies that we have now. We used to be purely ethereal in our existence and in so-called manifested physical form. That was so long ago for us because.

It is said this time of us having another body shape was when the planet earth had gases, there was no gravity like there is on the planet now. Plus it has been said that other elements were also present then to where we could survive in the lucid ethereal forms we were before we had these denser bodies.

If you think about it. We don’t have a form now. We are the source… we are not the body. This is one of the most amazing findings that I learned back when I was studying the Metu Neter Book 3. That we are infinite beings. That we have the power to be, do and have the life we desire as well.


As a divine co-creator,

It’s great that you can pause working on your psychic skills as many people have done over the years. However, something keeps calling to you. You can sense that you are tuning into something. You feel a connection. And naturally, you’re wanting to be more of who you are. So you are here in this course to remember how to be what you already are.

As I once learned from a great teacher. You cannot mess up your gifts, for they are always with you. It’s up to you. When you want to. When you feel more ready to. I honor you. Right where you are. You are right where you need to be. Thanks for being here again. 

Can You Feel it?

OK, so You may not feel like a divine being just yet. Maybe you only feel like a limited human. That’s a good place to grow from. It’s cool. We will continue to move upwards positively as much as possible from there.

Right now, I want you to think about your experiences with the lessons of psychic power and mediumship.

What has been the biggest challenge for you?

Do you care about what other people think about you developing yourself this way?

Do you find yourself feeling uncomfortable about developing your psychic mediumship skills?

Why do you feel this is?

Explore in your journal

Grab a journal or some paper with something to write with. This is a quick exercise to see where you are at the moment in your psychic mediumship development. Take a second or two to think about this then write down why you think you feel the way you feel about developing your intuitive skills?

Have you watched too many horror films? Now you feel afraid of using your psychic mediumship power? Or did you grow up with a religious family or in very controlled surroundings?

Where you were judged or prohibited to use or learn about intuition, psychic, magick, empathic or mediumship power or gifts? Or have you ever felt properly supported in your psychic mediumship growth process ever or before now?

You’ve tried everything

Nothing seems to work. Can you Trust and Believe in You? It really all starts from there. More belief will follow as you believe in Yourself. The moment you start to believe and trust in something you begin to allow it more into your life.

Ok, I know how challenging it can be to not be able to trust and believe in your psychic mediumship skills. Because I dealt with a whole lot of that too. I used to do thousands of readings for myself to check to see if I was just imaging things or not.

Yes, I was pretty obsessive with performing readings. It’s helped each time. Plus I had to find my own way as I studied. My personal connection to spirit. I had to find a connection to know what I was doing. I had to make up a routine for myself to work with.

I had to show up and give the best reading I could each time. I learned with each reading that I did. Just how critical life can be and even seem. How can we ask someone else to believe in us if we won’t?

Whenever I’m working with my psychic power

Each time I begin to give readings. I have to be sure to do certain steps prior to performing a reading. Which is why I have some exercises that can help you feel more confident learning your intuitive gifts. One of them is something we do when we’re having fun. I’ll tell you later. I have at least 3 examples that I have utilized myself.

Reason being, this gives me a chance to connect to a higher power than just me. This is this added assurance that I am sure to offer to my clients.

I feel this is important, so much because. That way I can trust my process. Being able to trust my process has been quite important for me. You see, much of the time when I was offering psychic readings at the beginning for myself at first only. Before I could work with other people. I had to learn how to trust my sources of power first. Plus in my innerstanding of what I was wanted my results to be.

There’s a Way

Here are some tools, daily routines, healthy habits, supportive self-love practices that helped me to awaken my psychic power.

1. Daily Tarot pulls mixed with some… (tell you soon)- This is something huge that actually worked for me in psychic mediumship development was to do particular action each and every day. The exercise is called a daily tarot pull. At this part of the course, this will help you begin to learn which gifts you have ready right now or need to grow? The act of pulling a card each day is something that helps train your eyes, mind, and awareness to look at what matters and ignore what doesn’t as well.

2. Meditation helped significantly!

3. Pranayama or Deep Breathing- One thing that really helped me is to work with my dear spirit guides. Why spirit guides though? Because when I needed a teacher to work with me at 2 am in the morning. I was able to call my precious guides to walk me through some pretty confusing moments. My guides often talked to me too. They let me know what I was hearing, picking up on, sensing. I am glad they have been there for me. I have seen many lessons and growth during the entire transformation on my path.

4. Reiki and Qi gong helped too

5. Affirmations, positive thinking, and gratitude

6. Keep a psychic mediumship journal.

Overcome your disbelief

The tools I listed above have helped me tremendously with moving into my power! First I began to consider that I had a chance to be a psychic medium. I began to believe a bit at that point that it has to be possible for me to develop myself since other people have.

Which meant that I could too! Once I learned how to break the pattern of doubting myself I began to connect better to give better readings to myself and others. You see, I learned how to trust and believe in what I was wanting to be skilled in. Also, I was led to another life cheat code or hack.

Use your psychic team

To Be receptive and let go means to allow yourself to receive. Allow your spirit guides to assist you. Let them write back and forth to you in your journal through automatic writing.

This is one way I worked with my guides closely at the beginning of my psychic intuitive journey. More on automatic writing or channeling messages from spirit later in the course. Back to the story.

On Journaling with spirit

Or Automatic writing. My guides used this method to chat with me often. Especially when they wanted me to let go, to trust the process of working with source.

Spirit has always been on point. So I learned to trust and believe in the power for myself through experience and practice. And when I did: My money, my love life, my family life, my energy, my health, my self-love, and self-belief, plus the luck in life that I was getting, including everything good in my life continues to grow so positive, amazing and huge!

Let’s see

Are you a psychic, intuitive, medium, empath, starseed, indigo or a rainbow? I promise we’ll explore these to see where you fit into this picture. With your psychic powers you can do almost anything.

Whenever you think back to certain shows or films. You can watch as these TV shows depict their characters having superpowers. If you have a Look at some of the fantasy, paranormal, young adult movies and many more. You can see actors play parts in these shows as if they actually have certain powers.

Shows like Black Lightning, Charmed, Heros, The Magicians plus the show called Luke Cage are just some of the shows where the characters all have special powers.

You often can find several examples of each of the characters in the movies having all these different powers they are able to work with. Some of the characters that may have these special powers on or film are vampires, a witch, a wizard, a werewolf.

The cool thing is that psychic mediumship powers are something that each person on earth has the ability to utilize for themselves. As the people wake up to who they are…this turning on of psychic skills can happen in unlimited combinations and quantities.

What you may have found or you soon will is that. Each and every person may have some psychic skills then at times, not others. How about you?

Grab your journal. Then Ask yourself these questions to get a feel as to what your Esp signature maybe.

1.What psychic powers do you use?

2. Can you hear or see from beings that are not able to be seen by the naked eye?

3. Can you see spirits at all?

4. Can spirits see you?

5. What’s your most dominant psychic power?

6. What can you do or grow in yourself to be better at using your psychic skills?

7. Do you feel you’re a psychic, intuitive, or medium?

Alright, now which psychic skills are you developing?

There are many variations of Extra Sensory Perception. Don’t worry if you can’t see your gifts on the list yet? You will.

What are your psychic powers? Just take a moment to consider this. Are you a psychic that can see visions? Are you someone that can’t see spirits or speak to them? Some people will be able to smell spirits but can’t speak to them or hear them.

In the course, we are ready for each and every scenario because we know you have many psychic skills available to you. But we want to awaken the skills that you have a personal connection with.

The spirit guides will help with all of this. No worries. There are some psychics that will be empaths, mediums and intuitives too. There can be almost any combination of these. Let’s see what we can come up with together.

One more vital topic is the area of Parapsychology is the study of paranormal and psychic phenomena, including telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims.

Since this field deals with the unseen it has at times been identified as pseudoscience by a vast majority of some of the so-called mainstream scientists.

Parapsychology research is largely conducted by private institutions in several countries and funded through private donations. Although, not too many years ago the subject rarely appeared in mainstream science journals.

Most papers about parapsychology are published in a small number of niche journals. For many years there have been researchers and scientists and visionaries who have searched the world for evidence of psychic abilities and phenomena.

As of today, There is research to prove that Parapsychology is onto something. Intuitive people could have let them know. We certainly know because we are living it now! So, yes! By your very presence in this online course. There is a such thing as psychic abilities.

A very long time ago, it was once said that the Parapsychology field has been critiqued often for continuing investigations despite not being properly represented.

Plus there was an issue some folks said with being unable to provide enough conclusive and convincing evidence for the existence of any psychic phenomena. Now after more than a century of research you can look up some of this ESP research.

During this course, I will show some clear evidence for ya. Plus if you need more validation on just how can you learn to Be receptive and Let go to trust your psychic powers…

Let this help. Think about the fact that you are here currently participating in a psychic mediumship awakening online course. Look at this magic!

Just by you signing up, This reveals the possibility of psychic mediumship powers really being a thing. Plus I do this work full-time. I do work as a Psychic Medium. I work with hundreds of clients all over the world. And so can you. Also, my longest client happens to be a very successful Psychic Medium in her own right. Stay with me here.

Seriously, It’s remarkable just how many variations of an intuitive person there is. This is a lengthy list. Where do you fit in? Which abilities do you resonate with from this list below? Drop a comment if you like. All of us would love to know.

Here’s a list of psychic abilities

which the amazing field of Parapsychology

acknowledges as

Extra Sensory Perception or ESP.

When you have a second or two.

Simply go down this psychic abilities list.


Use each psychic ability listed next to the bullet points.

As you go down the list of Esp abilities ask yourself which ones resonate with you.

Which ones do you have now, use or would like to develop?

Grap your journal to write your musings, inspirations, thoughts,

and reflections. 

Review this long list of possible psychic abilities that have been

listed as legit abilities that people can develop or access within themselves.

Alright, take out your psychic Journal if you need to. 

It’s time to journal and write about the specific psychic medium abilities that you feel a strong connection to.


There is a list to use that will help you to see the amazing vastness of psychic mediumship.

Also, think about which ones you already have, need to awaken more or which ones have you seen other people have, or which ones would you like to have?

For you,

Here is the list of Intuitive Psychic Medium Journaling Prompts with their respective dictionary meanings:

Yay you really made it to the list.


Consider the questions that follow.

Then write your thoughts, inner reflections into your journal.

Keep it simple.

If this special training has been helpful to you.

But you want more…

And You want to dive deeper into awakening your own unique intuitive gifts,

plus you’d like to digest just how to develop and benefit from psychic gifts.

I feel you! 

If you’re interested in learning more about being an empath, psychic, medium and an intuitive cool! 

Ok, I have just the thing.

It’s the full online course which you can check out here.


Here is the full list of Intuitive Psychic Medium Journaling Prompts with their respective dictionary meanings for you to use in your personal journaling practice:


The first psychic medium ability is known as Apportation. This one is magical it seems to me. Would you like to have The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object?

Have you experienced Astral projection or mental projection?

This one is The ability to voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.

Can you see auras? Would you be able to see one on the spot? –

To see auras is: The ability to perceive “energy fields” surrounding people, places, and things.

Automatic writing is something to…

It’s The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.

I think Clairaudience is…

It’s The ability to acquire information by paranormal auditory means.

Claircognizance is a gift to use for?

It’s The ability to acquire psychic knowledge by means of intrinsic knowledge.

Clairgustance is a psychic gift that…

It’s The ability to taste without physical contact. 

This Clairolfactance gift is cool because?

It’s known as The ability to access spiritual or mediumistic knowledge through smell.

Clairsentience is one to take note of. This one will lead you to the Source of who we are, and how we are here, and why we exist.

This one ability is known as just knowing. Clairsentience is The ability to psychically acquire intrinsic knowledge. What are your thoughts on this one?

Have you used any Clairvoyance?

What do you make of it? Does it inspire you to envision your dreams?

Clairvoyance is said to be- The ability to perceive people, objects, locations, or physical events via extrasensory perception.

Have you or someone you know ever used the ability of Conjuration in your life and how?

This ability allows you to be able to materialize physical objects from thin air.

Divination is an…

Ability to gain insight into a situation using tools, symbolism, the universe. The power of GOD is often enlisted each time and or spirits will assist. Performing divination means to gain insight, meaning by way of psychic ability. Using methods and ideas of mysticism or occult means.

Get your answers quick with Dowsing! You can do Dowsing with divination too. Some people call dowsing working with a pendulum.

Its known as The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.

Energy flows through everything there is. Which brings us to Energy manipulation or energy work

This one is The ability to manipulate physical or non-physical energy with one’s mind.

Energy medicine: The ability to heal with one’s own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy.

Flow like the coolness of Water. Water in Psychic abilities is this: Hydrokinesis. The ability to manipulate water with the mind. 

Rise high with the ability of Levitation or transvection. A neat one to have happens to be The ability to float or fly by mystical means. What about this one stands out to you?

Open up and Allow it. The power of Mediumship or channeling can come in handy. Have you used it? This one is well known by many. It’s The ability to communicate with spirits.

Very helpful in psychic medium readings is this one: Precognition or premonition: The ability to perceive future events.

How would this ability help someone? It’s the gift of Prophecy which is The ability to predict the future.

In Reiki training, Psychic surgery can come up quite often. It’s known as The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an “energetic” incision that heals immediately afterward.

Who wants this one or has this one? Why is this one inspirational for you? It’s called: Psychokinesis or telekinesis. The ability to manipulate objects with the mind.

Have you heard of Psychic Detectives? This is one of the psychic gifts they may use in their work. Maybe you want to develop the abilities of this Psychometry or psychoscopy which is The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.

Wow, have you known someone who could do Pyrokinesis? What’s this one beneficial for? It’s known as The ability to create and manipulate fire with the mind. Write about that one…if it strikes your fancy.

Another powerful psychic gift is known as Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing. The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.

How can an ability like this be helpful to someone? This one is Retrocognition or post-cognition: The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.

Have you or someone else had Second sight? This Second sight is The ability to see future and past events or to perceive information that is not present to the physical senses, in the form of a vision (precognition or remote viewing, via a seer).

Scrying is helpful to the world because? Scrying is The ability to look into a suitable medium with your eyes to view details, messages, and insights. Also to detect significant information.

Telepathy is a psychic gift that gives The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally. It’s been said that we each use this ability regularly. 

Wow, have you ever thought of this one? How would you or could you use something known as Thoughtography. This ability is The ability to imprint images from one’s mind onto physical surfaces—such as photographic film—by psychic means.


If you actually made it to the end of this mini-course!

Once you have completed this special part of the Psychic Mediumship course.


I do hope this has helped to advance your overstanding of psychic mediumship in some good way. 

Thank you ahead of time for sharing your feedback, comments and takeaways below. Your comments are important. 

Hi beautiful! My name is Queen Sereda and I am the director and co-creator of the website, Naturally High Life and Queen Sereda. I live in Colorado with my loving family currently. I’m a writer, Artist, Intuitive Life Transformation Counselor and a balanced life enthusiast. I began the websites I have as a way to share my appreciation for life, spiritual experiences, intuitive readings, channeled intuitive art and mindfulness tips. I also offer my readers intuitive readings through the website to help readers to deeply connect with their own passion, destiny, purpose and life path. As a child and now an adult, All my life- I constantly felt led by my ancestors, spirit guides and angels. My purpose for creating this course is so that you will also have a chance to experience the tremendous blessings of communicating with Divine Spirit. Why should you take my course? I work as a team with my spirit guides to channel my higher self. I've been working with Spirit for over 20 years constantly. I enjoy learning daily and enjoying life! In my work, I work with brilliant heart centered women. I assist them with gaining personal life clarity and connecting to a deeper understanding of their life purpose. My goal is to assist with aligning you with your own spiritual life clarity and truth using simple steps designed to nourish your successful personal transformation. To your success! Queen Sereda

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